/usr/share/perl5/MooX/late.pm is in libmoox-late-perl 0.015-2.
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use strict;
use warnings;
package MooX::late;
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION = '0.015';
use Moo qw( );
use Carp qw( carp croak );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use Module::Runtime qw( is_module_name );
package MooX::late::DefinitionContext;
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION = '0.015';
use Moo;
use overload (
q[""] => 'to_string',
q[bool] => sub { 1 },
fallback => 1,
has package => (is => 'ro');
has filename => (is => 'ro');
has line => (is => 'ro');
sub to_string
my $self = shift;
'%s:%d, package %s',
sub new_from_caller
my ($class, $level) = @_;
$level = 0 unless defined $level;
my ($p, $f, $c) = caller($level + 1);
return $class->new(
package => $p,
filename => $f,
line => $c,
# This is a hook for people subclassing MooX::late.
# It should be easy to tack on your own handlers
# to the end of the list. A handler is only called
# if exists($spec{$handler_name}) in the attribute
# spec.
sub _handlers
qw( isa does lazy_build traits );
# Not really sure why you'd want to override
# this.
sub _definition_context_class
sub import
my $me = shift;
my $caller = caller;
my $install_tracked;
no warnings;
if ($Moo::MAKERS{$caller})
$install_tracked = \&Moo::_install_tracked;
elsif ($Moo::Role::INFO{$caller})
$install_tracked = \&Moo::Role::_install_tracked;
croak "MooX::late applied to a non-Moo package"
. "(need: use Moo or use Moo::Role)";
my $orig = $caller->can('has') # lolcat
or croak "Could not locate 'has' function to alter";
my @handlers = $me->_handlers;
# MooX::late itself does not provide a
# `_finalize_attribute` method. Your subclass
# can, in which case it will be called right
# before setting up the attribute.
my $finalize = $me->can("_finalize_attribute");
$caller, has => sub
my ($proto, %spec) = @_;
my $context = $me->_definition_context_class->new_from_caller(0);
for my $name (ref $proto ? @$proto : $proto)
my $spec = +{ %spec }; # shallow clone
for my $option (@handlers)
next unless exists $spec->{$option};
my $handler = $me->can("_handle_$option");
# Note that handlers are called as methods, and
# get passed:
# 1. the attribute name
# 2. the attribute spec (hashref, modifiable)
# 3. a context object
# 4. the name of the caller class/role
$me->$handler($name, $spec, $context, $caller);
$me->$finalize($name, $spec, $context, $caller) if $finalize;
$orig->($name, %$spec);
$me->_install_sugar($caller, $install_tracked);
# This can be used to install additional functions
# into the caller package.
sub _install_sugar
my $me = shift;
my ($caller, $installer) = @_;
$installer->($caller, blessed => \&Scalar::Util::blessed);
$installer->($caller, confess => \&Carp::confess);
sub _handle_isa
my $me = shift;
my ($name, $spec, $context, $class) = @_;
return if ref $spec->{isa};
require Type::Utils;
$spec->{isa} = Type::Utils::dwim_type($spec->{isa}, for => $class);
sub _handle_does
my $me = shift;
my ($name, $spec, $context, $class) = @_;
return unless defined $spec->{does};
require Types::Standard;
$spec->{isa} = Types::Standard::ConsumerOf()->of($spec->{does});
sub _handle_lazy_build
my $me = shift;
my ($name, $spec, $context, $class) = @_;
return unless delete $spec->{lazy_build};
$spec->{is} ||= "ro";
$spec->{lazy} ||= 1;
$spec->{builder} ||= "_build_$name";
if ($name =~ /^_/)
$spec->{clearer} ||= "_clear$name";
$spec->{predicate} ||= "_has$name";
$spec->{clearer} ||= "clear_$name";
$spec->{predicate} ||= "has_$name";
sub _handle_traits
my $me = shift;
my ($name, $spec, $context, $class) = @_;
my @new;
foreach my $trait (@{ $spec->{traits} || [] })
my $handler = $me->can("_handletrait_$trait");
croak "$me cannot process trait $trait" unless $handler;
# There is a second level of handlers for traits.
# Just add a method called "_handletrait_Foo"
# and it will be called to handle the trait "Foo".
# These handlers should normally return the empty
# list, but may return a list of strings to add to
# a *new* traits arrayref.
push @new, $me->$handler(@_);
$spec->{traits} = \@new;
if ($spec->{handles_via})
eval "require MooX::HandlesVia"
or croak("Requires MooX::HandlesVia for attribute trait defined at $context");
my ($name, %spec) = MooX::HandlesVia::process_has($name, %$spec);
%$spec = %spec;
sub _handletrait_Array
my $me = shift;
my ($name, $spec, $context, $class) = @_;
$spec->{handles_via} = "Data::Perl::Collection::Array::MooseLike";
sub _handletrait_Hash
my $me = shift;
my ($name, $spec, $context, $class) = @_;
$spec->{handles_via} = "Data::Perl::Collection::Hash::MooseLike";
sub _handletrait_Code
my $me = shift;
my ($name, $spec, $context, $class) = @_;
$spec->{handles_via} = "Data::Perl::Code";
# Special handling for execute_method!
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{ $spec->{handles} })
next unless $v eq q(execute_method);
# MooX::HandlesVia can't handle this right yet.
delete $spec->{handles}{$k};
# ... so we handle it ourselves.
eval qq{
package ${class};
sub ${k} {
my \$self = shift;
return \$self->${name}->(\$self, \@_);
=encoding utf8
=for stopwords superset MooX
=head1 NAME
MooX::late - easily translate Moose code to Moo
package Foo;
use Moo;
use MooX::late;
has bar => (is => "ro", isa => "Str", default => "MacLaren's Pub");
(Examples for Moo roles in section below.)
L<Moo> is a light-weight object oriented programming framework which aims
to be compatible with L<Moose>. It does this by detecting when Moose has
been loaded, and automatically "inflating" its classes and roles to full
Moose classes and roles. This way, Moo classes can consume Moose roles,
Moose classes can extend Moo classes, and so forth.
However, the surface syntax of Moo differs somewhat from Moose. For example
the C<isa> option when defining attributes in Moose must be either a string
or a blessed L<Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint> object; but in Moo must be a
coderef. These differences in surface syntax make porting code from Moose to
Moo potentially tricky. L<MooX::late> provides some assistance by enabling a
slightly more Moosey surface syntax.
MooX::late does the following:
=item 1.
Supports C<< isa => $stringytype >>.
=item 2.
Supports C<< does => $rolename >> .
=item 3.
Supports C<< lazy_build => 1 >>.
=item 4.
Exports C<blessed> and C<confess> functions to your namespace.
=item 5.
Handles certain attribute traits. Currently C<Hash>, C<Array> and C<Code>
are supported. This feature requires L<MooX::HandlesVia>.
C<String>, C<Number>, C<Counter> and C<Bool> are unlikely to ever be
supported because of internal implementation details of Moo. If you need
another attribute trait to be supported, let me know and I will consider
Five features. It is not the aim of C<MooX::late> to make every aspect of
Moo behave exactly identically to Moose. It's just going after the low-hanging
fruit. So it does five things right now, and I promise that future versions
will never do more than seven.
Previous releases of MooX::late added support for C<< coerce => 1 >> and
C<< default => $nonref >>. These features have now been added to Moo itself,
so MooX::late no longer has to deal with them.
=head2 Use in Moo::Roles
MooX::late should work in Moo::Roles, with no particular caveats.
package MyRole;
use Moo::Role;
use MooX::late;
L<Package::Variant> can be used to build the Moo equivalent of
parameterized roles. MooX::late should work in roles built with
use Package::Variant
importing => [ qw( Moo::Role MooX::late ) ],
subs => [ qw( has with ) ];
=head2 Type constraints
Type constraint strings are interpreted using L<Type::Parser>, using the
type constraints defined in L<Types::Standard>. This provides a very slight
superset of Moose's type constraint syntax and built-in type constraints.
Any unrecognized string that looks like it might be a class name is
interpreted as a class type constraint.
=head2 Subclassing
MooX::late is designed to be reasonably easy to subclass. There are comments
in the source code explaining hooks for extensibility.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs to
=head1 SEE ALSO
C<MooX::late> uses L<Types::Standard> to check type constraints.
C<MooX::late> uses L<MooX::HandlesVia> to provide native attribute traits
The following modules bring additional Moose functionality to Moo:
=item *
L<MooX::Override> - support override/super
=item *
L<MooX::Augment> - support augment/inner
L<MooX> allows you to load Moo plus multiple MooX extension modules in a
single line.
=head1 AUTHOR
Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.
This software is copyright (c) 2012-2014 by Toby Inkster.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.