/usr/share/perl5/LaTeXML/Post/Graphics.pm is in latexml 0.8.1-1.
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# | LaTeXML::Post::Graphics | #
# | Graphics postprocessing for LaTeXML | #
# |=====================================================================| #
# | Part of LaTeXML: | #
# | Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the | #
# | United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US. | #
# |---------------------------------------------------------------------| #
# | Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov> #_# | #
# | http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ (o o) | #
# \=========================================================ooo==U==ooo=/ #
# Adapted from graphics-support.perl of LaTeX2HTML (which I had rewritten)
package LaTeXML::Post::Graphics;
use strict;
use warnings;
use LaTeXML::Util::Pathname;
use LaTeXML::Util::Image;
use LaTeXML::Post;
use base qw(LaTeXML::Post::Processor);
# Options:
# dpi : dots per inch for target medium.
# ignore_options : list of graphicx options to be ignored.
# warn_options : list of graphicx options to cause warning if used.
# trivial_scaling : If true, web images that only need scaling will be used as-is
# assuming the user agent scale the image.
# background : background color when filling or transparency.
# type_properties : hash of types=>hash.
# The hash for each type can have the following
# destination_type : the type to convert the file to if different.
# transparent : if true, the background color will be made transparent.
# quality : the `quality' used for the image.
# ncolors : the image will be quantized to ncolors.
# prescale : If true, and there are leading (or only) scaling commands,
# compute the new image size and re-read the image into that size
# This is useful for getting the best antialiasing for postscript, eg.
# unit= (pixel|point) : What unit the image size is given in.
# autocrop : if the image should be cropped (trimmed) when loaded.
# desirability : a number indicating how good of a mapping this entry is.
# This helps choose between two sources that can map to the
# same destination type.
# An entry whose source & destination types are the same
# has desirability=10.
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%options);
$$self{dppt} = (($options{dpi} || 90) / 72.0); # Dots per point.
$$self{ignore_options} = $options{ignore_options} || [];
$$self{trivial_scaling} = $options{trivial_scaling} || 1;
$$self{graphics_types} = $options{graphics_types}
|| [qw(svg png gif jpg jpeg
eps ps ai pdf)];
$$self{type_properties} = $options{type_properties}
|| {
ai => { destination_type => 'png',
transparent => 1,
prescale => 1, ncolors => '400%', quality => 90, unit => 'point' },
pdf => { destination_type => 'png',
transparent => 1,
prescale => 1, ncolors => '400%', quality => 90, unit => 'point' },
ps => { destination_type => 'png', transparent => 1,
prescale => 1, ncolors => '400%', quality => 90, unit => 'point' },
eps => { destination_type => 'png', transparent => 1,
prescale => 1, ncolors => '400%', quality => 90, unit => 'point' },
jpg => { destination_type => 'jpg',
ncolors => '400%', unit => 'pixel' },
jpeg => { destination_type => 'jpeg',
ncolors => '400%', unit => 'pixel' },
gif => { destination_type => 'gif', transparent => 1,
ncolors => '400%', unit => 'pixel' },
png => { destination_type => 'png', transparent => 1,
ncolors => '400%', unit => 'pixel' },
svg => { destination_type => 'svg',
raster => 0, desirability => 11 }, # use these, as is
$$self{background} = $options{background} || "#FFFFFF";
return $self; }
# Return a list of XML nodes which have graphics that need processing.
sub toProcess {
my ($self, $doc) = @_;
return $doc->findnodes('//ltx:graphics[not(@imagesrc)]'); }
sub process {
my ($self, $doc, @nodes) = @_;
local $LaTeXML::Post::Graphics::SEARCHPATHS
= [map { pathname_canonical($_) } $self->findGraphicsPaths($doc), $doc->getSearchPaths];
NoteProgressDetailed(" [Using graphicspaths: "
. join(', ', @$LaTeXML::Post::Graphics::SEARCHPATHS) . "]");
foreach my $node (@nodes) {
$self->processGraphic($doc, $node); }
$doc->closeCache; # If opened.
return $doc; }
# Potentially customizable operations.
# find graphics file
# Need to deal with source directory, as well as graphicspath.
# Extract any graphicspath PI's from the document and return a reference
# to a list of search paths.
sub findGraphicsPaths {
my ($self, $doc) = @_;
my @paths = ();
foreach my $pi ($doc->findnodes('.//processing-instruction("latexml")')) {
if ($pi->textContent =~ /^\s*graphicspath\s*=\s*([\"\'])(.*?)\1\s*$/) {
push(@paths, $2); } }
return @paths; }
sub getGraphicsSourceTypes {
my ($self) = @_;
return @{ $$self{graphics_types} }; }
# Return the pathname to an appropriate image.
sub findGraphicFile {
my ($self, $doc, $node) = @_;
if (my $name = $node->getAttribute('graphic')) {
# Find all acceptable image files, in order of search paths
my @paths = pathname_findall($name, paths => $LaTeXML::Post::Graphics::SEARCHPATHS,
# accept empty type, incase bad type name, but actual file's content is known type.
types => ['', $self->getGraphicsSourceTypes]);
my ($best, $bestpath) = (-1, undef);
# Now, find the first image that is either the correct type,
# or has the most desirable type mapping
foreach my $path (@paths) {
my $type = pathname_type($path);
my $props = $$self{type_properties}{$type};
my $desirability = $$props{desirability} || ($type eq $$props{destination_type} ? 10 : 0);
if ($desirability > $best) {
$best = $desirability;
$bestpath = $path; } }
return $bestpath; }
else {
return; } }
# Return the Transform to be used for this node
# Default is based on parsing the graphicx options
sub getTransform {
my ($self, $node) = @_;
my $options = $node->getAttribute('options');
return ($options ? image_graphicx_parse($options) : []); }
# Get a hash of the image processing properties to be applied to this image.
sub getTypeProperties {
my ($self, $source, $options) = @_;
my ($dir, $name, $ext) = pathname_split($source);
my $props = $$self{type_properties}{$ext};
if (!$props) {
# If we don't have a known file type, try a bit harder (maybe less efficient)
if (my $type = image_type($source)) {
$props = $$self{type_properties}{ lc($type) }; } }
return ($props ? %$props : ()); }
# Set the attributes of the graphics node to record the image file name,
# width and height.
sub setGraphicSrc {
my ($self, $node, $src, $width, $height) = @_;
$node->setAttribute('imagesrc', $src);
$node->setAttribute('imagewidth', $width) if defined $width;
$node->setAttribute('imageheight', $height) if defined $height;
return; }
sub processGraphic {
my ($self, $doc, $node) = @_;
my $source = $self->findGraphicFile($doc, $node);
if (!$source) {
Warn('expected', 'source', $node, "No graphic source specified; skipping"); return; }
my $transform = $self->getTransform($node);
my ($image, $width, $height) = $self->transformGraphic($doc, $node, $source, $transform);
# $image should probably be relative already, except corner applications?
# But definitely should be stored in doc relative to the doc itself!
$self->setGraphicSrc($node, pathname_relative($image, $doc->getDestinationDirectory),
$width, $height) if $image;
return; }
sub transformGraphic {
my ($self, $doc, $node, $source, $transform) = @_;
my $sourcedir = $doc->getSourceDirectory;
($sourcedir) = $doc->getSearchPaths unless $sourcedir; # Fishing...
my ($reldir, $name, $srctype)
= pathname_split(pathname_relative($source, $sourcedir));
my $key = (ref $self) . ':' . join('|', "$reldir$name.$srctype",
map { join(' ', @$_) } @$transform);
NoteProgressDetailed("\n[Processing $source as key=$key]");
my %properties = $self->getTypeProperties($source, $transform);
return Warn('unexpected', $source, undef,
"Don't know what to do with graphics file format '$source'") unless %properties;
my $type = $properties{destination_type} || $srctype;
my $dest = $self->desiredResourcePathname($doc, $node, $source, $type);
if (my $prev = $doc->cacheLookup($key)) { # Image was processed on previous run?
if ($prev =~ /^(.*?)\|(\d*)\|(\d*)$/) {
my ($cached, $width, $height) = ($1, $2, $3);
$width = undef unless $width;
$height = undef unless $height;
# If so, check that it is still there, up to date, etc.
if ((!defined $dest) || ($cached eq $dest)) {
my $absdest = pathname_absolute($cached, $doc->getDestinationDirectory);
if (pathname_timestamp($source) <= pathname_timestamp($absdest)) {
NoteProgressDetailed(" [Reuse $cached @ " . ($width || '?') . " x " . ($height || '?') . "]");
return ($cached, $width, $height); } } } }
# Trivial scaling case: Use original image with (at most) different width & height.
my $triv_scaling = $$self{trivial_scaling} && ($type eq $srctype)
&& image_graphicx_is_trivial($transform);
# But first check if we have the capabilities to do complex scaling!
if (!$triv_scaling && (defined $properties{raster}) && !$properties{raster}) {
Warn("limitation", $source, undef,
"Cannot (yet) apply complex transforms to non-raster images",
join(',', map { join(' ', @$_) } grep { !($_->[0] =~ /^scale/) } @$transform));
$triv_scaling = 1;
$transform = image_graphicx_trivialize($transform); }
if (!image_can_image()) {
if ($type ne $srctype) {
Error('imageprocessing', 'imageclass', undef,
"No image processing module found to convert types",
"Skipping $source=>$type.",
"Please install one of: " . join(',', image_classes()));
return; }
elsif (!$triv_scaling) {
Error('imageprocessing', 'imageclass', undef,
"No image processing module found for complex transformations",
"Simplifying transformation of $source.",
"Please install one of: " . join(',', image_classes()));
$triv_scaling = 1;
$transform = image_graphicx_trivialize($transform); }
my ($image, $width, $height);
if ($triv_scaling) {
# With a simple scaling transformation we can preserve path & file-names
# But only if we can mimic the relative path in the site directory.
# Get image source file relative to the document's source file
$dest = pathname_relative($source, $doc->getSourceDirectory);
# and it's (eventual) absolute path in the destination directory
# assuming it had the same relative path from the destination file.
my $absdest = pathname_absolute($dest, $doc->getDestinationDirectory);
# Now IFF that is a valid relative path WITHIN the site directory, we'll use it.
# Otherwise, we'd better fall back to a generated name.
if (!pathname_is_contained($absdest, $doc->getSiteDirectory)) {
$dest = $self->generateResourcePathname($doc, $node, $source, $type);
$absdest = $doc->checkDestination($dest); }
NoteProgressDetailed(" [Destination $absdest]");
($width, $height) = image_graphicx_trivial($source, $transform, ddpt => $$self{ddpt});
if (!($width && $height)) {
if (!image_can_image()) {
Warn('imageprocessing', 'imagesize', undef,
"No image processing module found for image sizing",
"Will omit image size for $source",
"Please install one of: " . join(',', image_classes())); }
else {
Warn('expected', 'image', undef,
"Couldn't get usable image size for $source"); } }
pathname_copy($source, $absdest)
or Warn('I/O', $absdest, undef, "Couldn't copy $source to $absdest", "Response was: $!");
NoteProgressDetailed(" [Copied to $dest @ " . ($width || '?') . " x " . ($height || '?') . "]"); }
else {
# With a complex transformation, we really needs a new name (well, don't we?)
$dest = $self->generateResourcePathname($doc, $node, $source, $type) unless $dest;
my $absdest = $doc->checkDestination($dest);
NoteProgressDetailed(" [Destination $absdest]");
($image, $width, $height) = image_graphicx_complex($source, $transform,
ddpt => $$self{ddpt}, background => $$self{background}, %properties);
if (!($image && $width && $height)) {
Warn('expected', 'image', undef,
"Couldn't get usable image for $source");
return; }
NoteProgressDetailed(" [Writing to $absdest]");
image_write($image, $absdest) or return; }
$doc->cacheStore($key, "$dest|" . ($width || '') . '|' . ($height || ''));
NoteProgressDetailed(" [done with $key]");
return ($dest, $width, $height); }