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gamma(x::Float64) = nan_dom_err(ccall((:tgamma,libm), Float64, (Float64,), x), x)
gamma(x::Float32) = nan_dom_err(ccall((:tgammaf,libm), Float32, (Float32,), x), x)
gamma(x::Real) = gamma(float(x))
@vectorize_1arg Number gamma
function lgamma_r(x::Float64)
signp = Array(Int32, 1)
y = ccall((:lgamma_r,libm), Float64, (Float64, Ptr{Int32}), x, signp)
return y, signp[1]
function lgamma_r(x::Float32)
signp = Array(Int32, 1)
y = ccall((:lgammaf_r,libm), Float32, (Float32, Ptr{Int32}), x, signp)
return y, signp[1]
lgamma_r(x::Real) = lgamma_r(float(x))
lfact(x::Real) = (x<=1 ? zero(float(x)) : lgamma(x+one(x)))
@vectorize_1arg Number lfact
const clg_coeff = [76.18009172947146,
function clgamma_lanczos(z)
const sqrt2pi = 2.5066282746310005
y = x = z
temp = x + 5.5
zz = log(temp)
zz = zz * (x+0.5)
temp -= zz
ser = complex(1.000000000190015, 0)
for j=1:6
y += 1.0
zz = clg_coeff[j]/y
ser += zz
zz = sqrt2pi*ser / x
return log(zz) - temp
function lgamma(z::Complex)
if real(z) <= 0.5
a = clgamma_lanczos(1-z)
b = log(sinpi(z))
const logpi = 1.14472988584940017
z = logpi - b - a
z = clgamma_lanczos(z)
complex(real(z), angle_restrict_symm(imag(z)))
gamma(z::Complex) = exp(lgamma(z))
# Bernoulli numbers B_{2k}, using tabulated numerators and denominators from
# the online encyclopedia of integer sequences. (They actually have data
# up to k=249, but we stop here at k=20.) Used for generating the polygamma
# (Stirling series) coefficients below.
# const A000367 = map(BigInt, split("1,1,-1,1,-1,5,-691,7,-3617,43867,-174611,854513,-236364091,8553103,-23749461029,8615841276005,-7709321041217,2577687858367,-26315271553053477373,2929993913841559,-261082718496449122051", ","))
# const A002445 = [1,6,30,42,30,66,2730,6,510,798,330,138,2730,6,870,14322,510,6,1919190,6,13530]
# const bernoulli = A000367 .// A002445 # even-index Bernoulli numbers
function digamma(z::Union{Float64,Complex{Float64}})
# Based on eq. (12), without looking at the accompanying source
# code, of: K. S. Kölbig, "Programs for computing the logarithm of
# the gamma function, and the digamma function, for complex
# argument," Computer Phys. Commun. vol. 4, pp. 221–226 (1972).
x = real(z)
if x <= 0 # reflection formula
ψ = -π * cot(π*z)
z = 1 - z
x = real(z)
ψ = zero(z)
if x < 7
# shift using recurrence formula
n = 7 - floor(Int,x)
for ν = 1:n-1
ψ -= inv(z + ν)
ψ -= inv(z)
z += n
t = inv(z)
ψ += log(z) - 0.5*t
t *= t # 1/z^2
# the coefficients here are Float64(bernoulli[2:9] .// (2*(1:8)))
ψ -= t * @evalpoly(t,0.08333333333333333,-0.008333333333333333,0.003968253968253968,-0.004166666666666667,0.007575757575757576,-0.021092796092796094,0.08333333333333333,-0.4432598039215686)
function trigamma(z::Union{Float64,Complex{Float64}})
# via the derivative of the Kölbig digamma formulation
x = real(z)
if x <= 0 # reflection formula
return (π * csc(π*z))^2 - trigamma(1 - z)
ψ = zero(z)
if x < 8
# shift using recurrence formula
n = 8 - floor(Int,x)
ψ += inv(z)^2
for ν = 1:n-1
ψ += inv(z + ν)^2
z += n
t = inv(z)
w = t * t # 1/z^2
ψ += t + 0.5*w
# the coefficients here are Float64(bernoulli[2:9])
ψ += t*w * @evalpoly(w,0.16666666666666666,-0.03333333333333333,0.023809523809523808,-0.03333333333333333,0.07575757575757576,-0.2531135531135531,1.1666666666666667,-7.092156862745098)
signflip(m::Number, z) = (-1+0im)^m * z
signflip(m::Integer, z) = iseven(m) ? z : -z
# (-1)^m d^m/dz^m cot(z) = p_m(cot z), where p_m is a polynomial
# that satisfies the recurrence p_{m+1}(x) = p_m′(x) * (1 + x^2).
# Note that p_m(x) has only even powers of x if m is odd, and
# only odd powers of x if m is even. Therefore, we write p_m(x)
# as p_m(x) = q_m(x^2) m! for m odd and p_m(x) = x q_m(x^2) m! if m is even.
# Hence the polynomials q_m(y) satisfy the recurrence:
# m odd: q_{m+1}(y) = 2 q_m′(y) * (1+y) / (m+1)
# m even: q_{m+1}(y) = [q_m(y) + 2 y q_m′(y)] * (1+y) / (m+1)
# This function computes the coefficients of the polynomial q_m(y),
# returning an array of the coefficients of 1, y, y^2, ...,
function cotderiv_q(m::Int)
m < 0 && throw(ArgumentError("$m < 0 not allowed"))
m == 0 && return [1.0]
m == 1 && return [1.0, 1.0]
q₋ = cotderiv_q(m-1)
d = length(q₋) - 1 # degree of q₋
if isodd(m-1)
q = Array(Float64, length(q₋))
q[end] = d * q₋[end] * 2/m
for i = 1:length(q)-1
q[i] = ((i-1)*q₋[i] + i*q₋[i+1]) * 2/m
else # iseven(m-1)
q = Array(Float64, length(q₋) + 1)
q[1] = q₋[1] / m
q[end] = (1 + 2d) * q₋[end] / m
for i = 2:length(q)-1
q[i] = ((1 + 2(i-1))*q₋[i] + (1 + 2(i-2))*q₋[i-1]) / m
return q
# precompute a table of cot derivative polynomials
const cotderiv_Q = [cotderiv_q(m) for m in 1:100]
# Evaluate (-1)^m d^m/dz^m [π cot(πz)] / m!. If m is small, we
# use the explicit derivative formula (a polynomial in cot(πz));
# if m is large, we use the derivative of Euler's harmonic series:
# π cot(πz) = ∑ inv(z + n)
function cotderiv(m::Integer, z)
isinf(imag(z)) && return zero(z)
if m <= 0
m == 0 && return π * cot(π*z)
if m <= length(cotderiv_Q)
q = cotderiv_Q[m]
x = cot(π*z)
y = x*x
s = q[1] + q[2] * y
t = y
# evaluate q(y) using Horner (TODO: Knuth for complex z?)
for i = 3:length(q)
t *= y
s += q[i] * t
return π^(m+1) * (isodd(m) ? s : x*s)
else # m is large, series derivative should converge quickly
p = m+1
z -= round(real(z))
s = inv(z^p)
n = 1
sₒ = zero(s)
while s != sₒ
sₒ = s
a = (z+n)^p
b = (z-n)^p
s += (a + b) / (a * b)
n += 1
return s
# Helper macro for polygamma(m, z):
# Evaluate p[1]*c[1] + x*p[2]*c[2] + x^2*p[3]*c[3] + ...
# where c[1] = m + 1
# c[k] = c[k-1] * (2k+m-1)*(2k+m-2) / ((2k-1)*(2k-2)) = c[k-1] * d[k]
# i.e. d[k] = c[k]/c[k-1] = (2k+m-1)*(2k+m-2) / ((2k-1)*(2k-2))
# by a modified version of Horner's rule:
# c[1] * (p[1] + d[2]*x * (p[2] + d[3]*x * (p[3] + ...))).
# The entries of p must be literal constants and there must be > 1 of them.
macro pg_horner(x, m, p...)
k = length(p)
me = esc(m)
xe = esc(x)
ex = :(($me + $(2k-1)) * ($me + $(2k-2)) * $(p[end]/((2k-1)*(2k-2))))
for k = length(p)-1:-1:2
cdiv = 1 / ((2k-1)*(2k-2))
ex = :(($cdiv * ($me + $(2k-1)) * ($me + $(2k-2))) *
($(p[k]) + $xe * $ex))
:(($me + 1) * ($(p[1]) + $xe * $ex))
# compute inv(oftype(x, y)) efficiently, choosing the correct branch cut
inv_oftype(x::Complex, y::Complex) = oftype(x, inv(y))
function inv_oftype(x::Complex, y::Real)
yi = inv(y) # using real arithmetic for efficiency
oftype(x, Complex(yi, -zero(yi))) # get correct sign of zero!
inv_oftype(x::Real, y::Real) = oftype(x, inv(y))
# Hurwitz zeta function, which is related to polygamma
# (at least for integer m > 0 and real(z) > 0) by:
# polygamma(m, z) = (-1)^(m+1) * gamma(m+1) * zeta(m+1, z).
# Our algorithm for the polygamma is just the m-th derivative
# of our digamma approximation, and this derivative process yields
# a function of the form
# (-1)^(m) * gamma(m+1) * (something)
# So identifying the (something) with the -zeta function, we get
# the zeta function for free and might as well export it, especially
# since this is a common generalization of the Riemann zeta function
# (which Julia already exports).
function zeta(s::Union{Int,Float64,Complex{Float64}},
ζ = zero(promote_type(typeof(s), typeof(z)))
# like sqrt, require complex inputs to get complex outputs
!isa(s,Integer) && isa(ζ, Real) && z < 0 && throw(DomainError())
z == 1 && return oftype(ζ, zeta(s))
s == 2 && return oftype(ζ, trigamma(z))
x = real(z)
# annoying s = Inf or NaN cases:
if !isfinite(s)
(isnan(s) || isnan(z)) && return (s*z)^2 # type-stable NaN+Nan*im
if real(s) == Inf
z == 1 && return one(ζ)
if x > 1 || (x >= 0.5 ? abs(z) > 1 : abs(z - round(x)) > 1)
return zero(ζ) # distance to poles is > 1
x > 0 && imag(z) == 0 && imag(s) == 0 && return oftype(ζ, Inf)
throw(DomainError()) # nothing clever to return
# We need a different algorithm for the real(s) < 1 domain
real(s) < 1 && throw(ArgumentError("order $s < 1 is not implemented (issue #7228)"))
m = s - 1
# Algorithm is just the m-th derivative of digamma formula above,
# with a modified cutoff of the final asymptotic expansion.
# Note: we multiply by -(-1)^m m! in polygamma below, so this factor is
# pulled out of all of our derivatives.
isnan(x) && return oftype(ζ, imag(z)==0 && isa(s,Int) ? x : Complex(x,x))
cutoff = 7 + real(m) + imag(m) # TODO: this cutoff is too conservative?
if x < cutoff
# shift using recurrence formula
xf = floor(x)
if x <= 0 && xf == z
if isa(s, Int)
iseven(s) && return oftype(ζ, Inf)
x == 0 && return oftype(ζ, inv(x))
throw(DomainError()) # or return NaN?
nx = Int(xf)
n = ceil(Int,cutoff - nx)
ζ += inv_oftype(ζ, z)^s
for ν = -nx:-1:1
ζₒ= ζ
ζ += inv_oftype(ζ, z + ν)^s
ζ == ζₒ && break # prevent long loop for large -x > 0
# FIXME: still slow for small m, large Im(z)
for ν = max(1,1-nx):n-1
ζₒ= ζ
ζ += inv_oftype(ζ, z + ν)^s
ζ == ζₒ && break # prevent long loop for large m
z += n
t = inv(z)
w = isa(t, Real) ? conj(oftype(ζ, t))^m : oftype(ζ, t)^m
ζ += w * (inv(m) + 0.5*t)
t *= t # 1/z^2
ζ += w*t * @pg_horner(t,m,0.08333333333333333,-0.008333333333333333,0.003968253968253968,-0.004166666666666667,0.007575757575757576,-0.021092796092796094,0.08333333333333333,-0.4432598039215686,3.0539543302701198)
return ζ
function polygamma(m::Integer, z::Union{Float64,Complex{Float64}})
m == 0 && return digamma(z)
m == 1 && return trigamma(z)
# In principle, we could support non-integer m here, but the
# extension to complex m seems to be non-unique, the obvious
# extension (just plugging in a complex m below) does not seem to
# be the one used by Mathematica or Maple, and sources do not
# agree on what the "right" extension is (e.g. Mathematica & Maple
# disagree). So, at least for now, we require integer m.
# real(m) < 0 is valid, but I don't think our asymptotic expansion
# here works in this case. m < 0 polygamma is called a
# "negapolygamma" function in the literature, and there are
# multiple possible definitions arising from different integration
# constants. We throw a DomainError() since the definition is unclear.
real(m) < 0 && throw(DomainError())
s = m+1
if real(z) <= 0 # reflection formula
(zeta(s, 1-z) + signflip(m, cotderiv(m,z))) * (-gamma(s))
signflip(m, zeta(s,z) * (-gamma(s)))
# TODO: better way to do this
f64(x::Real) = Float64(x)
f64(z::Complex) = Complex128(z)
f32(x::Real) = Float32(x)
f32(z::Complex) = Complex64(z)
f16(x::Real) = Float16(x)
f16(z::Complex) = Complex32(z)
# If we really cared about single precision, we could make a faster
# Float32 version by truncating the Stirling series at a smaller cutoff.
for (f,T) in ((:f32,Float32),(:f16,Float16))
@eval begin
zeta(s::Integer, z::Union{$T,Complex{$T}}) = $f(zeta(Int(s), f64(z)))
zeta(s::Union{Float64,Complex128}, z::Union{$T,Complex{$T}}) = zeta(s, f64(z))
zeta(s::Number, z::Union{$T,Complex{$T}}) = $f(zeta(f64(s), f64(z)))
polygamma(m::Integer, z::Union{$T,Complex{$T}}) = $f(polygamma(Int(m), f64(z)))
digamma(z::Union{$T,Complex{$T}}) = $f(digamma(f64(z)))
trigamma(z::Union{$T,Complex{$T}}) = $f(trigamma(f64(z)))
zeta(s::Integer, z::Number) = zeta(Int(s), f64(z))
zeta(s::Number, z::Number) = zeta(f64(s), f64(z))
for f in (:digamma, :trigamma)
@eval begin
$f(z::Number) = $f(f64(z))
@vectorize_1arg Number $f
polygamma(m::Integer, z::Number) = polygamma(m, f64(z))
@vectorize_2arg Number polygamma
@vectorize_2arg Number zeta
# Inverse digamma function:
# Implementation of fixed point algorithm described in
# "Estimating a Dirichlet distribution" by Thomas P. Minka, 2000
function invdigamma(y::Float64)
# Closed form initial estimates
if y >= -2.22
x_old = exp(y) + 0.5
x_new = x_old
x_old = -1.0 / (y - digamma(1.0))
x_new = x_old
# Fixed point algorithm
delta = Inf
iteration = 0
while delta > 1e-12 && iteration < 25
iteration += 1
x_new = x_old - (digamma(x_old) - y) / trigamma(x_old)
delta = abs(x_new - x_old)
x_old = x_new
return x_new
invdigamma(x::Float32) = Float32(invdigamma(Float64(x)))
invdigamma(x::Real) = invdigamma(Float64(x))
@vectorize_1arg Real invdigamma
function beta(x::Number, w::Number)
yx, sx = lgamma_r(x)
yw, sw = lgamma_r(w)
yxw, sxw = lgamma_r(x+w)
return copysign(exp(yx + yw - yxw), sx*sw*sxw)
lbeta(x::Number, w::Number) = lgamma(x)+lgamma(w)-lgamma(x+w)
@vectorize_2arg Number beta
@vectorize_2arg Number lbeta
# Riemann zeta function; algorithm is based on specializing the Hurwitz
# zeta function above for z==1.
function zeta(s::Union{Float64,Complex{Float64}})
# blows up to ±Inf, but get correct sign of imaginary zero
s == 1 && return NaN + zero(s) * imag(s)
if !isfinite(s) # annoying NaN and Inf cases
isnan(s) && return imag(s) == 0 ? s : s*s
if isfinite(imag(s))
real(s) > 0 && return 1.0 - zero(s)*imag(s)
imag(s) == 0 && return NaN + zero(s)
return NaN*zero(s) # NaN + NaN*im
elseif real(s) < 0.5
if abs(real(s)) + abs(imag(s)) < 1e-3 # Taylor series for small |s|
return @evalpoly(s, -0.5,
return zeta(1 - s) * gamma(1 - s) * sinpi(s*0.5) * (2π)^s / π
m = s - 1
# shift using recurrence formula:
# n is a semi-empirical cutoff for the Stirling series, based
# on the error term ~ (|m|/n)^18 / n^real(m)
n = ceil(Int,6 + 0.7*abs(imag(s-1))^inv(1 + real(m)*0.05))
ζ = one(s)
for ν = 2:n
ζₒ= ζ
ζ += inv(ν)^s
ζ == ζₒ && break # prevent long loop for large m
z = 1 + n
t = inv(z)
w = t^m
ζ += w * (inv(m) + 0.5*t)
t *= t # 1/z^2
ζ += w*t * @pg_horner(t,m,0.08333333333333333,-0.008333333333333333,0.003968253968253968,-0.004166666666666667,0.007575757575757576,-0.021092796092796094,0.08333333333333333,-0.4432598039215686,3.0539543302701198)
return ζ
zeta(x::Integer) = zeta(Float64(x))
zeta(x::Real) = oftype(float(x),zeta(Float64(x)))
zeta(z::Complex) = oftype(float(z),zeta(Complex128(z)))
@vectorize_1arg Number zeta
function eta(z::Union{Float64,Complex{Float64}})
δz = 1 - z
if abs(real(δz)) + abs(imag(δz)) < 7e-3 # Taylor expand around z==1
return 0.6931471805599453094172321214581765 *
return -zeta(z) * expm1(0.6931471805599453094172321214581765*δz)
eta(x::Integer) = eta(Float64(x))
eta(x::Real) = oftype(float(x),eta(Float64(x)))
eta(z::Complex) = oftype(float(z),eta(Complex128(z)))
@vectorize_1arg Number eta