/usr/share/lyx/layouts/recipebook.layout is in lyx-common 2.1.4-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# \DeclareLaTeXClass[scrbook]{Recipe Book}
# \DeclareCategory{Books}
# Recipe textclass definition file.
# Author: Sandor Szoke (alex@lyx.hu)
# The \part, \chapter, \section and \subsection commands
# work as usual; \subsubsection commands are used for
# ``recipes'' as units, and are not numbered but (by
# default) entered in the .toc file.
# The recipe (a.k.a. subsubsection header) is typeset in
# a style defined with the command \rechead; the default
# is Large, horizontally centered, bold sans-serif: and
# the user can change that setting with a suitable
# \renewcommand{\rechead} .
# If e.g. \section and \subsection commands are not used
# in the text, the large indentation of the \subsubsection
# items in the Table of Contents may be ugly; for that case,
# we redefine \l@subsubsection .
# A specific command \recipe{...} is defined as an alias
# for a \subsubsection{...} followed by two rules across
# the whole page and by a vertical space.
# Another command, \ingred{...}, is defined to typeset a
# list of ingredients.
Format 49
Input scrclass.inc
Input numreport.inc
# Global parameters.
SecNumDepth 2
TocDepth 3
PageStyle Headings
# There is no abstract environment in scrbook.cls
NoStyle Abstract
Style Chapter
LabelString "\thechapter"
TocLevel 0
Style Bibliography
TopSep 4
LabelString "Bibliography"
Series Bold
Size Largest
{-5ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
\hrule height0.75pt width\hsize\vspace*{1\p@}%
\hrule height0.25pt width\hsize%
{{\list{}{\rightmargin 1em\leftmargin 1em}%
\item[]\textit{\inghead[#1]} #2\endlist}%
\hrule height0.25pt width\hsize}
Style Recipe
LatexType Command
LatexName recipe
Margin Static
LeftMargin Ingredients_for_some:xx
LabelSep xx
LabelType Static
LabelString "Recipe:"
Align Center
Family Sans
Size Large
Series Bold
Shape Italic
Color red
# Subsubsection style definition
Style Subsubsection
LatexType Command
LatexName subsubsection
ParSkip 0.4
TopSep 0.9
BottomSep 0.5
ParSep 0.5
Align Block
AlignPossible Block
Size Small
TocLevel 3
# Inghead style definition
Style Ingredients
LatexType Command
LatexName ingred
Argument 1
LabelString "Ingredients Header"
Tooltip "Specify an optional ingredients header"
Margin Static
LeftMargin Ingredients_for_some:xx
LabelSep xx
Align Left
AlignPossible Left, Block
LabelType Static
LabelString "Ingredients:"
Series Bold
Shape Italic
Color red
\setlength\parskip{2ex plus 0.5ex}