/usr/share/perl5/XML/DOM/XPath.pm is in libxml-dom-xpath-perl 0.14-2.
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package XML::DOM::XPath;
use strict;
use XML::XPathEngine;
use XML::DOM;
use vars qw($VERSION);
my $xp_field; # the field in the document that contains the XML::XPathEngine object
my $parent_field; # the field in an attribute that contains the parent element
{ # this is probably quite wrong, I have to figure out the internal structure of nodes better
$xp_field = 11;
$parent_field = 12;
package XML::DOM::Document;
sub findnodes { my( $dom, $path)= @_; return $dom->xp->findnodes( $path, $dom); }
sub findnodes_as_string { my( $dom, $path)= @_; return $dom->xp->findnodes_as_string( $path, $dom); }
sub findnodes_as_strings { my( $dom, $path)= @_; return $dom->xp->findnodes_as_strings( $path, $dom); }
sub findvalue { my( $dom, $path)= @_; return $dom->xp->findvalue( $path, $dom); }
sub exists { my( $dom, $path)= @_; return $dom->xp->exists( $path, $dom); }
sub find { my( $dom, $path)= @_; return $dom->xp->find( $path, $dom); }
sub matches { my( $dom, $path)= @_; return $dom->xp->matches( $dom, $path, $dom); }
sub set_namespace { my $dom= shift; $dom->xp->set_namespace( @_); }
sub cmp { return $_[1]->isa( 'XML::DOM::Document') ? 0 : 1; }
sub getRootNode { return $_[0]; }
sub xp { return $_[0]->[$xp_field] }
{ no warnings;
# copied from the original DOM package, with the addition of the creation of the XML::XPathEngine object
sub new
{ my ($class) = @_;
my $self = bless [], $class;
# keep Doc pointer, even though getOwnerDocument returns undef
$self->[_Doc] = $self;
$self->[_C] = new XML::DOM::NodeList;
$self->[$xp_field]= XML::XPathEngine->new();
package XML::DOM::Node;
sub findnodes { my( $node, $path)= @_; return $node->xp->findnodes( $path, $node); }
sub findnodes_as_string { my( $node, $path)= @_; return $node->xp->findnodes_as_string( $path, $node); }
sub findvalue { my( $node, $path)= @_; return $node->xp->findvalue( $path, $node); }
sub exists { my( $node, $path)= @_; return $node->xp->exists( $path, $node); }
sub find { my( $node, $path)= @_; return $node->xp->find( $path, $node); }
sub matches { my( $node, $path)= @_; return $node->xp->matches( $node->getOwnerDocument, $path, $node); }
sub isCommentNode { 0 };
sub isPINode { 0 };
sub to_number { return XML::XPathEngine::Number->new( shift->string_value); }
sub getParent { return $_[0]->getParentNode; }
sub getRootNode { return $_[0]->getOwnerDocument; }
sub xp { return $_[0]->getOwnerDocument->xp; }
# this method exists in XML::DOM but it returns undef, while
# XML::XPathEngine needs it, but wants an array... bother!
# This method is actually redefined for XML::DOM::Element, but needs
# to be here for other types of nodes.
{ no warnings;
sub getAttributes
{ if( caller(0)!~ m{^XML::XPathEngine}) { return undef; } # XML::DOM
else { my @atts= (); return wantarray ? @atts : \@atts; } # XML::XPathEngine
sub cmp
{ my( $a, $b)=@_;
# easy cases
return 0 if( $a == $b);
return -1 if( $a->isAncestor($b)); # a starts before b
return 1 if( $b->isAncestor($a)); # a starts after b
# special case for 2 attributes of the same element
# order is dictionary order of the attribute names
if( $a->isa( 'XML::DOM::Attr') && $b->isa( 'XML::DOM::Attr'))
{ if( $a->getParent == $b->getParent)
{ return $a->getName cmp $b->getName }
{ return $a->getParent->cmp( $b->getParent); }
# ancestors does not include the element itself
my @a_pile= ($a->ancestors_or_self);
my @b_pile= ($b->ancestors_or_self);
# the 2 elements are not in the same twig
return undef unless( $a_pile[-1] == $b_pile[-1]);
# find the first non common ancestors (they are siblings)
my $a_anc= pop @a_pile;
my $b_anc= pop @b_pile;
while( $a_anc == $b_anc)
{ $a_anc= pop @a_pile;
$b_anc= pop @b_pile;
# from there move left and right and figure out the order
my( $a_prev, $a_next, $b_prev, $b_next)= ($a_anc, $a_anc, $b_anc, $b_anc);
{ $a_prev= $a_prev->getPreviousSibling || return( -1);
return 1 if( $a_prev == $b_next);
$a_next= $a_next->getNextSibling || return( 1);
return -1 if( $a_next == $b_prev);
$b_prev= $b_prev->getPreviousSibling || return( 1);
return -1 if( $b_prev == $a_next);
$b_next= $b_next->getNextSibling || return( -1);
return 1 if( $b_next == $a_prev);
sub ancestors_or_self
{ my $node= shift;
my @ancestors= ($node);
while( $node= $node->getParent)
{ push @ancestors, $node; }
return @ancestors;
sub getNamespace
{ my $node= shift;
my $prefix= shift() || $node->ns_prefix;
if( my $expanded= $node->get_namespace( $prefix))
{ return XML::DOM::Namespace->new( $prefix, $expanded); }
{ return XML::DOM::Namespace->new( $prefix, ''); }
sub getLocalName
{ my $node= shift;
(my $local= $node->getName)=~ s{^[^:]*:}{};
return $local;
sub ns_prefix
{ my $node= shift;
if( $node->getName=~ m{^([^:]*):})
{ return $1; }
{ return( '#default'); } # should it be '' ?
{ my %DEFAULT_NS= ( xml => "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace",
xmlns => "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/",
sub get_namespace
{ my $node= shift;
my $prefix= defined $_[0] ? shift() : $node->ns_prefix;
if( $prefix eq "#default") { $prefix=''}
my $ns_att= $prefix ? "xmlns:$prefix" : "xmlns";
my $expanded= $DEFAULT_NS{$prefix} || $node->inherit_att( $ns_att) || '';
return $expanded;
sub inherit_att
{ my $node= shift;
my $att= shift;
{ if( ($node->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) && ($node->getAttribute( $att)))
{ return $node->getAttribute( $att); }
} while( $node= $node->getParentNode);
return undef;
package XML::DOM::Element;
sub getName { return $_[0]->getTagName; }
{ no warnings;
# this method exists in XML::DOM but it returns a NamedNodeMap object
# XML::XPathEngine needs it, but wants an array... bother!
sub getAttributes
{ # in any case we need $_[0]->[_A] to be filled
$_[0]->[_A] ||= XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap->new (Doc => $_[0]->[_Doc], Parent => $_[0]);
if( caller(0)!~ m{^XML::XPathEngine})
{ # the original XML::DOM value
return $_[0]->[_A];
{ # this is what XML::XPathEngine needs
my $elt= shift;
my @atts= grep { ref $_ eq 'XML::DOM::Attr' } values %{$elt->[1]};
$_->[$parent_field]= $elt foreach (@atts);
return wantarray ? @atts : \@atts;
# nearly straight from XML::XPathEngine
sub string_value
{ my $self = shift;
my $string = '';
foreach my $kid ($self->getChildNodes)
{ if ($kid->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE || $kid->getNodeType == TEXT_NODE)
{ $string .= $kid->string_value; }
return $string;
package XML::DOM::Attr;
# needed for the sort
sub inherit_att { return $_[0]->getParent->inherit_att( @_); }
sub getParent { return $_[0]->[$parent_field]; }
sub string_value { return $_[0]->getValue; }
sub getData { return $_[0]->getValue; }
package XML::DOM::Text;
sub string_value { return $_[0]->getData; }
package XML::DOM::Comment;
sub isCommentNode { 1 };
sub string_value { return $_[0]->getData; }
package XML::DOM::ProcessingInstruction;
sub isPINode { 1 };
sub isProcessingInstructionNode { 1 };
sub string_value { return $_[0]->getData; }
sub value { return $_[0]->getData; }
package XML::DOM::Namespace;
sub new
{ my( $class, $prefix, $expanded)= @_;
bless { prefix => $prefix, expanded => $expanded }, $class;
sub isNamespaceNode { 1; }
sub getPrefix { $_[0]->{prefix}; }
sub getExpanded { $_[0]->{expanded}; }
sub getValue { $_[0]->{expanded}; }
sub getData { $_[0]->{expanded}; }
=head1 NAME
XML::DOM::XPath - Perl extension to add XPath support to XML::DOM, using XML::XPath engine
use XML::DOM::XPath;
my $parser= XML::DOM::Parser->new();
my $doc = $parser->parsefile ("file.xml");
# print all HREF attributes of all CODEBASE elements
# compare with the XML::DOM version to see how much easier it is to use
my @nodes = $doc->findnodes( '//CODEBASE[@HREF]/@HREF');
print $_->getValue, "\n" foreach (@nodes);
XML::DOM::XPath allows you to use XML::XPath methods to query
a DOM. This is often much easier than relying only on getElementsByTagName.
It lets you use all of the XML::DOM methods.
=head1 METHODS
Those methods can be applied to a whole dom object or to a node.
=head2 findnodes($path)
return a list of nodes found by $path.
=head2 findnodes_as_string($path)
return the nodes found reproduced as XML. The result is not guaranteed
to be valid XML though.
=head2 findvalue($path)
return the concatenation of the text content of the result nodes
=head2 exists($path)
return true if the given path exists.
=head2 matches($path)
return true if the node matches the path.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Michel Rodriguez, mirod@cpan.org
Copyright 2003 by Michel Rodriguez
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.