/usr/share/ntop/python/sankey.py is in ntop-data 3:5.0.1+dfsg1-2.2ubuntu1.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
file sankey.py
author Tranchida Giulio, No Matricola 241732\n
Si dichiara che il contenuto di questo file e',
in ogni sua parte, opera originale dell'autore.\n\n
version 1.0
copyright (C) 2011 Tranchida Giulio under GNU Public License v2.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
import json, cgi
import sys, time, socket
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
import urllib2
# ntop interface
import interface
import ntop
class Flow:
def __init__(self):
self.time = time.time();
self.archi = {} # Ricerca per coppie di nodi
self.form = cgi.FieldStorage()
self.host = {} # Ricerca per singolo host (ordinamento per dimensione del flusso)
self.l4 = set() # Ricerca per layer 4
self.l7 = set() # Ricerca per layer 7
self.l4selected = self.form.getlist('layer4[]') # Protocolli layer4 selezionati dall'utente
self.l7selected = self.form.getlist('layer7[]') # Protocolli layer7 selezionati dall'utente
self.maxhost = int(self.form.getvalue('maxhost', default=16)) # Massimo numero di host da vis...
self.source = self.form.getvalue('source') #
self.target = self.form.getvalue('target') #
self.hostselected = self.form.getvalue('hostselected[]')
if(not((self.hostselected == "") or (self.hostselected == None))):
self.hostselected = urllib2.unquote(self.hostselected)
# Performance tweaks
archi = self.archi
sourceip = self.source
targetip = self.target
host = self.host
layer4_add = self.l4.add
layer7_add = self.l7.add
hostselected = self.hostselected
l4selected = self.l4selected
l7selected = self.l7selected
if sourceip and targetip:
flows = interface.dumpHostRawFlows(sourceip)
flows = interface.dumpHostRawFlows(hostselected)
if not flows:
# print >> sys.stderr, "flows is null"
for line in flows:
dati = line.strip('\n').split("|")
source = dati[0]
target = dati[1]
outBytes = int(dati[2])
inBytes = int(dati[3])
protocol4 = dati[4]
protocol7 = dati[5]
# Creo la lista di tutti gli host
host[source] += outBytes+inBytes
except KeyError:
host[source] = outBytes+inBytes
host[target] += outBytes+inBytes
except KeyError:
host[target] = outBytes+inBytes
# Un ulteriore filtro su i dati d'ingresso puo' essere effettuato
# se si e' definita una sorgente/destinazione di un flusso
if sourceip and targetip:
if ((not (sourceip == source and targetip == target)) and
(not (sourceip == target and targetip == source))):
# Una volta definito il sottoinsieme di protocolli layer 4 / layer 5
# che si vuole visualizzare si scartera' in fase di creazione della
# struttura dati i protocolli che non ci interessa valutare.
if l4selected and protocol4 not in l4selected: continue
if l7selected and protocol7 not in l7selected: continue
# Seleziono i flussi che appartengono solo ad un singolo host
if hostselected and hostselected != source and hostselected != target:
# Struttura dati per coppia di nodi
# Evitiamo di costruire un grafo con cicli (il grafico non li supporta)
if source > target:
data = archi[(source, target)]
data[0] += outBytes+inBytes
data[1] += outBytes
data[2] += inBytes
proto4 = data[3][protocol4]
proto4[0] += outBytes+inBytes
proto5 = proto4[1][protocol7];
proto5[0] += outBytes+inBytes
proto5[1] += outBytes
proto5[2] += inBytes
except KeyError:
proto4[1][protocol7] = [outBytes+inBytes, outBytes, inBytes]
except KeyError:
data[3][protocol4] = [outBytes+inBytes,
{protocol7:[outBytes+inBytes, outBytes, inBytes]}]
except KeyError:
archi[(source, target)] = [outBytes+inBytes, outBytes, inBytes,
{protocol7:[outBytes+inBytes, outBytes, inBytes]}]}]
elif source < target:
data = archi[(target, source)]
data[0] += outBytes+inBytes
data[1] += inBytes
data[2] += outBytes
proto4 = data[3][protocol4]
proto4[0] += outBytes+inBytes
proto5 = proto4[1][protocol7];
proto5[0] += outBytes+inBytes
proto5[1] += inBytes
proto5[2] += outBytes
except KeyError:
proto4[1][protocol7] = [outBytes+inBytes, inBytes, outBytes]
except KeyError:
data[3][protocol4] = [outBytes+inBytes,
{protocol7:[outBytes+inBytes, inBytes, outBytes]}]
except KeyError:
archi[(target, source)] = [outBytes+inBytes, inBytes, outBytes,
{protocol7:[outBytes+inBytes, inBytes, outBytes]}]}]
else: # Connessioni loopback (non supportate dal grafico)
# --- chiusura ciclo for ---------------------------------------------------
# ----- fine costrutore di classe -------------------------------------------------------
def json(self, nodes, links, metadata):
metadata['time'] = "%.3f sec" % (time.time() - self.time)
result = {'nodes':[{'name':el} for el in nodes], 'links':links, 'metadata':metadata}
return json.dumps(result, sort_keys=False, indent=4)
# Host to Host graph (First view)
def getjsondata(self):
if self.form.has_key('source') and self.form.has_key('target'):
return self.drawzoom()
nodes = [] # Lista di tutti i nodi senza duplicati
links = [] # Lista di tutti i link
metadata = {} # metainformazioni
# Performance tweaks
l4 = self.l4
l7 = self.l7
l4selected = self.l4selected
l7selected = self.l7selected
nodes_index = nodes.index
nodes_append = nodes.append
links_append = links.append
archiordinati = self.archi.items()
archiordinati.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # worst case O(n(log n))
l4 = sorted(l4)
l7 = sorted(l7)
hostordinati = self.host.items()
hostordinati.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
if not l4selected: l4selected = l4
if not l7selected: l7selected = l7
# Creo i nodi (host)
for ind in archiordinati[0:self.maxhost]:
newind = list(ind[0])
[nodes_append(index) for index in newind if index not in nodes]
# Q. Quali dell due espressioni e' preferibile usare ??
# ovvero quante volte viane valutata l'espressione list(ind[0]) ??
# [nodes_append(index) for ind in archiordinati[0:self.maxhost] for index in list(ind[0]) if index not in nodes]
# Creo gli archi
for ind in archiordinati[0:self.maxhost]:
newindex = list(ind[0])
if (ind[1][1]>0):
if (ind[1][2]>0):
metadata = {'zoom':0, 'unit':'bytes',
'layer4':[el for el in l4],
'layer4selected':[el for el in l4selected],
'layer7':[el for el in l7],
'layer7selected':[el for el in l7selected],
'hostlist':[el[0] for el in hostordinati[0:self.maxhost]],
'hostselected': urllib2.quote(self.hostselected) }
return self.json(nodes, links, metadata)
# Host to Layer 4 to Host (Second view)
def drawzoom(self):
nodes = [] # Lista di tutti i nodi senza duplicati
links = [] # Lista di tutti i link
metadata = {} # metainformazioni
doall = False
# Performance tweaks
archi = self.archi
source = self.source
target = self.target
l7selected = self.l7selected
nodes_index = nodes.index
nodes_append = nodes.append
links_append = links.append
l7selected_append = self.l7selected.append
# Recupero i nodi del livello 4
layer4ordinato = archi[(source, target)][3].items()
layer4ordinato.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
# Inserisco i nodi genitori (gli host)
# aggiungo la lista dei nodi (il layer 4)
[nodes_append(index[0]) for index in layer4ordinato]
for index in layer4ordinato:
protocol7 = archi[(source, target)][3][index[0]][1]
layer7ordinato = protocol7.items()
layer7ordinato.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
# Se nessun layer e' selezionato li aggiungo tutti
if doall:
[l7selected_append(index2[0]) for index2 in layer7ordinato]
if not l7selected:
[l7selected_append(index2[0]) for index2 in layer7ordinato]
doall = True
for index2 in layer7ordinato[0:self.maxhost]:
if index2[0] not in l7selected: continue
# Recupero i byte in uscita
if (index2[1][1]>0):
'source':nodes_index(source), 'target':nodes_index(index[0]),
'layer4':index[0], 'layer7':index2[0],
'value':(index2[1][1]), 'direction':1})
'source':nodes_index(index[0]), 'target':nodes_index(target),
'layer4':index[0], 'layer7':index2[0],
'value':(index2[1][1]), 'direction':1})
# Recupero i byte in ingresso
if (index2[1][2]>0):
'source':nodes_index(source), 'target':nodes_index(index[0]),
'layer4':index[0], 'layer7':index2[0],
'value':(index2[1][2]), 'direction':0})
'source':nodes_index(index[0]), 'target':nodes_index(target),
'layer4':index[0], 'layer7':index2[0],
'value':(index2[1][2]), 'direction':0})
metadata = {'zoom':1, 'unit':'bytes',
'layer7':[el for el in self.l7],
'layer7selected':[el for el in l7selected]}
return self.json(nodes, links, metadata)
flows = Flow()
ntop.sendString("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n")
ntop.sendString("Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\n")
# Esempio
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ '''