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## core string functions ##
endof(s::AbstractString) = error("you must implement endof(", typeof(s), ")")
next(s::AbstractString, i::Int) = error("you must implement next(", typeof(s), ",Int)")
next(s::DirectIndexString, i::Int) = (s[i],i+1)
next(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = next(s,Int(i))
string() = ""
string(s::AbstractString) = s
bytestring() = ""
bytestring(s::Vector{UInt8}) = bytestring(pointer(s),length(s))
function bytestring(p::Union{Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Int8}})
p == C_NULL ? throw(ArgumentError("cannot convert NULL to string")) :
ccall(:jl_cstr_to_string, Any, (Ptr{UInt8},), p)::ByteString
bytestring(s::Cstring) = bytestring(convert(Ptr{UInt8}, s))
function bytestring(p::Union{Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Int8}},len::Integer)
p == C_NULL ? throw(ArgumentError("cannot convert NULL to string")) :
ccall(:jl_pchar_to_string, Any, (Ptr{UInt8},Int), p, len)::ByteString
convert(::Type{Vector{UInt8}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s).data
convert(::Type{Array{UInt8}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s).data
convert(::Type{ByteString}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s)
convert(::Type{Vector{Char}}, s::AbstractString) = collect(s)
convert(::Type{Symbol}, s::AbstractString) = symbol(s)
## generic supplied functions ##
start(s::AbstractString) = 1
done(s::AbstractString,i) = (i > endof(s))
getindex(s::AbstractString, i::Int) = next(s,i)[1]
getindex(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = s[Int(i)]
getindex{T<:Integer}(s::AbstractString, r::UnitRange{T}) = s[Int(first(r)):Int(last(r))]
# TODO: handle other ranges with stride ±1 specially?
getindex(s::AbstractString, v::AbstractVector) =
sprint(length(v), io->(for i in v write(io,s[i]) end))
symbol(s::AbstractString) = symbol(bytestring(s))
sizeof(s::AbstractString) = error("type $(typeof(s)) has no canonical binary representation")
eltype{T<:AbstractString}(::Type{T}) = Char
(*)(s1::AbstractString, ss::AbstractString...) = string(s1, ss...)
length(s::DirectIndexString) = endof(s)
function length(s::AbstractString)
i = start(s)
if done(s,i)
return 0
n = 1
while true
c, j = next(s,i)
if done(s,j)
return n
n += 1
i = j
## string comparison functions ##
function cmp(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString)
if a === b
return 0
i = start(a)
j = start(b)
while !done(a,i) && !done(b,i)
c, i = next(a,i)
d, j = next(b,j)
if c != d
return c < d ? -1 : +1
done(a,i) && !done(b,j) ? -1 :
!done(a,i) && done(b,j) ? +1 : 0
==(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) = cmp(a,b) == 0
isless(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) = cmp(a,b) < 0
# faster comparisons for byte strings and symbols
cmp(a::ByteString, b::ByteString) = lexcmp(a.data, b.data)
cmp(a::Symbol, b::Symbol) = Int(sign(ccall(:strcmp, Int32, (Cstring, Cstring), a, b)))
==(a::ByteString, b::ByteString) = endof(a) == endof(b) && cmp(a,b) == 0
isless(a::Symbol, b::Symbol) = cmp(a,b) < 0
## Generic validation functions ##
isvalid(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = (start(s) <= i <= endof(s))
function isvalid(s::AbstractString, i::Integer)
i < 1 && return false
done(s,i) && return false
## Generic indexing functions ##
prevind(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = i-1
prevind(s::AbstractArray , i::Integer) = i-1
nextind(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = i+1
nextind(s::AbstractArray , i::Integer) = i+1
function prevind(s::AbstractString, i::Integer)
e = endof(s)
if i > e
return e
j = i-1
while j >= 1
if isvalid(s,j)
return j
j -= 1
return 0 # out of range
function nextind(s::AbstractString, i::Integer)
e = endof(s)
if i < 1
return 1
if i > e
return i+1
for j = i+1:e
if isvalid(s,j)
return j
next(s,e)[2] # out of range
checkbounds(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = start(s) <= i <= endof(s) || throw(BoundsError(s, i))
checkbounds{T<:Integer}(s::AbstractString, r::Range{T}) = isempty(r) || (minimum(r) >= start(s) && maximum(r) <= endof(s)) || throw(BoundsError(s, r))
# The following will end up using a deprecated checkbounds, when T is not Integer
checkbounds{T<:Real}(s::AbstractString, I::AbstractArray{T}) = all(i -> checkbounds(s, i), I)
checkbounds{T<:Integer}(s::AbstractString, I::AbstractArray{T}) = all(i -> checkbounds(s, i), I)
ind2chr(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = begin checkbounds(s,i); i end
chr2ind(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = begin checkbounds(s,i); i end
function ind2chr(s::AbstractString, i::Integer)
s[i] # throws error if invalid
j = 1
k = start(s)
while true
c, l = next(s,k)
if i <= k
return j
j += 1
k = l
function chr2ind(s::AbstractString, i::Integer)
i < start(s) && throw(BoundsError(s, i))
j = 1
k = start(s)
while true
c, l = next(s,k)
if i == j
return k
j += 1
k = l
immutable EachStringIndex{T<:AbstractString}
eachindex(s::AbstractString) = EachStringIndex(s)
length(e::EachStringIndex) = length(e.s)
start(e::EachStringIndex) = start(e.s)
next(e::EachStringIndex, state) = (state, nextind(e.s, state))
done(e::EachStringIndex, state) = done(e.s, state)
eltype(::Type{EachStringIndex}) = Int
typealias Chars Union{Char,Tuple{Vararg{Char}},AbstractVector{Char},Set{Char}}
typealias ByteArray Union{Vector{UInt8},Vector{Int8}}
## character column width function ##
strwidth(s::AbstractString) = (w=0; for c in s; w += charwidth(c); end; w)
isascii(c::Char) = c < Char(0x80)
isascii(s::AbstractString) = all(isascii, s)
isascii(s::ASCIIString) = true
## string promotion rules ##
promote_rule{S<:AbstractString,T<:AbstractString}(::Type{S}, ::Type{T}) = UTF8String
isxdigit(c::Char) = '0'<=c<='9' || 'a'<=c<='f' || 'A'<=c<='F'
isxdigit(s::AbstractString) = all(isxdigit, s)
need_full_hex(s::AbstractString, i::Int) = !done(s,i) && isxdigit(next(s,i)[1])
## checking UTF-8 & ACSII validity ##
byte_string_classify(data::Vector{UInt8}) =
ccall(:u8_isvalid, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int), data, length(data))
byte_string_classify(s::ByteString) = byte_string_classify(s.data)
# 0: neither valid ASCII nor UTF-8
# 1: valid ASCII
# 2: valid UTF-8
isvalid(::Type{ASCIIString}, s::Union{Vector{UInt8},ByteString}) = byte_string_classify(s) == 1
isvalid(::Type{UTF8String}, s::Union{Vector{UInt8},ByteString}) = byte_string_classify(s) != 0
## uppercase and lowercase transformations ##
uppercase(s::AbstractString) = map(uppercase, s)
lowercase(s::AbstractString) = map(lowercase, s)
function ucfirst(s::AbstractString)
isempty(s) || isupper(s[1]) ? s : string(uppercase(s[1]),s[nextind(s,1):end])
function lcfirst(s::AbstractString)
isempty(s) || islower(s[1]) ? s : string(lowercase(s[1]),s[nextind(s,1):end])
## string map, filter, has ##
map_result(s::AbstractString, a::Vector{UInt8}) = UTF8String(a)
map_result(s::Union{ASCIIString,SubString{ASCIIString}}, a::Vector{UInt8}) = bytestring(a)
function map(f, s::AbstractString)
out = IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,endof(s)),true,true)
for c in s
c2 = f(c)
if !isa(c2,Char)
throw(ArgumentError("map(f,s::AbstractString) requires f to return Char; try map(f,collect(s)) or a comprehension instead"))
write(out, c2::Char)
map_result(s, takebuf_array(out))
function filter(f, s::AbstractString)
out = IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,endof(s)),true,true)
for c in s
if f(c)
write(out, c)