/usr/share/julia/test/int.jl is in julia-common 0.4.5-3.
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# Test integer conversion routines from int.jl
for y in (-4, Float32(-4), -4.0, big(-4.0))
@test flipsign(3, y) == -3
@test flipsign(-3, y) == 3
@test copysign(3, y) == -3
@test copysign(-3, y) == -3
for y in (4, Float32(4), 4.0, big(4.0))
@test flipsign(3, y) == 3
@test flipsign(-3, y) == -3
@test copysign(3, y) == 3
@test copysign(-3, y) == 3
@test signed(3) == 3
@test signed(UInt(3)) == 3
@test isa(signed(UInt(3)), Int)
@test signed(UInt(0) - 1) == -1
@test_throws InexactError signed(UInt(-3))
@test bswap(Int8(3)) == 3
@test bswap(UInt8(3)) == 3
@test bswap(Int16(3)) == 256*3
@test bswap(Int16(256)) == 1
@test bswap(Int16(257)) == 257
@test bswap(Int32(1)) == 2^(3*8)
@test bswap(Int32(2)^(3*8)) == 1
@test bswap(Int64(1)) == Int64(2)^(7*8)
@test bswap(Int64(2)^(7*8)) == 1
@test bswap(Int128(1)) == Int128(2)^(15*8)
@test bswap(Int128(2)^(15*8)) == Int128(1)
@test bswap(UInt128(2)^(15*8)) == UInt128(1)
@test count_zeros(10) == WORD_SIZE - 2
@test count_zeros(UInt8(10)) == 6
@test convert(Signed, UInt128(3)) === Int128(3)
@test convert(Signed, false) === 0
@test convert(Signed, true) === 1
for (II, UU) in ((Int8,UInt8), (Int16,UInt16),
(Int32,UInt32), (Int64,UInt64),
@test convert(Unsigned, II(3)) === UU(3)
for T in (Float32, Float64)
@test convert(Unsigned, T(3.0)) === UInt(3)
@test trunc(3) == 3
@test trunc(Integer, 3) == 3
@test floor(3) == 3
@test ceil(3) == 3
@test big"2"^100 == BigInt(2)^100
@test isa(big"2", BigInt)
@test big"1.0" == BigFloat(1.0)
@test_throws ArgumentError big"1.0.3"
@test_throws ArgumentError big"pi"
@test round(UInt8, 123) == 123
@test mod(123, UInt8) == 0x7b
bitstype 8 MyBitsType <: Integer
@test_throws MethodError ~reinterpret(MyBitsType, 0x7b)
UItypes = (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128)
SItypes = (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128)
for T in UItypes, S in UItypes
@test promote(S(3), T(3)) === (sizeof(T) < sizeof(S) ? (S(3), S(3)) : (T(3), T(3)))
for T in SItypes, S in SItypes
@test promote(S(3), T(3)) === (sizeof(T) < sizeof(S) ? (S(3), S(3)) : (T(3), T(3)))
for T in SItypes, S in UItypes
R = sizeof(S) < sizeof(Int) ? Int : S
@test promote(R(3), T(3)) === (sizeof(R) < sizeof(T) ? (T(3), T(3)) : (R(3), R(3)))
# Test limiting conversions
for T in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
max_val = Int128(typemax(T))
@test convert(T, max_val) == max_val
@test_throws InexactError convert(T, max_val+1)
m = Int128(typemin(T))
@test convert(T, m) == m
@test_throws InexactError convert(T, m-1)
for T in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
max_val = Int128(typemax(T))
@test convert(T, max_val) == max_val
@test_throws InexactError convert(T, max_val+1)
@test_throws InexactError convert(T, -1)
for i in 1:length(UItypes)-1
T = UItypes[i]
S = UItypes[i+1]
R = sizeof(S) < sizeof(UInt) ? S : UInt
@test widen(T(3)) == R(3)
for i in 1:length(SItypes)-1
T = SItypes[i]
S = SItypes[i+1]
R = sizeof(S) < sizeof(Int) ? S : Int
@test widen(T(3)) == R(3)
@test widemul(false, false) == false
@test widemul(false, 3) == 0
@test widemul(3, true) == widemul(true, 3) == 3
# checked operations
import Base: checked_add, checked_sub, checked_mul
@test checked_sub(UInt(4), UInt(3)) === UInt(1)
@test_throws OverflowError checked_sub(UInt(5), UInt(6))
@test checked_mul(UInt(4), UInt(3)) === UInt(12)
@test checked_sub(Int128(-1),Int128(-2)) === Int128(1)
if WORD_SIZE == 32
@test_throws OverflowError checked_mul(UInt(2)^30, UInt(2)^2)
@test_throws OverflowError checked_mul(UInt(2)^62, UInt(2)^2)
# Checked operations on UInt128 are currently broken
# FIXME: #4905
@test checked_add(UInt128(1), UInt128(2)) === UInt128(3)
#@test_throws OverflowError checked_add(UInt128(2)^127, UInt128(2)^127)
@test checked_add(UInt128(2)^127, UInt128(2)^127) === UInt128(0) # broken
@test checked_sub(UInt128(2), UInt128(1)) === UInt128(1)
#@test_throws OverflowError checked_sub(UInt128(3), UInt128(4))
@test checked_sub(UInt128(3), UInt128(4)) === UInt128(0) - 1 # broken
@test checked_mul(UInt128(3), UInt128(4)) === UInt128(12)
#@test_throws OverflowError checked_mul(UInt128(2)^127, UInt128(2))
@test checked_mul(UInt128(2)^127, UInt128(2)) === UInt128(0)
# broken