/usr/share/julia/test/linalg/bidiag.jl is in julia-common 0.4.5-3.
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using Base.Test
import Base.LinAlg: BlasReal, BlasFloat
debug = false
n = 10 #Size of test matrix
debug && println("Bidiagonal matrices")
for relty in (Float32, Float64, BigFloat), elty in (relty, Complex{relty})
debug && println("elty is $(elty), relty is $(relty)")
dv = convert(Vector{elty}, randn(n))
ev = convert(Vector{elty}, randn(n-1))
b = convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(n, 2))
c = convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(n, n))
if (elty <: Complex)
dv += im*convert(Vector{elty}, randn(n))
ev += im*convert(Vector{elty}, randn(n-1))
b += im*convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(n, 2))
debug && println("Test constructors")
@test Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U') == Bidiagonal(dv,ev,true)
@test_throws ArgumentError Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'R')
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Bidiagonal(dv,ones(elty,n),true)
@test_throws ArgumentError Bidiagonal(dv,ev)
#getindex and size
BD = Bidiagonal(dv,ev,true)
@test_throws BoundsError BD[n+1,1]
@test_throws ArgumentError size(BD,0)
@test size(BD,3) == 1
debug && println("show")
dstring = sprint(Base.print_matrix,BD.dv')
estring = sprint(Base.print_matrix,BD.ev')
@test sprint(show,BD) == "$(summary(BD)):\n diag:$dstring\n super:$estring"
BD = Bidiagonal(dv,ev,false)
@test sprint(show,BD) == "$(summary(BD)):\n diag:$dstring\n sub:$estring"
debug && println("Test upper and lower bidiagonal matrices")
for isupper in (true, false)
debug && println("isupper is: $(isupper)")
T = Bidiagonal(dv, ev, isupper)
@test size(T, 1) == size(T, 2) == n
@test size(T) == (n, n)
@test full(T) == diagm(dv) + diagm(ev, isupper?1:-1)
@test Bidiagonal(full(T), isupper) == T
@test big(T) == T
@test full(abs(T)) == abs(diagm(dv)) + abs(diagm(ev, isupper?1:-1))
@test full(real(T)) == real(diagm(dv)) + real(diagm(ev, isupper?1:-1))
@test full(imag(T)) == imag(diagm(dv)) + imag(diagm(ev, isupper?1:-1))
z = zeros(elty, n)
debug && println("Idempotent tests")
for func in (conj, transpose, ctranspose)
@test func(func(T)) == T
debug && println("triu and tril")
@test istril(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L'))
@test !istril(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'))
@test tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'),-1) == Bidiagonal(zeros(dv),zeros(ev),'U')
@test tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L'),-1) == Bidiagonal(zeros(dv),ev,'L')
@test tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'),-2) == Bidiagonal(zeros(dv),zeros(ev),'U')
@test tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L'),-2) == Bidiagonal(zeros(dv),zeros(ev),'L')
@test tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'),1) == Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U')
@test tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L'),1) == Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L')
@test tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U')) == Bidiagonal(dv,zeros(ev),'U')
@test tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L')) == Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L')
@test_throws ArgumentError tril!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'),n+1)
@test istriu(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'))
@test !istriu(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L'))
@test triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L'),1) == Bidiagonal(zeros(dv),zeros(ev),'L')
@test triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'),1) == Bidiagonal(zeros(dv),ev,'U')
@test triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'),2) == Bidiagonal(zeros(dv),zeros(ev),'U')
@test triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L'),2) == Bidiagonal(zeros(dv),zeros(ev),'L')
@test triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'),-1) == Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U')
@test triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L'),-1) == Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L')
@test triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'L')) == Bidiagonal(dv,zeros(ev),'L')
@test triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U')) == Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U')
@test_throws ArgumentError triu!(Bidiagonal(dv,ev,'U'),n+1)
debug && println("Linear solver")
Tfull = full(T)
condT = cond(map(Complex128,Tfull))
x = T \ b
tx = Tfull \ b
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Base.LinAlg.naivesub!(T,ones(elty,n+1))
@test norm(x-tx,Inf) <= 4*condT*max(eps()*norm(tx,Inf), eps(relty)*norm(x,Inf))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch T \ ones(elty,n+1,2)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch T.' \ ones(elty,n+1,2)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch T' \ ones(elty,n+1,2)
if relty != BigFloat
x = T.'\c.'
tx = Tfull.' \ c.'
@test norm(x-tx,Inf) <= 4*condT*max(eps()*norm(tx,Inf), eps(relty)*norm(x,Inf))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch T.'\b.'
x = T'\c.'
tx = Tfull' \ c.'
@test norm(x-tx,Inf) <= 4*condT*max(eps()*norm(tx,Inf), eps(relty)*norm(x,Inf))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch T'\b.'
x = T\c.'
tx = Tfull\c.'
@test norm(x-tx,Inf) <= 4*condT*max(eps()*norm(tx,Inf), eps(relty)*norm(x,Inf))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch T\b.'
debug && println("Round,float,trunc,ceil")
if elty <: BlasReal
@test floor(Int,T) == Bidiagonal(floor(Int,T.dv),floor(Int,T.ev),T.isupper)
@test trunc(Int,T) == Bidiagonal(trunc(Int,T.dv),trunc(Int,T.ev),T.isupper)
@test round(Int,T) == Bidiagonal(round(Int,T.dv),round(Int,T.ev),T.isupper)
@test ceil(Int,T) == Bidiagonal(ceil(Int,T.dv),ceil(Int,T.ev),T.isupper)
debug && println("Generic Mat-vec ops")
@test_approx_eq T*dv Tfull*dv
@test_approx_eq T'*dv Tfull'*dv
if relty != BigFloat # not supported by pivoted QR
@test_approx_eq T/dv' Tfull/dv'
debug && println("Diagonals")
@test diag(T,2) == zeros(elty, n-2)
@test_throws ArgumentError diag(T,n+1)
debug && println("Eigensystems")
d1, v1 = eig(T)
d2, v2 = eig(map(elty<:Complex ? Complex128 : Float64,Tfull))
@test_approx_eq isupper?d1:reverse(d1) d2
if elty <: Real
Test.test_approx_eq_modphase(v1, isupper?v2:v2[:,n:-1:1])
debug && println("Singular systems")
if (elty <: BlasReal)
@test_approx_eq full(svdfact(T)) full(svdfact!(copy(Tfull)))
@test_approx_eq svdvals(Tfull) svdvals(T)
u1, d1, v1 = svd(Tfull)
u2, d2, v2 = svd(T)
@test_approx_eq d1 d2
if elty <: Real
Test.test_approx_eq_modphase(u1, u2)
Test.test_approx_eq_modphase(v1, v2)
@test_approx_eq_eps 0 vecnorm(u2*diagm(d2)*v2'-Tfull) n*max(n^2*eps(relty), vecnorm(u1*diagm(d1)*v1' - Tfull))
@inferred svdvals(T)
@inferred svd(T)
debug && println("Binary operations")
@test -T == Bidiagonal(-T.dv,-T.ev,T.isupper)
@test convert(elty,-1.0) * T == Bidiagonal(-T.dv,-T.ev,T.isupper)
@test T * convert(elty,-1.0) == Bidiagonal(-T.dv,-T.ev,T.isupper)
for isupper2 in (true, false)
dv = convert(Vector{elty}, randn(n))
ev = convert(Vector{elty}, randn(n-1))
T2 = Bidiagonal(dv, ev, isupper2)
Tfull2 = full(T2)
for op in (+, -, *)
@test_approx_eq full(op(T, T2)) op(Tfull, Tfull2)
debug && println("Inverse")
@test_approx_eq inv(T)*Tfull eye(elty,n)
@test Matrix{Complex{Float64}}(BD) == BD
# Issue 10742 and similar
let A = Bidiagonal([1,2,3], [0,0], true)
@test istril(A)
@test isdiag(A)
#test promote_rule
A = Bidiagonal(ones(Float32,10),ones(Float32,9),true)
B = rand(Float64,10,10)
C = Tridiagonal(rand(Float64,9),rand(Float64,10),rand(Float64,9))
@test promote(B,A) == (B,convert(Matrix{Float64},full(A)))
@test promote(C,A) == (C,Tridiagonal(zeros(Float64,9),convert(Vector{Float64},A.dv),convert(Vector{Float64},A.ev)))