/usr/share/perl5/LaTeXML/Post/LaTeXImages.pm is in latexml 0.8.1-1.
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# | LaTeXML::Post::LaTeXImages | #
# | Abstract Postprocessor to create images from LaTeX code | #
# |=====================================================================| #
# | Part of LaTeXML: | #
# | Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the | #
# | United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US. | #
# |---------------------------------------------------------------------| #
# | Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov> #_# | #
# | http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ (o o) | #
# \=========================================================ooo==U==ooo=/ #
package LaTeXML::Post::LaTeXImages;
use strict;
use warnings;
use DB_File;
use Config;
use LaTeXML::Util::Image;
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use LaTeXML::Util::Pathname;
use File::Temp;
use File::Which;
use LaTeXML::Post;
use base qw(LaTeXML::Post::Processor);
# Other silly constants that might want changing?
##our $TMP = '/tmp';
our $LATEXCMD = 'latex'; #(or elatex) [ CONFIGURABLE? Encoded in PI?]
# The purpose of this module is to convert TeX fragments into png (or similar),
# typically via dvi and other intermediate formats.
# LaTeX converts the TeX stuff to dvi;
# dvips converts the dvi to eps, and ImageMagick can convert the eps to png;
# OR dvipng can convert the dvi to png MUCH quicker... if it's available.
# Options:
# source : (dir)
# magnification : typically something like 1.33333, but you may want bigger
# maxwidth : maximum page width, in pixels (whenever line breaking is possible)
# dpi : assumed DPI for the target medium (default 96)
# background : color of background (for anti-aliasing, since it is made transparent)
# imagetype : typically 'png' or 'gif'.
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%options);
$$self{magnification} = $options{magnification} || 1.33333;
$$self{maxwidth} = $options{maxwidth} || 800;
$$self{dpi} = $options{dpi} || 96;
$$self{background} = $options{background} || "#FFFFFF";
$$self{imagetype} = $options{imagetype} || 'png';
# Parameters for separating the clipping box from the
# desired padding between image edge and "ink"
$$self{padding} = $options{padding} || 2; # pixels
# amount of extra space (+padding) to put between object & rules for clipping
$$self{clippingfudge} = 3; # px
$$self{clippingrule} = 0.90; # pixels (< 1 to avoid antialiasing..?)
# Sanity check of dvi processing...
# If trying to create svg...
if (($$self{imagetype} eq 'svg') && (!defined $options{use_dvisvgm}) && which('dvisvgm')) {
$$self{use_dvisvgm} = 1; }
elsif ($$self{use_dvisvgm} && (($$self{imagetype} ne 'svg') || !which('dvisvgm'))) {
$$self{use_dvisvgm} = 0; } # but disable if inappropriate or unavailable
# We'll use dvipng (MUCH faster) if requested or not forbidden & available.
# But be careful: it can't handle much postscript, so better NOT for graphics!
if (($$self{imagetype} eq 'png') && (!defined $options{use_dvipng}) && which('dvipng')) {
$$self{use_dvipng} = 1; }
elsif ($$self{use_dvipng} && (($$self{imagetype} ne 'png') || !which('dvipng'))) {
$$self{use_dvipng} = 0; } # but disable if inappropriate or unavailable.
# Parameterize according to the selected dvi-to-whatever processor.
my $mag = int($$self{magnification} * 1000);
my $dpi = int($$self{dpi} * $$self{magnification});
# Unfortunately, each command has incompatible -o option to name the output file.
# Note that the formatting char used, '%', has to be doubled on Windows!!
# Maybe that's only true when it looks like an environment variable?
# Ie. %variable% ?
# my $fmt = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '%%' : '%');
my $fmt = '%';
if ($$self{use_dvisvgm}) {
# img name uses 2 digits for page; what happens at 100?
$$self{dvicmd} = "dvisvgm --page=1- --bbox=min --mag=$mag -o imgx-${fmt}p";
$$self{dvicmd_output_name} = 'imgx-%02d.svg';
$$self{dvicmd_output_type} = 'svg';
$$self{frame_output} = 0; }
elsif ($$self{use_dvipng}) {
$$self{dvicmd} = "dvipng -bg Transparent -T tight -q -D$dpi -o imgx-${fmt}03d.png";
$$self{dvicmd_output_name} = 'imgx-%03d.png';
$$self{dvicmd_output_type} = 'png32';
$$self{frame_output} = 1; }
else {
# Useful DVIPS options:
# -q : run quietly
# -x# : magnification * 1000
# -S1 -i : make a separate file for each `section' consisting of a single page.
# QUESTION: dvips' naming scheme allows for 999 pages... what happens at 1000?
# -E : crop each page close to the `ink'.
# -j0 : don't subset fonts; silly really, but some font tests are making problems!
$$self{dvicmd} = "dvips -q -S1 -i -E -j0 -x$mag -o imgx";
$$self{dvicmd_output_name} = 'imgx%03d';
$$self{dvicmd_output_type} = 'eps';
$$self{frame_output} = 1; }
return $self; }
# Check whether this processor actually has the resources it needs to process.
# I don't know if there's a general API implied here;
# It could, conceivably be use in planning post processing?
# But generally, before signalling an error, you'd want to know that the processor
# is even needed.
# This test is called once we know that, from within
# At any rate: To process LaTeX snippets into images, we will need
# * latex (or related) from a TeX installation
# * Image::Magick (or similar) [see LaTeXML::Util::Image]
sub canProcess {
my ($self) = @_;
# Check if we have Image::Magick (or similar)
if (!image_can_image()) {
Error('expected', 'Image::Magick', undef,
"No available image processing module found; Skipping.",
"Please install one of: " . join(',', image_classes()));
return; }
# AND check if we have an approriprate latex!!!
if (($LATEXCMD =~ /^(\S+)/) && !which($1)) { # does the command seem to be available?
Error('expected', $LATEXCMD, undef,
"No latex command ($LATEXCMD) found; Skipping.",
"Please install TeX to generate images from LaTeX");
return; }
return 1; }
# Methods that must be defined;
# This is an abstract class; concrete classes must select the nodes to process.
# We'll still need to use $proc->extractTeX($doc,$node)
# to extract the actual TeX string!
sub toProcess {
return (); }
# $self->extractTeX($doc,$node)=>$texstring;
sub extractTeX {
return ""; }
# $self->format_tex($texstring)
sub format_tex {
return ""; }
# $self->setTeXImage($doc,$node,$imagepath,$width,$height);
# This is the default
sub setTeXImage {
my ($self, $doc, $node, $path, $width, $height, $depth) = @_;
$node->setAttribute('imagesrc', $path);
$node->setAttribute('imagewidth', $width);
$node->setAttribute('imageheight', $height);
$node->setAttribute('imagedepth', $depth) if defined $depth;
return; }
# Methods that could be wrapped, overridden.
# Should be called by extractTeX
sub cleanTeX {
my ($self, $tex) = @_;
return unless defined $tex;
my $style = '';
# Save any leading style
if ($tex =~ s/^\s*(\\displaystyle|\\textstyle|\\scriptstyle|\\scriptscriptstyle)\s*//) {
$style = $1; }
$tex =~ s/^(?:\\\s*,|\\!\s*|\\>\s*|\\;\s*|\\:\s*|\\ \s*|\\\/\s*)*//; # Trim leading spacing (especially negative!)
$tex =~ s/(?:\\\s*,|\\!\s*|\\>\s*|\\;\s*|\\:\s*|\\ \s*|\\\/\s*)*$//; # and trailing spacing
$tex =~ s/\%[^\n]*\n//gs; # Strip comments
$tex = $style . ' ' . $tex if $style; # Put back the style, if any
return $tex; }
# Generating & Processing the LaTeX source.
# Need the destination directory AND (optionally?) a subdir for the images.
# both are only used here.
# Alternatively, a dest for doc & dest for images ?
# What we really need to know is:
# (1) where to write the images.
# (2) relative path from doc to images.
# sub process {
# my ($self, $doc, @nodes) = @_;
# return $self->generateImages($doc, @nodes); }
sub generateImages {
my ($self, $doc, @nodes) = @_;
my $jobname = "ltxmlimg";
my $orig_cwd = pathname_cwd();
my $sep = $Config::Config{path_sep};
local $ENV{TEXINPUTS} = join($sep, '.', $doc->getSearchPaths,
pathname_concat(pathname_installation(), 'texmf'),
($ENV{TEXINPUTS} || $sep));
my %table = ();
# === Get the desired nodes, extract the set of unique tex strings,
# noting which need processing.
# Note that if desiredResourcePathname is implemented, we might get
# several desired names for the same chunk of tex!!!
my ($ntotal, $nuniq) = (0, 0);
foreach my $node (@nodes) {
my $tex = $self->extractTeX($doc, $node);
next if !(defined $tex) || ($tex =~ /^\s*$/);
# Ideally, $dest is relative to document..
my $dest = $self->desiredResourcePathname($doc, $node, undef, $$self{imagetype});
# my $key = (ref $self) . ":" . $tex . ($dest ? ":$dest" : '');
my $key = (ref $self) . ':' . $$self{imagetype} . ':' . $tex;
my $entry = $table{$key};
if (!$entry) {
$entry = $table{$key} = { tex => $tex, key => $key, nodes => [], dest => [] }; }
# Why do I need to make things so complicated?!?!
# It may be desired that a particular image gets a specific name.
# AND, the same TeX may get different names, or some with & without names!!
if ($dest && (!grep { $dest eq $_ } @{ $$entry{dest} })) {
push(@{ $$entry{dest} }, $dest); }
push(@{ $$entry{nodes} }, $node); }
return $doc unless $nuniq; # No strings to process!
return unless $self->canProcess;
# === Check which objects still need processing.
my $destdir = $doc->getDestinationDirectory;
my @pending = ();
foreach my $key (sort keys %table) {
my $store = $doc->cacheLookup($key);
if ($store && ($store =~ /^(.*);(\d+);(\d+);(\d+)$/)) {
next if -f pathname_absolute($1, $destdir); }
push(@pending, $table{$key}); }
NoteProgress(" [$nuniq unique; " . scalar(@pending) . " new]");
if (@pending) { # if any images need processing
# Create working directory; note TMPDIR attempts to put it in standard place (like /tmp/)
my $workdir = File::Temp->newdir("LaTeXMLXXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1);
# === Generate the LaTeX file.
my $texfile = pathname_make(dir => $workdir, name => $jobname, type => 'tex');
my $TEX;
if (!open($TEX, '>', $texfile)) {
Error('I/O', $texfile, undef, "Cant write to '$texfile'", "Response was: $!");
return $doc; }
print $TEX $self->pre_preamble($doc);
print $TEX "\\makeatletter\n";
print $TEX $self->preamble($doc) . "\n";
print $TEX "\\makeatother\n";
print $TEX "\\begin{document}\n";
foreach my $entry (@pending) {
## print TEX "\\fbox{$$entry{tex}}\\clearpage\n"; }
print $TEX "$$entry{tex}\\clearpage\n"; }
print $TEX "\\end{document}\n";
# === Run LaTeX on the file.
# (keep the command simple so it works in Windows)
my $ltxcommand = "$LATEXCMD $jobname > $jobname.ltxoutput";
my $ltxerr = system($ltxcommand);
# Sometimes latex returns non-zero code, even though it apparently succeeded.
# And sometimes it doesn't produce a dvi, even with 0 return code?
if (($ltxerr != 0) || (!-f "$workdir/$jobname.dvi")) {
my $preserve = $$LaTeXML::POST{verbosity} > 0; # preserve junk when verbosity high.
$workdir->unlink_on_destroy(0) if $preserve;
Error('shell', $LATEXCMD, undef,
"LaTeX command '$ltxcommand' failed",
($ltxerr == 0 ? "No dvi file generated" : "returned code $ltxerr (!= 0): $@"),
($preserve ? "See $workdir/$jobname.log" : "Re-run with --verbose to see TeX log"));
return $doc; }
$workdir->unlink_on_destroy(0) if $$LaTeXML::POST{verbosity} > 2;
# Extract dimensions (width x height+depth) from each image from log file.
my @dimensions = ();
my $LOG;
if (open($LOG, '<', "$workdir/$jobname.log")) {
while (<$LOG>) {
if (/^\s*LXIMAGE\s*(\d+)\s*=\s*([\+\-\d\.]+)pt\s*x\s*([\+\-\d\.]+)pt\s*\+\s*([\+\-\d\.]+)pt\s*$/) {
$dimensions[$1] = [$2, $3, $4]; } }
close($LOG); }
else {
Warn('expected', 'dimensions', undef,
"Couldn't read log file $workdir/$jobname.log to extract image dimensions",
"Response was: $!"); }
# === Run dvicmd to extract individual png|postscript files.
my $dvicommand = "$$self{dvicmd} $jobname.dvi > $jobname.dvioutput";
my $dvierr = system($dvicommand);
if ($dvierr != 0) {
Error('shell', $$self{dvicmd}, undef,
"Shell command '$dvicommand' (for dvi conversion) failed (see $workdir for clues)",
"Response was: $!");
return $doc; }
# === Convert each image to appropriate type and put in place.
my $pixels_per_pt = $$self{magnification} * $$self{dpi} / 72.27;
my ($index, $ndigits) = (0, 1 + int(log($doc->cacheLookup((ref $self) . ':_max_image_') || 1) / log(10)));
foreach my $entry (@pending) {
my $src = "$workdir/" . sprintf($$self{dvicmd_output_name}, ++$index);
if (-f $src) {
my @dests = @{ $$entry{dest} };
push(@dests, $self->generateResourcePathname($doc, $$entry{nodes}[0], undef, $$self{imagetype}))
unless @dests;
foreach my $dest (@dests) {
my $absdest = $doc->checkDestination($dest);
my ($ww, $hh, $dd) = map { $_ * $pixels_per_pt } @{ $dimensions[$index] };
my ($w, $h);
if ($$self{frame_output}) { # If framed, trim the frame
($w, $h) = $self->convert_image($doc, $src, $absdest);
next unless defined $w && defined $h; }
else {
pathname_copy($src, $absdest);
$w = int($ww + 0.5); $h = int($hh + $dd + 0.5); }
my $d = int(0.5 + ($dd || 0) + $$self{padding});
if ((($w == 1) && ($ww > 1)) || (($h == 1) && ($hh > 1))) {
Warn('expected', 'image', undef, "Image for '$$entry{tex}' was cropped to nothing!"); }
# print STDERR "\nFor key='$$entry{key}': Image[$index] '$dest' $$entry{tex} $ww x $hh + $dd ==> $w x $h \\ $d\n";
$doc->cacheStore($$entry{key}, "$dest;$w;$h;$d"); }
else {
Warn('expected', 'image', undef, "Missing image '$src'; See $workdir/$jobname.log"); } } }
# Finally, modify the original document to record the associated images.
foreach my $entry (values %table) {
next unless ($doc->cacheLookup($$entry{key}) || '') =~ /^(.*);(\d+);(\d+);(\d+)$/;
my ($image, $width, $height, $depth) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
# Ideally, $image is already relative, but if not, make relative to document
my $reldest = pathname_relative($image, $doc->getDestinationDirectory);
foreach my $node (@{ $$entry{nodes} }) {
$self->setTeXImage($doc, $node, $reldest, $width, $height, $depth); } }
$doc->closeCache; # If opened.
return $doc; }
# Get a list blah, blah...
sub find_documentclass_and_packages {
my ($self, $doc) = @_;
my ($class, $classoptions, $oldstyle, @packages);
foreach my $pi ($doc->findnodes(".//processing-instruction('latexml')")) {
my $data = $pi->textContent;
my $entry = {};
while ($data =~ s/\s*([\w\-\_]*)=([\"\'])(.*?)\2//) {
$$entry{$1} = $3; }
if ($$entry{class}) {
$class = $$entry{class};
$classoptions = $$entry{options} || 'onecolumn';
$oldstyle = $$entry{oldstyle}; }
elsif ($$entry{package}) {
push(@packages, [$$entry{package}, $$entry{options} || '']); }
if (!$class) {
Warn('expected', 'class', undef, "No document class found; using article");
$class = 'article'; }
return ([$class, $classoptions, $oldstyle], @packages); }
# Generating & Processing the LaTeX source.
sub pre_preamble {
my ($self, $doc) = @_;
my @classdata = $self->find_documentclass_and_packages($doc);
my ($class, $class_options, $oldstyle) = @{ shift(@classdata) };
$class_options = "[$class_options]" if $class_options && ($class_options !~ /^\[.*\]$/);
$class_options = '' unless defined $class_options;
my $documentcommand = ($oldstyle ? "\\documentstyle" : "\\documentclass");
my $packages = '';
my $dest = $doc->getDestination;
my $description = ($dest ? "% Destination $dest" : "");
my $pts_per_pixel = 72.27 / $$self{dpi} / $$self{magnification};
foreach my $pkgdata (@classdata) {
my ($package, $package_options) = @$pkgdata;
$package_options = "[$package_options]" if $package_options && ($package_options !~ /^\[.*\]$/);
$packages .= "\\usepackage$package_options\{$package\}\n"; }
my $w = ceil($$self{maxwidth} * $pts_per_pixel); # Page Width in points.
my $gap = ($$self{padding} + $$self{clippingfudge}) * $pts_per_pixel;
my $th = ($$self{frame_output}
? $$self{clippingrule} * $pts_per_pixel # clipping box thickness in points.
: 0); # NO clipping box!
# print STDERR "w=$w, gap=$gap, thickness=$th\n";
return <<"EOPreamble";
% Extra definitions for LaTeXML generated TeX
\\def\\\@DUAL[#1]#2#3{#3}% Use presentation form!!!
\\typeout{LXIMAGE \\the\\lxImageNumber\\space= \\the\\\@tempdima\\space x \\the\\ht\\lxImageBox\\space + \\the\\dp\\lxImageBox}%
# Converting the postscript images to gif/png/whatever
# Note that properly trimming the clipping box (and keeping the right
# padding and dimensions) is harder than it seems!
# Note that this conversion is, indeed, quite slow.
# Profiling indicates that virtually ALL the time is taken in ->Read !!
# (not the various trimming/shaving).
sub convert_image {
my ($self, $doc, $src, $dest) = @_;
my ($bg, $fg) = ($$self{background}, 'black');
my $image = image_object(antialias => 'True', background => $bg, density => $$self{dpi});
my $err = $image->Read($$self{dvicmd_output_type} . ':' . $src);
if ($err) {
Warn('imageprocessing', 'read', undef,
"Image conversion failed to read '$src'",
"Response was: $err"); return; }
my ($ww, $hh) = $image->Get('width', 'height'); # Get final image size
# We can't quite rely on the -E option to dvips; there may or may not be white outside the clipbox;
# Moreover, rounding can leave (possibly gray) 'tabs' on the clipbox corners.
# To be sure, add known white border, and trim away all white AND gray
$image->Border(width => 1, height => 1, fill => $bg);
$image->Trim(fuzz => '75%'); # Fuzzy, to trim the gray tabs, as well!!
$image->Set(fuzz => '0%'); # But, be SURE to RESET fuzz!! (It is NOT an "argument"!!!)
# [Also, be CAREFULL of ImageMagick's Floodfill variants, they sometimes go wild]
# Finally, shave off the rule & fudge padding.
my $fudge = int(0.5 + $$self{clippingfudge} + $$self{clippingrule});
$image->Shave(width => $fudge, height => $fudge);
my ($w, $h) = $image->Get('width', 'height'); # Get final image size
# ImageMagick tries to manage a "virtual" image within the image data,
# (whatever that means)
# This resets it back to the origin which avoids confusion, all 'round!
$image->Set(page => "${w}x${h}+0+0");
# Ideally, we'd make the alpha exactly opposite the ink, rather than merely 1 bit
# It would seem that this should do it, but currently just seems to turn off alpha completely!!!
# $image = $image->Fx(expression=>'(3.0-r+g+b)/3.0', channel=>'alpha');
$image->Transparent(color => $bg);
NoteProgressDetailed(" [Converting $src => $dest ($w x $h)]");
# Workaround bad png detection(?) in ImageMagick 6.6.5 (???)
if ($$self{imagetype} eq 'png') {
$dest = "png32:$dest"; }
$image->Write(filename => $dest);
return ($w, $h); }
if (my $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir()) {
if (-d $tmpdir && opendir(my $tmpdir_fh, $tmpdir)) {
my @empty_magick = grep { -z $_ } map { "$tmpdir/$_" } readdir($tmpdir_fh);
unlink $_ foreach @empty_magick;
} }
return; }