/usr/share/perl5/WWW/Search/Jobserve.pm is in libwww-search-perl 2.51.50-1.
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# Written by Andy Pritchard.
# $Id: Jobserve.pm,v 1.02 2003-09-25 16:13:30 ninja $
package WWW::Search::Jobserve;
@ISA = qw( WWW::Search );
use WWW::Search qw( generic_option strip_tags );
use WWW::Search::Result;
$VERSION = '1.02';
$MAINTAINER = 'Andy Pritchard <pilchkinstein@hotmail.com>';
# private
sub native_setup_search
my ($self, $native_query, $rhOptsArg) = @_;
# Set some private variables:
$self->{_debug} ||= $rhOptsArg->{'search_debug'};
$self->{_debug} = 2 if ($rhOptsArg->{'search_parse_debug'});
$self->{_debug} ||= 0;
$self->{'_hits_per_page'} = $DEFAULT_HITS_PER_PAGE;
my $sjob_category = $rhOptsArg->{'job_category'};
my $sjobserve_site = $rhOptsArg->{'jobserve_site'};
my $sjob_type = $rhOptsArg->{'job_type'};
my $sjob_lookahead = $rhOptsArg->{'job_lookahead'};
my $sjob_order = $rhOptsArg->{'job_order'};
$sjobserve_site ||= 'uk'; # Default to English site
$sjob_type ||= '*'; # Default to all
$sjob_lookahead ||= '5'; # Default to 5 Days
$sjob_order ||= 'Rank';# Default to Rank (Best Match)
my %Country_Params = ( uk => 'jobserve.com/jobserve/',
au => 'job-serve.com.au/jobserve/',
) ;
$self->{'_next_to_retrieve'} = 0;
$self->{'_num_hits'} = 0;
$self->{'_base_url'} = "http://www.$sjob_category.$Country_Params{$sjobserve_site}";
if (!defined($self->{_options}))
$self->{_options} = {
'search_url' => $self->{'_base_url'} . 'searchresults.asp',
'jobType' => $sjob_type, # Job Type (*|C|P) == (Any|Contract|Permanent)
'd' => $sjob_lookahead, # No of days to look ahead
'order' => $sjob_order,# Sort order (Rank|DateTime) == (Best Match|Latest Job)
'q' => $native_query, # The escaped query
} # if
if (defined($rhOptsArg))
# Copy in new options.
foreach my $key (keys %$rhOptsArg)
#print STDERR " + inspecting option $key...";
if (WWW::Search::generic_option($key))
print STDERR "promote & delete\n";
$self->{$key} = $rhOptsArg->{$key} if defined($rhOptsArg->{$key});
delete $rhOptsArg->{$key};
#print STDERR "copy\n";
$self->{_options}->{$key} = $rhOptsArg->{$key} if defined($rhOptsArg->{$key});
} # foreach
} # if
die " - Must specify a job category to search...\n" unless (defined($self->{_options}->{'job_category'}));
# Finally, figure out the url.
$self->{_next_url} = $self->{_options}->{'search_url'} .'?'. $self->hash_to_cgi_string($self->{_options});
} # native_setup_search
sub preprocess_results_page
my $self = shift;
my $sPage = shift;
print STDERR " + RawHTML ===>$sPage<=== RawHTML\n" if 2 < $self->{_debug};
return $sPage;
} # preprocess_results_page
# private
sub parse_tree
my $self = shift;
my $tree = shift;
# A pattern to match HTML whitespace:
my $W = q{[\ \t\r\n\240]};
my $hits_found = 0;
if (2 < $self->{_debug}) {
print STDERR "=========================== HTML::Tree Dump START ============================\n";
print STDERR $tree->as_HTML();
print STDERR "============================ HTML::Tree Dump END =============================\n";
# The hit count is in a FONT tag:
my @aoFONT = $tree->look_down('_tag', 'font');
my @aoTABLE = $tree->look_down('_tag', 'table');
foreach my $oFONT (@aoFONT)
print STDERR " + try FONT ===", $oFONT->as_text, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
if ($oFONT->as_text =~ m!of (\d+) Matching Jobs!)
last FONT;
} # if
} # foreach
foreach my $oTABLE (@aoTABLE) # Go <table> -> <td> -> <font1> -> <font2> -> <font3> -> <font4>
print STDERR " + try TABLE ===", $oTABLE->as_HTML, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
my @aoFONT = $oTABLE->look_down('_tag', 'font');
my $oFONT = shift(@aoFONT);
next TABLE unless ref $oFONT;
print STDERR " + try TABLE->FONT ===", $oFONT->as_text, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
# First A tag contains the url & title:
my @aoA = $oFONT->look_down('_tag', 'a');
my $oA = shift(@aoA);
next TABLE unless ref $oA;
next TABLE if (($oA->as_HTML) =~ m!class="ToolBar"!ig);
print STDERR " + try TABLE->FONT->A ===", $oA->as_HTML, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
# Occasionally they have these atsco links in there, this skips over in this case.
if (($oA->as_HTML) !~ m!\?jobid\=!ig) {
$oA = shift(@aoA);
print STDERR " + Re-try TABLE->FONT->A ===", $oA->as_HTML, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
# Jobserve only gives us a path relative to the _base_url
my $sURL = $self->{'_base_url'} . $oA->attr('href');
print STDERR " + GOT URL:$sURL:\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
my $sTitle = $oA->as_text;
print STDERR " + GOT Title:$sTitle:\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
# Now go down another font
my $oFONT2 = shift(@aoFONT);
# And another
my $oFONT3 = shift(@aoFONT);
print STDERR " + try TABLE->FONT3 ===", $oFONT3->as_text, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
my $sDesc = $oFONT3->as_text;
# And yet another
my $oFONT4 = shift(@aoFONT);
$oFONT4 = shift(@aoFONT) if (($oFONT4->as_text) =~ m!more\.\.\.!);
print STDERR " + try TABLE->FONT4 ===", $oFONT4->as_text, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
$sDesc .= $oFONT4->as_text;
my $hit = new WWW::Search::Result;
push(@{$self->{cache}}, $hit);
# Delete this HTML element so that future searches go faster!
} # foreach TABLE
# Look for a Next Page link:
my @aoA = $tree->look_down('_tag', 'a');
foreach my $oA (reverse @aoA)
next TRY_NEXT unless ref $oA;
print STDERR " + try NEXT A ===", $oA->as_HTML, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
my $href = $oA->attr('href');
next TRY_NEXT unless $href;
last TRY_NEXT if $href =~ m!JobDetail!;
if ($oA->as_text =~ m!Next Page!i)
$self->{_next_url} = $self->absurl(undef, $href);
print STDERR " + got NEXT A ===", $self->{_next_url}, "===\n" if 1 < $self->{_debug};
last TRY_NEXT;
} # if
} # foreach
# All done with this page.
return $hits_found;
} # parse_tree
=head1 NAME
WWW::Search::Jobserve - backend for searching www.jobserve.com
use WWW::Search;
my $oSearch = new WWW::Search('Jobserve');
my $sQuery = WWW::Search::escape_query("(Fast Food Operative) and PERL");
$oSearch->native_query($sQuery, { job_category => 'it' });
while (my $oResult = $oSearch->next_result())
print $oResult->url, "\n";
print $oResult->title, "\n";
print $oResult->description, "\n";
This class is a Jobserve specialisation of WWW::Search.
It handles making, retrieving and interpreting Jobserve searches
This class exports no public interface; all interaction should
be done through L<WWW::Search> objects.
=head1 NOTES
This class can be used to query both the UK and Australian Jobserve sites, see below.
The search will terminate unless C<job_category> is set in the native_query options.
The results are ordered Best Match first
(unless 'job_order' => 'DateTime' is specified).
=head1 OPTIONS
Parameters Available:
=item Job Category
Job Categories must be specified by setting C<job_category>
in the native_query options:
$oSearch->native_query($sQuery, { job_category => 'it' });
The value of this is simply the prefix you see jobserve insert
into the url once you've clicked beyond the front page. E.g.
http://www.it.jobserve.com { job_category => 'it' }
http://www.engineering.jobserve.com { job_category => 'engineering' }
=item Job Type
Job Types are (Any|Contract|Permanent).
To specifically search for one contract type,
set 'job_type' => (*|C|P) to the query options:
$oSearch->native_query($sQuery, { job_type => 'C', job_category => 'it' } );
The search defaults to C<All>
=item Days Ahead
Choices of how many days to look ahead are (5|4|3|2|1|0).
To specifically search for x working days ahead,
set 'job_lookahead' => (5|4|3|2|1|0) to the query options:
$oSearch->native_query($sQuery, { job_lookahead => '2', job_category => 'it' } );
The search defaults to C<5>
=item Result Order
Choices of how to order results are (Best Match|Latest Job).
To alter the result order,
set 'job_order' => (Rank|DateTime) to the query options:
$oSearch->native_query($sQuery, { job_order => 'DateTime', job_category => 'it' } );
The search defaults to C<Best Match>.
=item Different Jobserve Sites
There are currently two Jobserve websites supported by this module
namely United Kingdom and Australia.
The search will default to the UK site unless the parameter,
'jobserve_site' => (uk|au) is set in the query options:
$oSearch->native_query($sQuery, { jobserve_site => 'au', job_category => 'it' } );
The search defaults to C<uk>
=item Invocation
Invoke all parameters like so:
$oSearch->native_query($sQuery, { job_category => 'it',
job_type => 'C',
job_lookahead => '2',
job_order => 'DateTime',
jobserve_site => 'au', } );
=head1 SEE ALSO
To make new back-ends, see L<WWW::Search>.
=head1 BUGS
Doubt it. Please tell me if you find any! Better still have a go at fixing them.
=head1 AUTHOR
C<WWW::Search::Jobserve> was written by Andy Pritchard
C<WWW::Search::Jobserve> is maintained by Andy Pritchard
=head2 1.02
Altered parse_tree for cases where another href link is inserted before
the job title and link
=head2 1.01
Altered POD and added a README
=head2 1.00
Released to the public.