/usr/share/lyx/layouts/hollywood.layout is in lyx-common 2.1.4-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# \DeclareLaTeXClass[hollywood,calc.sty,fancyhdr.sty,ulem.sty]{Hollywood}
# \DeclareCategory{Scripts}
# This layout follows the current Hollywood standard for movie scripts
# Font Courier 12 pts
# abbreviations used in scripts are as follows:
# INT. - interior EXT. - exterior
#(O.S) - off screen b.g. - background PAN - camera movement
#(V.O) - voice over C.U. - close-up INSERT - cut to close-up of
# each page should be 1 minute of film
# Spec scripts should not be more that 120 pages or less than 110.
# Nothing goes in a script that you cannot see or hear.
# Contributed by Garst R. Reese with lots of help from the LyX Team
# Based on course given by Lars Davidson
Format 49
Columns 1
Sides 1
SecNumDepth 2
TocDepth 2
FontSize 12
Family Typewriter
Series Medium
Shape Up
Size Normal
Color None
DefaultStyle Dialogue
# Actor dialog
Style Dialogue
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName dialogue
ParSkip 0.0
TopSep 0.0
BottomSep 0.0
Align Left
LabelType No_Label
# More: Use to break a long Dialogue
Style More
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName more
ParSkip 0.0
TopSep 0.0
BottomSep 0.0
KeepEmpty 1
Align Left
LabelType Static
LabelString "(MORE)"
Family Typewriter
Series Medium
Shape Up
Size Normal
Color Green
# FADE_IN: and FADE_OUT: usually stand alone. If you want a more complicated
# FADE_IN e.g. FADE_IN on STELLA:, use the Narrative Style.
Style FADE_IN:
Margin Dynamic
LatexType Command
LatexName fadein
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.25
TopSep 0.25
Align Left
KeepEmpty 1
LabelType Static
LabelSep M
LabelString "FADE IN:"
# Scene headings (ALL CAPS) This is a general case, probably not needed
# example:
# Use Style EXT. for Exterior, INT. for Interior scenes. Last word should be
# - DAY, or - NIGHT or similar to define lighting.
Style INT.
Margin Dynamic
LatexType Command
LatexName interiorshot
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.25
TopSep 0.25
Align Left
LabelType Static
LabelSep M
LabelString "INT."
Style EXT.
Margin Dynamic
LatexType Command
LatexName exteriorshot
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.25
TopSep 0.25
Align Left
LabelType Static
LabelSep M
LabelString "EXT."
# Narrative description of Scene
# same as narrative, but glued to INT., EXT., or Scene
Style Description
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName description
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.25
TopSep 0.25
RightMargin MMMMM
Align Left
LabelType No_Label
# Speaker style definition, identifies speaker ALL CAPS
# Use this also for THE END
Style Speaker
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName speaker
ParSkip 0.0
TopSep 0.25
BottomSep 0.0
Align Left
LabelType No_Label
# Parenthetical instruction to speaker (in parenthises, l.c.)
# The ( and ) will automatically appear on screen, so don't type any.
Style Parenthetical
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName parenthetical
TopSep 0.0
BottomSep 0.0
ParSkip 0.0
Align Left
LabelType Static
LabelString "("
EndLabelType Static
EndLabelString ")"
Family Typewriter
Series Medium
Shape Up
Size Normal
Color Blue
# Used when the same speaker continues after a narrative. Don't type
# anything.
Style Continuing
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName continuing
TopSep 0.5
BottomSep 0.5
ParSkip 0.0
KeepEmpty 1
Align Left
LabelType Static
LabelString "(continuing)"
Family Typewriter
Series Medium
Shape Up
Size Normal
Color Green
# Narrative description of action
Style Narrative
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName narrative
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.25
TopSep 0.25
RightMargin MMMMM
Align Left
LabelType No_Label
# Transition style definition ALL CAPS
Style Transition
Margin Static
LatexType Environment
LatexName flushright
ParIndent ""
TopSep 0.5
ParSkip 0.4
Align Right
LabelType No_Label
Margin Dynamic
LatexType Command
LatexName titleover
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.5
TopSep 0.5
Align Left
KeepEmpty 1
LabelType Static
LabelSep M
LabelString "TITLE OVER:"
Margin Dynamic
LatexType Command
LatexName intercut
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.25
TopSep 0.5
Align Left
KeepEmpty 1
LabelType Static
LabelSep M
LabelString "INTERCUT WITH:"
Margin Dynamic
LatexType Command
LatexName fadeout
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.8
TopSep 1.0
Align Left
KeepEmpty 1
LabelType Static
LabelSep M
LabelString "FADE OUT"
# Same as Standard, Standard deprecated
Style General
Category MainText
Margin Static
LatexType Paragraph
LatexName dummy
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.4
Align Left
AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center
Labeltype No_Label
# General Left aligned CAPS
Style Scene
Margin Dynamic
LatexType Command
LatexName scene
ParIndent ""
ParSkip 0.25
TopSep 0.25
Align Left
LabelType No_Label
Style Right_Address
Margin Right_Address_Box
LatexType Command
LatexName address
InTitle 1
ParSkip 0.4
BottomSep 1.5
ParSep 1.5
Align Left
AlignPossible Left, Right
Style Author
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName author
InTitle 1
ParSkip 0.4
BottomSep 1.5
ParSep 1.5
Align Center
AlignPossible Left, Right, Center
Style Title
Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName title
InTitle 1
ParSkip 0.4
BottomSep 1.5
ParSep 1.5
Align Center
AlignPossible Left, Right, Center
# Standard style definition (I kept this one to provide a general case)
Style Standard
ObsoletedBy General
# For shooting scripts only, puts CONTINUED in rfoot, CONTINUED: in
# nextpage lhead and clears that rfoot. It is used when a scene continues
# onto the next page. This command is provided in case a production unit
# wants to convert the spec script into a shooting script.
# LatexType Command
# LatexName continued
# Clears rfoot, does a pagebreak, and clears lhead.
# LatexType Command
# LatexName endcontinued
Input stdinsets.inc
Input stdtitle.inc
Input stdstruct.inc
Input stdfloats.inc
Input stdcounters.inc
NoStyle Abstract
NoStyle Bibliography
NoStyle Date