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# code_native / code_llvm (issue #8239)
# It's hard to really test these, but just running them should be
# sufficient to catch segfault bugs.
function test_ast_reflection(freflect, f, types)
@test !isempty(freflect(f, types))
function test_bin_reflection(freflect, f, types)
iob = IOBuffer()
freflect(iob, f, types)
str = takebuf_string(iob)
@test !isempty(str)
function test_code_reflection(freflect, f, types, tester)
tester(freflect, f, types)
tester(freflect, f, (types.parameters...))
function test_code_reflections(tester, freflect)
test_code_reflection(freflect, ismatch,
Tuple{Regex, AbstractString}, tester)
test_code_reflection(freflect, +, Tuple{Int, Int}, tester)
test_code_reflection(freflect, +,
Tuple{Array{Float32}, Array{Float32}}, tester)
test_code_reflection(freflect, Module, Tuple{}, tester)
test_code_reflection(freflect, Array{Int64}, Tuple{Array{Int32}}, tester)
println(STDERR, "The following 'Returned code...' warnings indicate normal behavior:")
test_code_reflections(test_ast_reflection, code_lowered)
test_code_reflections(test_ast_reflection, code_typed)
test_code_reflections(test_bin_reflection, code_llvm)
test_code_reflections(test_bin_reflection, code_native)
@test_throws Exception code_native(+, Int, Int)
@test_throws Exception code_native(+, Array{Float32}, Array{Float32})
@test_throws Exception code_llvm(+, Int, Int)
@test_throws Exception code_llvm(+, Array{Float32}, Array{Float32})
# code_warntype
module WarnType
using Base.Test
function warntype_hastag(f, types, tag)
iob = IOBuffer()
code_warntype(iob, f, types)
str = takebuf_string(iob)
!isempty(search(str, tag))
pos_stable(x) = x > 0 ? x : zero(x)
pos_unstable(x) = x > 0 ? x : 0
tag = Base.have_color ? Base.text_colors[:red] : "UNION"
@test warntype_hastag(pos_unstable, Tuple{Float64}, tag)
@test !warntype_hastag(pos_stable, Tuple{Float64}, tag)
type Stable{T,N}
type Unstable{T}
Base.getindex(A::Stable, i) = A.A[i]
Base.getindex(A::Unstable, i) = A.A[i]
tag = Base.have_color ? Base.text_colors[:red] : "ARRAY{FLOAT64,N}"
@test warntype_hastag(getindex, Tuple{Unstable{Float64},Int}, tag)
@test !warntype_hastag(getindex, Tuple{Stable{Float64,2},Int}, tag)
@test warntype_hastag(getindex, Tuple{Stable{Float64},Int}, tag)
function funfun(x)
function internal(y)
return 2y
z = internal(3)
tag = Base.have_color ? string("2y",Base.text_colors[:red],"::Any") : "2y::ANY"
@test warntype_hastag(funfun, Tuple{Float64}, tag)
# Make sure emphasis is not used for other functions
tag = Base.have_color ? Base.text_colors[:red] : "ANY"
iob = IOBuffer()
show(iob, expand(:(x->x^2)))
str = takebuf_string(iob)
@test isempty(search(str, tag))
# issue #13568
@test !warntype_hastag(+, Tuple{Int,Int}, tag)
@test !warntype_hastag(-, Tuple{Int,Int}, tag)
@test !warntype_hastag(*, Tuple{Int,Int}, tag)
@test !warntype_hastag(/, Tuple{Int,Int}, tag)
# isbits
@test !isbits(Array{Int})
@test isbits(Float32)
@test isbits(Int)
@test !isbits(AbstractString)
# issue #10165
i10165(::DataType) = 0
i10165{T,n}(::Type{AbstractArray{T,n}}) = 1
@test i10165(AbstractArray{Int}) == 0
@test which(i10165, Tuple{Type{AbstractArray{Int}},}).sig == Tuple{DataType,}
# fullname
@test fullname(Base) == (:Base,)
@test fullname(Base.Pkg) == (:Base, :Pkg)
const a_const = 1
not_const = 1
@test isconst(:a_const) == true
@test isconst(Base, :pi) == true
@test isconst(:pi) == true
@test isconst(:not_const) == false
@test isconst(:is_not_defined) == false
@test isimmutable(1) == true
@test isimmutable([]) == false
@test isimmutable("abc") == true
## find bindings tests
@test ccall(:jl_get_module_of_binding, Any, (Any, Any), Base, :sin)==Base
module TestMod7648
using Base.Test
export a9475, c7648, foo7648
const c7648 = 8
d7648 = 9
const f7648 = 10
foo7648(x) = x
module TestModSub9475
using Base.Test
using ..TestMod7648
export a9475
a9475 = 5
b9475 = 7
@test Base.binding_module(:a9475)==current_module()
@test Base.binding_module(:c7648)==TestMod7648
@test Base.module_name(current_module())==:TestModSub9475
@test Base.fullname(current_module())==(:TestMod7648, :TestModSub9475)
@test Base.module_parent(current_module())==TestMod7648
end # module TestModSub9475
using .TestModSub9475
@test Base.binding_module(:d7648)==current_module()
@test Base.binding_module(:a9475)==TestModSub9475
@test Base.module_name(current_module())==:TestMod7648
@test Base.module_parent(current_module())==Main
end # module TestMod7648
@test Base.binding_module(TestMod7648, :d7648)==TestMod7648
@test Base.binding_module(TestMod7648, :a9475)==TestMod7648.TestModSub9475
@test Base.binding_module(TestMod7648.TestModSub9475, :b9475)==TestMod7648.TestModSub9475
@test Set(names(TestMod7648))==Set([:TestMod7648, :a9475, :c7648, :foo7648])
@test isconst(TestMod7648, :c7648)
@test !isconst(TestMod7648, :d7648)
@test !isgeneric(isa)
using TestMod7648
@test Base.binding_module(:a9475)==TestMod7648.TestModSub9475
@test Base.binding_module(:c7648)==TestMod7648
@test isgeneric(foo7648)
@test Base.function_name(foo7648)==:foo7648
@test Base.function_module(foo7648, (Any,))==TestMod7648
@test basename(functionloc(foo7648, (Any,))[1]) == "reflection.jl"
@test TestMod7648.TestModSub9475.foo7648.env.defs==@which foo7648(5)
@test TestMod7648==@which foo7648
@test TestMod7648.TestModSub9475==@which a9475
@test_throws ArgumentError which(is, Tuple{Int, Int})
# issue #13264
@test isa((@which vcat(1...)), Method)
# issue #13464
let t13464 = "hey there sailor"
@which t13464[1,1] = (1.0,true)
catch err13464
@test startswith(err13464.msg, "expression is not a function call, or is too complex")