/usr/share/lyx/layouts/broadway.layout is in lyx-common 2.1.4-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# \DeclareLaTeXClass[broadway,extramarks.sty,fancyhdr.sty,lastpage.sty]{Broadway}
# \DeclareCategory{Scripts}
# For theater plays
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Input stdstruct.inc
Input stdfloats.inc
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# Input lyxmacros.inc
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Counter scene
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LatexType Command
LatexName atrise
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TopSep 1.0
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LabelType Static
LabelSep M
LabelString "AT RISE:"
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Margin Static
LatexType Command
LatexName speaker
ParSkip 0.4
TopSep 0.4
Align Center
LabelType No_Label
# Parenthetical instruction to speaker (in parenthises, l.c.)
# The ( and ) will automatically appear on screen, so don't type any.
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LatexType Command
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AlignPossible Left, Right
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