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use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.001000';
use Readonly;
use PPI::Document::Fragment 1.208 qw< >;
use Scalar::Util qw< refaddr >;
use PPIx::Utilities::Exception::Bug qw< >;
use base 'Exporter';
Readonly::Array our @EXPORT_OK => qw<
sub split_ppi_node_by_namespace {
my ($node) = @_;
# Ensure we don't screw up the original.
$node = $node->clone();
# We want to make sure that we have locations prior to things being split
# up, if we can, but don't worry about it if we don't.
eval { $node->location(); }; ## no critic (RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval)
if ( my $single_namespace = _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_single($node) ) {
return $single_namespace;
} # end if
my %nodes_by_namespace;
$node, 'main', undef, \%nodes_by_namespace,
return \%nodes_by_namespace;
} # end split_ppi_node_by_namespace()
# Handle the case where there's only one.
sub _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_single {
my ($node) = @_;
my $package_statements = $node->find('PPI::Statement::Package');
if ( not $package_statements or not @{$package_statements} ) {
return { main => [$node] };
} # end if
if (@{$package_statements} == 1) {
my $package_statement = $package_statements->[0];
my $package_address = refaddr $package_statement;
# Yes, child and not schild.
my $first_child = $node->child(0);
if (
$package_address == refaddr $node
or $first_child and $package_address == refaddr $first_child
) {
return { $package_statement->namespace() => [$node] };
} # end if
} # end if
} # end _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_single()
sub _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_in_lexical_scope {
my ($node, $initial_namespace, $initial_fragment, $nodes_by_namespace)
= @_;
my %scope_fragments_by_namespace;
# I certainly hope a value isn't going to exist at address 0.
my $initial_fragment_address = refaddr $initial_fragment || 0;
my ($namespace, $fragment) = ($initial_namespace, $initial_fragment);
if ($initial_fragment) {
$scope_fragments_by_namespace{$namespace} = $initial_fragment;
} # end if
foreach my $child ( $node->children() ) {
if ( $child->isa('PPI::Statement::Package') ) {
if ($fragment) {
_push_fragment($nodes_by_namespace, $namespace, $fragment);
undef $fragment;
} # end if
$namespace = $child->namespace();
} elsif (
or $child->isa('PPI::Statement::Given')
or $child->isa('PPI::Statement::When')
) {
my $block;
my @components = $child->children();
while (not $block and my $component = shift @components) {
if ( $component->isa('PPI::Structure::Block') ) {
$block = $component;
} # end if
} # end while
if ($block) {
if (not $fragment) {
$fragment = _get_fragment_for_split_ppi_node(
} # end if
$block, $namespace, $fragment, $nodes_by_namespace,
} # end if
} # end if
$fragment = _get_fragment_for_split_ppi_node(
$nodes_by_namespace, \%scope_fragments_by_namespace, $namespace,
if ($initial_fragment_address != refaddr $fragment) {
# Need to fix these to use exceptions. Thankfully the P::C tests
# will insist that this happens.
or PPIx::Utilities::Exception::Bug->throw(
'Could not remove child from parent.'
or PPIx::Utilities::Exception::Bug->throw(
'Could not add child to fragment.'
} # end if
} # end foreach
} # end _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_in_lexical_scope()
sub _get_fragment_for_split_ppi_node {
my ($nodes_by_namespace, $scope_fragments_by_namespace, $namespace) = @_;
my $fragment;
if ( not $fragment = $scope_fragments_by_namespace->{$namespace} ) {
$fragment = PPI::Document::Fragment->new();
$scope_fragments_by_namespace->{$namespace} = $fragment;
_push_fragment($nodes_by_namespace, $namespace, $fragment);
} # end if
return $fragment;
} # end _get_fragment_for_split_ppi_node()
# Due to $fragment being passed into recursive calls to
# _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_in_lexical_scope(), we can end up attempting to
# put the same fragment into a namespace's nodes multiple times.
sub _push_fragment {
my ($nodes_by_namespace, $namespace, $fragment) = @_;
my $nodes = $nodes_by_namespace->{$namespace} ||= [];
if (not @{$nodes} or refaddr $nodes->[-1] != refaddr $fragment) {
push @{$nodes}, $fragment;
} # end if
} # end _push_fragment()
=head1 NAME
PPIx::Utilities::Node - Extensions to L<PPI::Node|PPI::Node>.
=head1 VERSION
This document describes PPIx::Utilities::Node version 1.1.0.
use PPIx::Utilities::Node qw< split_ppi_node_by_namespace >;
my $dom = PPI::Document->new("...");
while (
my ($namespace, $sub_doms) = each split_ppi_node_by_namespace($dom)
) {
foreach my $sub_dom ( @{$sub_doms} ) {
This is a collection of functions for dealing with L<PPI::Node|PPI::Node>s.
Nothing is exported by default.
=head2 split_ppi_node_by_namespace($node)
Returns the sub-trees for each namespace in the node as a reference to a hash
of references to arrays of L<PPI::Node|PPI::Node>s. Say we've got the
following code:
my $x = blah();
package Foo;
my $y = blah_blah();
say 'Whee!';
package Bar;
package Baz;
package Foo;
foreach ( blrfl() ) {
Calling this function on a L<PPI::Document|PPI::Document> for the above
returns a value that looks like this, using multi-line string literals for the
actual code parts instead of PPI trees to make this easier to read:
main => [
my $x = blah();
Foo => [
package Foo;
my $y = blah_blah();
say 'Whee!';
package Foo;
foreach ( blrfl() ) {
Bar => [
package Bar;
Baz => [
package Baz;
Note that the return value contains copies of the original nodes, and not the
original nodes themselves due to the need to handle namespaces that are not
file-scoped. (Notice how the first element for "Foo" above differs from the
original code.)
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-ppix-utilities@rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
=head1 AUTHOR
Elliot Shank C<< <perl@galumph.com> >>
Copyright (c)2009-2010, Elliot Shank C<< <perl@galumph.com> >>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
# $URL: http://perlcritic.tigris.org/svn/perlcritic/trunk/distributions/PPIx-Utilities/lib/PPIx/Utilities/Node.pm $
# $Date: 2010-12-01 20:31:47 -0600 (Wed, 01 Dec 2010) $
# $Author: clonezone $
# $Revision: 4001 $
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