/usr/share/julia/base/tuple.jl is in julia-common 0.4.5-3.
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## indexing ##
length(t::Tuple) = nfields(t)
endof(t::Tuple) = length(t)
size(t::Tuple, d) = d==1 ? length(t) : throw(ArgumentError("invalid tuple dimension $d"))
getindex(t::Tuple, i::Int) = getfield(t, i)
getindex(t::Tuple, i::Real) = getfield(t, convert(Int, i))
getindex(t::Tuple, r::AbstractArray) = tuple([t[ri] for ri in r]...)
getindex(t::Tuple, b::AbstractArray{Bool}) = getindex(t,find(b))
## iterating ##
start(t::Tuple) = 1
done(t::Tuple, i::Int) = (length(t) < i)
next(t::Tuple, i::Int) = (t[i], i+1)
# this allows partial evaluation of bounded sequences of next() calls on tuples,
# while reducing to plain next() for arbitrary iterables.
indexed_next(t::Tuple, i::Int, state) = (t[i], i+1)
indexed_next(a::Array, i::Int, state) = (a[i], i+1)
indexed_next(I, i, state) = done(I,state) ? throw(BoundsError()) : next(I, state)
# eltype
eltype(::Type{Tuple{}}) = Bottom
eltype{T,_}(::Type{NTuple{_,T}}) = T
## mapping ##
ntuple(f::Function, n::Integer) =
n<=0 ? () :
n==1 ? (f(1),) :
n==2 ? (f(1),f(2),) :
n==3 ? (f(1),f(2),f(3),) :
n==4 ? (f(1),f(2),f(3),f(4),) :
n==5 ? (f(1),f(2),f(3),f(4),f(5),) :
tuple(ntuple(f,n-5)..., f(n-4), f(n-3), f(n-2), f(n-1), f(n))
ntuple(f, ::Type{Val{0}}) = ()
ntuple(f, ::Type{Val{1}}) = (f(1),)
ntuple(f, ::Type{Val{2}}) = (f(1),f(2))
ntuple(f, ::Type{Val{3}}) = (f(1),f(2),f(3))
ntuple(f, ::Type{Val{4}}) = (f(1),f(2),f(3),f(4))
ntuple(f, ::Type{Val{5}}) = (f(1),f(2),f(3),f(4),f(5))
@generated function ntuple{N}(f, ::Type{Val{N}})
if !isa(N,Int)
:(throw(TypeError(:ntuple, "", Int, $(QuoteNode(N)))))
M = N-5
:(tuple(ntuple(f, Val{$M})..., f($N-4), f($N-3), f($N-2), f($N-1), f($N)))
# 0 argument function
map(f) = f()
# 1 argument function
map(f, t::Tuple{}) = ()
map(f, t::Tuple{Any,}) = (f(t[1]),)
map(f, t::Tuple{Any, Any}) = (f(t[1]), f(t[2]))
map(f, t::Tuple{Any, Any, Any}) = (f(t[1]), f(t[2]), f(t[3]))
map(f, t::Tuple) = (f(t[1]), map(f,tail(t))...)
# 2 argument function
map(f, t::Tuple{}, s::Tuple{}) = ()
map(f, t::Tuple{Any,}, s::Tuple{Any,}) = (f(t[1],s[1]),)
map(f, t::Tuple{Any,Any}, s::Tuple{Any,Any}) = (f(t[1],s[1]), f(t[2],s[2]))
# n argument function
heads() = ()
heads(t::Tuple, ts::Tuple...) = (t[1], heads(ts...)...)
tails() = ()
tails(t::Tuple, ts::Tuple...) = (tail(t), tails(ts...)...)
map(f, ::Tuple{}, ts::Tuple...) = ()
map(f, ts::Tuple...) = (f(heads(ts...)...), map(f, tails(ts...)...)...)
## comparison ##
function isequal(t1::Tuple, t2::Tuple)
if length(t1) != length(t2)
return false
for i = 1:length(t1)
if !isequal(t1[i], t2[i])
return false
return true
function ==(t1::Tuple, t2::Tuple)
if length(t1) != length(t2)
return false
for i = 1:length(t1)
if !(t1[i] == t2[i])
return false
return true
const tuplehash_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x77cfa1eef01bca90 : 0xf01bca90
hash( ::Tuple{}, h::UInt) = h + tuplehash_seed
hash(x::Tuple{Any,}, h::UInt) = hash(x[1], hash((), h))
hash(x::Tuple{Any,Any}, h::UInt) = hash(x[1], hash(x[2], hash((), h)))
hash(x::Tuple, h::UInt) = hash(x[1], hash(x[2], hash(tail(tail(x)), h)))
function isless(t1::Tuple, t2::Tuple)
n1, n2 = length(t1), length(t2)
for i = 1:min(n1, n2)
a, b = t1[i], t2[i]
if !isequal(a, b)
return isless(a, b)
return n1 < n2
## functions ##
isempty(x::Tuple{}) = true
isempty(x::Tuple) = false
revargs() = ()
revargs(x, r...) = (revargs(r...)..., x)
reverse(t::Tuple) = revargs(t...)
## specialized reduction ##
# TODO: these definitions cannot yet be combined, since +(x...)
# where x might be any tuple matches too many methods.
sum(x::Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}) = +(x...)
# NOTE: should remove, but often used on array sizes
prod(x::Tuple{}) = 1
prod(x::Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}) = *(x...)
all(x::Tuple{}) = true
all(x::Tuple{Bool}) = x[1]
all(x::Tuple{Bool, Bool}) = x[1]&x[2]
all(x::Tuple{Bool, Bool, Bool}) = x[1]&x[2]&x[3]
# use generic reductions for the rest
any(x::Tuple{}) = false
any(x::Tuple{Bool}) = x[1]
any(x::Tuple{Bool, Bool}) = x[1]|x[2]
any(x::Tuple{Bool, Bool, Bool}) = x[1]|x[2]|x[3]