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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | # Standard formats for citations.
# Author: Richard Heck <rgheck@comcast.net>
Format 49
CiteFormat default
# translatable bits
_pptext pp.
_edtext ed.
_voltext vol.
_numtext no.
_in in
# macros
!pages {%pages%[[, %_pptext% %pages%]]}
!authoredit {%author%[[%author%, ]][[{%editor%[[%editor%, %_edtext%, ]]}]]}
!volnum {%volume%[[ %_voltext% %volume%, {%number%[[%_numtext% %number%]]}]]}
!quotetitle "%title%"
!emphtitle {!<i>!}%title%{!</i>!}
!emphjournal {!<i>!}%journal%{!</i>!}
!insomething %author%, %!quotetitle%, %_in%{%editor%[[ %editor%, %_edtext%,]]} {!<i>!}%booktitle%{!</i>!}%!volnum%{%edition%[[ %edition%]]} ({%address%[[%address%: ]]}%publisher%, %year%)%!pages%.{%note%[[ %note%]]}
article %author%, %!quotetitle%, %!emphjournal% {%volume%[[ %volume%{%number%[[, %number%]]}]]} (%year%)%!pages%.{%note%[[ %note%]]}
book %!authoredit%%!emphtitle%%!volnum%{%edition%[[ %edition%]]} ({%address%[[%address%: ]]}%publisher%, %year%).{%note%[[ %note%]]}
incollection %!insomething%
inproceedings %!insomething%
thesis %author%, %title% ({%address%[[%address%: ]]}%school%, %year%).{%note%[[ %note%]]}