/usr/share/perl5/Web/Simple/Application.pm is in libweb-simple-perl 0.031-1.
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use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
use Moo;
has 'config' => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
+{ $self->default_config }
trigger => sub {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
my %default = $self->default_config;
my @not = grep !exists $value->{$_}, keys %default;
@{$value}{@not} = @default{@not};
sub default_config { () }
has '_dispatcher' => (is => 'lazy');
sub _build__dispatcher {
my $self = shift;
require Web::Dispatch;
my $final = $self->_build_final_dispatcher;
# We need to weaken both the copy of $self that the
# app parameter will close over and the copy that'll
# be passed through as a node argument.
# To ensure that this doesn't then result in us being
# DESTROYed unexpectedly early, our to_psgi_app method
# closes back over $self
my %dispatch_args = (
dispatch_app => sub { $self->dispatch_request(@_), $final },
dispatch_object => $self
sub _build_final_dispatcher {
[ 404, [ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ], [ 'Not found' ] ]
sub run_if_script {
# ->to_psgi_app is true for require() but also works for plackup
return $_[0]->to_psgi_app if caller(1);
my $self = ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : $_[0]->new;
sub _run_cgi {
my $self = shift;
require Plack::Handler::CGI;
sub _run_fcgi {
my $self = shift;
require Plack::Handler::FCGI;
sub to_psgi_app {
my $self = ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : $_[0]->new;
my $app = $self->_dispatcher->to_app;
# Close over $self to keep $self alive even though
# we weakened the copies the dispatcher has; the
# if 0 causes the ops to be optimised away to
# minimise the performance impact and avoid void
# context warnings while still doing the closing
# over part. As Mithaldu said: "Gnarly." ...
return sub { $self if 0; goto &$app; };
sub run {
my $self = shift;
if (
# If STDIN is a socket, almost certainly FastCGI, except for mod_cgid
) {
return $self->_run_fcgi;
return $self->_run_cgi;
unless (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m{(^[A-Z/])|\@}) {
return $self->_run_cli(@ARGV);
my @args = @ARGV;
unshift(@args, 'GET') if $args[0] !~ /^[A-Z]/;
sub _test_request_spec_to_http_request {
my ($self, $method, $path, @rest) = @_;
# if it's a reference, assume a request object
return $method if ref($method);
if ($path =~ s/^(.*?)\@//) {
my $basic = $1;
require MIME::Base64;
unshift @rest, 'Authorization:', 'Basic '.MIME::Base64::encode($basic);
my $request = HTTP::Request->new($method => $path);
my @params;
while (my ($header, $value) = splice(@rest, 0, 2)) {
unless ($header =~ s/:$//) {
push @params, $header, $value;
$header =~ s/_/-/g;
if ($header eq 'Content') {
} else {
$request->headers->push_header($header, $value);
if (($method eq 'POST' or $method eq 'PUT') and @params) {
my $content = do {
require URI;
my $url = URI->new('http:');
$request->header('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
$request->header('Content-Length' => length($content));
return $request;
sub run_test_request {
my ($self, @req) = @_;
require HTTP::Request;
require Plack::Test;
my $request = $self->_test_request_spec_to_http_request(@req);
$self->to_psgi_app, sub { shift->($request) }
sub _run_cli_test_request {
my ($self, @req) = @_;
my $response = $self->run_test_request(@req);
binmode(STDOUT); binmode(STDERR); # for win32
print STDERR $response->status_line."\n";
print STDERR $response->headers_as_string("\n")."\n";
my $content = $response->content;
$content .= "\n" if length($content) and $content !~ /\n\z/;
print STDOUT $content if $content;
sub _run_cli {
my $self = shift;
die $self->_cli_usage;
sub _cli_usage {
"To run this script in CGI test mode, pass a URL path beginning with /:\n".
" $0 /some/path\n".
" $0 /\n"
=head1 NAME
Web::Simple::Application - A base class for your Web-Simple application
This is a base class for your L<Web::Simple> application. You probably don't
need to construct this class yourself, since L<Web::Simple> does the 'heavy
lifting' for you in that regards.
=head1 METHODS
This class exposes the following public methods.
=head2 default_config
Merges with the C<config> initializer to provide configuration information for
your application. For example:
sub default_config {
title => 'Bloggery',
posts_dir => $FindBin::Bin.'/posts',
Now, the C<config> attribute of C<$self> will be set to a HashRef
containing keys 'title' and 'posts_dir'.
The keys from default_config are merged into any config supplied, so
if you construct your application like:
config => { title => 'Spoon', environment => 'dev' }
then C<config> will contain:
title => 'Spoon',
posts_dir => '/path/to/myapp/posts',
environment => 'dev'
=head2 run_if_script
The run_if_script method is designed to be used at the end of the script
or .pm file where your application class is defined - for example:
## my_web_simple_app.pl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Web::Simple 'HelloWorld';
package HelloWorld;
sub dispatch_request {
sub (GET) {
[ 200, [ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ], [ 'Hello world!' ] ]
sub () {
[ 405, [ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ], [ 'Method not allowed' ] ]
This returns a true value, so your file is now valid as a module - so
require 'my_web_simple_app.pl';
my $hw = HelloWorld->new;
will work fine (and you can rename it to lib/HelloWorld.pm later to make it
a real use-able module).
However, it detects if it's being run as a script (via testing $0) and if
so attempts to do the right thing.
If run under a CGI environment, your application will execute as a CGI.
If run under a FastCGI environment, your application will execute as a
FastCGI process (this works both for dynamic shared-hosting-style FastCGI
and for apache FastCgiServer style setups).
If run from the commandline with a URL path, it runs a GET request against
that path -
$ perl -Ilib examples/hello-world/hello-world.cgi /
200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Hello world!
You can also provide a method name -
$ perl -Ilib examples/hello-world/hello-world.cgi POST /
405 Method Not Allowed
Content-Type: text/plain
Method not allowed
For a POST or PUT request, pairs on the command line will be treated
as form variables. For any request, pairs on the command line ending in :
are treated as headers, and 'Content:' will set the request body -
$ ./myapp POST / Accept: text/html form_field_name form_field_value
$ ./myapp POST / Content-Type: text/json Content: '{ "json": "here" }'
The body of the response is sent to STDOUT and the headers to STDERR, so
$ ./myapp GET / >index.html
will generally do the right thing.
To send basic authentication credentials, use user:pass@ syntax -
$ ./myapp GET bob:secret@/protected/path
Additionally, you can treat the file as though it were a standard PSGI
application file (*.psgi). For example you can start up up with C<plackup>
plackup my_web_simple_app.pl
or C<starman>
starman my_web_simple_app.pl
=head2 to_psgi_app
This method is called by L</run_if_script> to create the L<PSGI> app coderef
for use via L<Plack> and L<plackup>. If you want to globally add middleware,
you can override this method:
use Web::Simple 'HelloWorld';
use Plack::Builder;
package HelloWorld;
around 'to_psgi_app', sub {
my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
my $app = $self->$orig(@_);
builder {
enable ...; ## whatever middleware you want
This method can also be used to mount a Web::Simple application within
a separate C<*.psgi> file -
use strictures 1;
use Plack::Builder;
use WSApp;
use AnotherWSApp;
builder {
mount '/' => WSApp->to_psgi_app;
mount '/another' => AnotherWSApp->to_psgi_app;
This method can be called as a class method, in which case it implicitly
calls ->new, or as an object method ... in which case it doesn't.
=head2 run
Used for running your application under stand-alone CGI and FCGI modes.
I should document this more extensively but run_if_script will call it when
you need it, so don't worry about it too much.
=head2 run_test_request
my $res = $app->run_test_request(GET => '/' => %headers);
my $res = $app->run_test_request(POST => '/' => %headers_or_form);
my $res = $app->run_test_request($http_request);
Accepts either an L<HTTP::Request> object or ($method, $path) and runs that
request against the application, returning an L<HTTP::Response> object.
If the HTTP method is POST or PUT, then a series of pairs can be passed after
this to create a form style message body. If you need to test an upload, then
create an L<HTTP::Request> object by hand or use the C<POST> subroutine
provided by L<HTTP::Request::Common>.
If you prefix the URL with 'user:pass@' this will be converted into
an Authorization header for HTTP basic auth:
my $res = $app->run_test_request(
GET => 'bob:secret@/protected/resource'
If pairs are passed where the key ends in :, it is instead treated as a
headers, so:
my $res = $app->run_test_request(
POST => '/',
'Accept:' => 'text/html',
some_form_key => 'value'
will do what you expect. You can also pass a special key of Content: to
set the request body:
my $res = $app->run_test_request(
POST => '/',
'Content-Type:' => 'text/json',
'Content:' => '{ "json": "here" }',
=head1 AUTHORS
See L<Web::Simple> for authors.
See L<Web::Simple> for the copyright and license.