/usr/bin/mlbplay.py is in mlbviewer 2015.sf.1-2.
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from MLBviewer import *
import os
import sys
import re
import curses
import curses.textpad
import select
import datetime
import subprocess
import time
import pickle
import copy
def padstr(s,num):
if len(str(s)) < num:
p = num - len(str(s))
return ' '*p + s
return s
def check_bool(userinput):
if userinput in ('0', '1', 'True', 'False'):
return eval(userinput)
# This section prepares a dict of default settings and then loads
# the configuration file. Any setting defined in the configuration file
# overwrites the defaults defined here.
# Note: AUTHDIR, AUTHFILE, etc are defined in MLBviewer/mlbtv.py
myconfdir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],AUTHDIR)
myconf = os.path.join(myconfdir,AUTHFILE)
mydefaults = {'speed': DEFAULT_SPEED,
'video_player': DEFAULT_V_PLAYER,
'audio_player': DEFAULT_A_PLAYER,
'audio_follow': [],
'alt_audio_follow': [],
'video_follow': [],
'blackout': [],
'favorite': [],
'use_color': 0,
'adaptive_stream': 1,
'favorite_color': 'cyan',
'bg_color': 'xterm',
'show_player_command': 0,
'debug': 0,
'x_display': '',
'top_plays_player': '',
'use_librtmp': 0,
'use_nexdef': 0,
'condensed' : 0,
'nexdef_url': 0,
'adaptive_stream': 1,
'zdebug' : 0,
'time_offset': ''}
mycfg = MLBConfig(mydefaults)
# initialize some defaults
startdate = None
teamcodes_help = "\n" +\
"Valid teamcodes are:" + "\n" +\
"\n" +\
" 'ana', 'ari', 'atl', 'bal', 'bos', 'chc', 'cin', 'cle', 'col',\n" +\
" 'cws', 'det', 'mia', 'hou', 'kc', 'la', 'mil', 'min', 'nym',\n" +\
" 'nyy', 'oak', 'phi', 'pit', 'sd', 'sea', 'sf', 'stl', 'tb',\n" +\
" 'tex', 'tor', 'was'\n" +\
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print "%s <key>=<value>" % sys.argv[0]
print "examples:"
print "%s v=ana // plays the video stream for LA Angels" % sys.argv[0]
print "%s a=nyy // plays the audio stream for NY Yankees" % sys.argv[0]
print ""
print "See MLBPLAY-HELP for more options."
print teamcodes_help
# All options are name=value, loop through them all and take appropriate action
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
for n in range(len(sys.argv)):
if n == 0:
# first make sure the argument is of name=value format
pattern = re.compile(r'(.*)=(.*)')
parsed = re.match(pattern,sys.argv[n])
if not parsed:
print 'Error: Arguments should be specified as variable=value'
print "can't parse : " + sys.argv[n]
split = parsed.groups()
# Event-id: e=<event-id>, can be found from mlblistings or z=1
if split[0] in ( 'event_id' , 'e' ):
mycfg.set('event_id', split[1])
# Condensed game: c=<teamcode>
elif split[0] in ( 'condensed', 'c'):
mycfg.set('condensed', True)
teamcode = split[1]
if mycfg.get('top_plays_player'):
player = mycfg.get('top_plays_player')
player = mycfg.get('video_player')
# Audio: a=<teamcode>
elif split[0] in ( 'audio', 'a' ):
streamtype = 'audio'
teamcode = split[1]
player = mycfg.get('audio_player')
# Video: v=<teamcode>
elif split[0] in ( 'video', 'v' ):
streamtype = 'video'
teamcode = split[1]
player = mycfg.get('video_player')
# Speed: p=<speed> (Default: 1200)
elif split[0] in ( 'speed', 'p' ):
mycfg.set('speed', split[1])
# Nexdef URL: nu=1
elif split[0] in ( 'nexdefurl', 'nu' ):
parsed = check_bool(split[1])
if parsed != None:
mycfg.set('nexdef_url', parsed)
# Debug: d=1
elif split[0] in ( 'debug', 'd' ):
parsed = check_bool(split[1])
if parsed != None:
mycfg.set('debug', parsed)
elif split[0] in ( 'inning', 'i' ):
mycfg.set('start_inning', split[1])
# Listing debug: z=1
elif split[0] in ( 'zdebug', 'z' ):
parsed = check_bool(split[1])
if parsed != None:
mycfg.set('zdebug', parsed)
elif split[0] in ('keydebug', 'k' ):
parsed = check_bool(split[1])
if parsed != None:
mycfg.set('keydebug', parsed)
# Nexdef: n=1
elif split[0] in ( 'nexdef', 'n' ):
parsed = check_bool(split[1])
if parsed != None:
mycfg.set('use_nexdef', parsed)
# Startdate: j=mm/dd/yy
elif split[0] in ( 'startdate', 'j'):
sys.argv[n] = sys.argv[n].replace('j=', 'startdate=')
pattern = re.compile(r'startdate=([0-9]{1,2})(/)([0-9]{1,2})(/)([0-9]{2})')
parsed = re.match(pattern,sys.argv[n])
if not parsed:
print 'Error: listing start date not in mm/dd/yy format.'
split = parsed.groups()
startmonth = int(split[0])
startday = int(split[2])
startyear = int('20' + split[4])
# not sure why jesse went with yy instead of yyyy but let's
# throw an error for 4 digit years for the heck of it.
if startyear == 2020:
print 'Error: listing start date not in mm/dd/yy format.'
startdate = (startyear, startmonth, startday)
print 'Error: unknown variable argument: '+split[0]
if startdate is None:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
dif = datetime.timedelta(1)
if now.hour < 9:
now = now - dif
startdate = (now.year, now.month, now.day)
# First create a schedule object
mysched = MLBSchedule(ymd_tuple=startdate,time_shift=mycfg.get('time_offset'))
# Now retrieve the listings for that day
available = mysched.getListings(mycfg.get('speed'), mycfg.get('blackout'))
except (KeyError, MLBXmlError), detail:
if mycfg.get('debug'):
raise Exception, detail
available = []
print "There was a parser problem with the listings page"
# Determine media tuple using teamcode e.g. if teamcode is in home or away, use
# that media tuple. A media tuple has the format:
# ( call_letters, code, content-id, event-id )
# The code is a numerical value that maps to a teamcode. It is used
# to identify a media stream as belonging to one team or the other. A code
# of zero is used for national broadcasts or a broadcast that isn't owned by
# one team or the other.
if teamcode is not None:
if teamcode not in TEAMCODES.keys():
print 'Invalid teamcode: ' + teamcode
print teamcodes_help
media = []
for n in range(len(available)):
home = available[n][0]['home']
away = available[n][0]['away']
if teamcode in ( home, away ):
listing = available[n]
gameid = available[n][6].replace('/','-')
if streamtype == 'video':
elif streamtype == 'condensed':
condensed_media = available[n][4]
eventId = available[n][6]
# media assigned above will be a list of both home and away media tuples
# This next section determines which media tuple to use (home or away)
# and assign it to a stream tuple.
# Added to support requesting specific games of a double-header
cli_event_id = mycfg.get('event_id')
if len(media) > 0:
stream = None
for m in media:
for n in range(len(m)):
( call_letters,
event_id ) = m[n]
if cli_event_id is not None:
if cli_event_id != event_id:
if code == TEAMCODES[teamcode][0] or code == '0':
if streamtype == 'condensed':
stream = condensed_media[0]
stream = m[n]
print 'Could not find media for teamcode: ' + teamcode
# Similar behavior to the 'z' key in mlbviewer
if mycfg.get('zdebug'):
print 'media = ' + repr(media)
print 'prefer = ' + repr(stream)
# Before creating GameStream object, get session data from login
session = MLBSession(user=mycfg.get('user'),passwd=mycfg.get('pass'),
if mycfg.get('keydebug'):
sessionkey = session.readSessionKey()
print "readSessionKey: " + sessionkey
# copy all the cookie data to pass to GameStream
mycfg.set('cookies', {})
mycfg.set('cookies', session.cookies)
mycfg.set('cookie_jar', session.cookie_jar)
# Jump to innings returns a start_time other than the default behavior
if mycfg.get('start_inning') is not None:
streamtype = 'video'
jump_pat = re.compile(r'(B|T|E|D)(\d+)?')
match = re.search(jump_pat, mycfg.get('start_inning').upper())
innings = mysched.parseInningsXml(stream[3], mycfg)
if match is not None:
if match.groups()[0] == 'D':
print "retrieving innings index for %s" % stream[3]
print repr(innings)
elif match.groups()[0] not in ('T', 'B', 'E' ):
print "You have entered an invalid half inning."
elif match.groups()[1] is None:
print "You have entered an invalid half inning."
elif match.groups()[0] == 'T':
half = 'away'
inning = int(match.groups()[1])
elif match.groups()[0] == 'B':
half = 'home'
inning = int(match.groups()[1])
elif match.groups()[0] == 'E':
half = 'away'
inning = 10
start_time = innings[inning][half]
print "You have entered an invalid or unavailable half inning."
# Once the correct media tuple has been assigned to stream, create the
# MediaStream object for the correct type of media
if stream is not None:
if streamtype == 'audio':
m = MediaStream(stream, session=session,
elif streamtype in ( 'video', 'condensed'):
except NameError:
start_time = 0
if mycfg.get('use_nexdef'):
if mycfg.get('start_inning') is None:
start_time = mysched.getStartOfGame(listing, mycfg)
m = MediaStream(stream, session=session,
print 'Unknown streamtype: ' + repr(streamtype)
print 'Stream could not be found.'
print 'Media listing debug information:'
print 'media = ' + repr(media)
print 'prefer = ' + repr(stream)
# Post-rewrite, the url beast has been replaced with locateMedia() which
# returns a raw url.
mediaUrl = m.locateMedia()
if mycfg.get('debug'):
print 'An error occurred locating the media URL:'
print m.error_str
# If we got at least this far, let's go ahead and set the x_display if present
# in config.
if mycfg.get('x_display') not in ( None, '' ):
os.environ['DISPLAY'] = mycfg.get('x_display')
#print "DISPLAY = %s" % os.environ['DISPLAY']
if mycfg.get('keydebug'):
sessionkey = session.readSessionKey()
print "Session-key from media request: " + sessionkey
if mycfg.get('nexdef_url'):
print mediaUrl
if mycfg.get('debug'):
print 'Media URL received: '
print mediaUrl
# prepareMediaStreamer turns a raw url into either an mlbhls command or an
# rtmpdump command that pipes to stdout
mediaUrl = m.prepareMediaStreamer(mediaUrl)
# preparePlayerCmd is the second half of the pipe using *_player to play
# media from stdin
if cli_event_id is not None:
eventId = cli_event_id
cmdStr = m.preparePlayerCmd(mediaUrl,eventId,streamtype)
if mycfg.get('show_player_command') or mycfg.get('debug'):
print cmdStr
if mycfg.get('debug'):
#playprocess = subprocess.Popen(cmdStr,shell=True)
play = MLBprocess(cmdStr)
except KeyboardInterrupt: