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module SPQR
import Base: \
# ordering options */
const ORDERING_FIXED = Int32(0)
const ORDERING_NATURAL = Int32(1)
const ORDERING_COLAMD = Int32(2)
const ORDERING_GIVEN = Int32(3) # only used for C/C++ interface
const ORDERING_CHOLMOD = Int32(4) # CHOLMOD best-effort (COLAMD, METIS,...)
const ORDERING_AMD = Int32(5) # AMD(A'*A)
const ORDERING_METIS = Int32(6) # metis(A'*A)
const ORDERING_DEFAULT = Int32(7) # SuiteSparseQR default ordering
const ORDERING_BEST = Int32(8) # try COLAMD, AMD, and METIS; pick best
const ORDERING_BESTAMD = Int32(9) # try COLAMD and AMD; pick best#
# Let [m n] = size of the matrix after pruning singletons. The default
# ordering strategy is to use COLAMD if m <= 2*n. Otherwise, AMD(A'A) is
# tried. If there is a high fill-in with AMD then try METIS(A'A) and take
# the best of AMD and METIS. METIS is not tried if it isn't installed.
# tol options
const DEFAULT_TOL = Int32(-2) # if tol <= -2, the default tol is used
const NO_TOL = Int32(-1) # if -2 < tol < 0, then no tol is used
# for qmult, method can be 0,1,2,3:
const QTX = Int32(0)
const QX = Int32(1)
const XQT = Int32(2)
const XQ = Int32(3)
# system can be 0,1,2,3: Given Q*R=A*E from SuiteSparseQR_factorize:
const RX_EQUALS_B = Int32(0) # solve R*X=B or X = R\B
const RETX_EQUALS_B = Int32(1) # solve R*E'*X=B or X = E*(R\B)
const RTX_EQUALS_B = Int32(2) # solve R'*X=B or X = R'\B
const RTX_EQUALS_ETB = Int32(3) # solve R'*X=E'*B or X = R'\(E'*B)
using Base.SparseMatrix: SparseMatrixCSC
using Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD: C_Dense, C_Sparse, Dense, ITypes, Sparse, SuiteSparseStruct, VTypes, common
import Base: size
import Base.LinAlg: qrfact
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD: convert, free!
immutable C_Factorization{Tv<:VTypes} <: SuiteSparseStruct
type Factorization{Tv<:VTypes} <: Base.LinAlg.Factorization{Tv}
function Factorization(m::Integer, n::Integer, p::Ptr{C_Factorization{Tv}})
if p == C_NULL
throw(ArgumentError("factorization failed for unknown reasons. Please submit a bug report."))
new(m, n, p)
Factorization{Tv<:VTypes}(m::Integer, n::Integer, p::Ptr{C_Factorization{Tv}}) = Factorization{Tv}(m, n, p)
size(F::Factorization) = (F.m, F.n)
function size(F::Factorization, i::Integer)
if i < 1
throw(ArgumentError("dimension must be positive"))
if i == 1
return F.m
elseif i == 2
return F.n
return 1
function free!{Tv<:VTypes}(F::Factorization{Tv})
ccall((:SuiteSparseQR_C_free, :libspqr), Cint,
(Ptr{Ptr{C_Factorization{Tv}}}, Ptr{Void}),
&F.p, common()) == 1
function backslash{Tv<:VTypes}(ordering::Integer, tol::Real, A::Sparse{Tv}, B::Dense{Tv})
m, n = size(A)
if m != size(B, 1)
throw(DimensionMismatch("left hand side and right hand side must have same number of rows"))
d = Dense(ccall((:SuiteSparseQR_C_backslash, :libspqr), Ptr{C_Dense{Tv}},
(Cint, Cdouble, Ptr{C_Sparse{Tv}}, Ptr{C_Dense{Tv}}, Ptr{Void}),
ordering, tol, get(A.p), get(B.p), common()))
finalizer(d, free!)
function factorize{Tv<:VTypes}(ordering::Integer, tol::Real, A::Sparse{Tv})
s = unsafe_load(A.p)
if s.stype != 0
throw(ArgumentError("stype must be zero"))
f = Factorization(size(A)..., ccall((:SuiteSparseQR_C_factorize, :libspqr), Ptr{C_Factorization{Tv}},
(Cint, Cdouble, Ptr{Sparse{Tv}}, Ptr{Void}),
ordering, tol, get(A.p), common()))
finalizer(f, free!)
function solve{Tv<:VTypes}(system::Integer, QR::Factorization{Tv}, B::Dense{Tv})
m, n = size(QR)
mB = size(B, 1)
if (system == RX_EQUALS_B || system == RETX_EQUALS_B) && m != mB
throw(DimensionMismatch("number of rows in factorized matrix must equal number of rows in right hand side"))
elseif (system == RTX_EQUALS_ETB || system == RTX_EQUALS_B) && n != mB
throw(DimensionMismatch("number of columns in factorized matrix must equal number of rows in right hand side"))
d = Dense(ccall((:SuiteSparseQR_C_solve, :libspqr), Ptr{C_Dense{Tv}},
(Cint, Ptr{C_Factorization{Tv}}, Ptr{C_Dense{Tv}}, Ptr{Void}),
system, get(QR.p), get(B.p), common()))
finalizer(d, free!)
function qmult{Tv<:VTypes}(method::Integer, QR::Factorization{Tv}, X::Dense{Tv})
mQR, nQR = size(QR)
mX, nX = size(X)
if (method == QTX || method == QX) && mQR != mX
throw(DimensionMismatch("Q matrix size $mQR and dense matrix has $mX rows"))
elseif (method == XQT || method == XQ) && mQR != nX
throw(DimensionMismatch("Q matrix size $mQR and dense matrix has $nX columns"))
d = Dense(ccall((:SuiteSparseQR_C_qmult, :libspqr), Ptr{C_Dense{Tv}},
(Cint, Ptr{C_Factorization{Tv}}, Ptr{C_Dense{Tv}}, Ptr{Void}),
method, get(QR.p), get(X.p), common()))
finalizer(d, free!)
qrfact(A::SparseMatrixCSC) = factorize(ORDERING_DEFAULT, DEFAULT_TOL, Sparse(A, 0))
function (\){T}(F::Factorization{T}, B::StridedVecOrMat{T})
QtB = qmult(QTX, F, Dense(B))
convert(typeof(B), solve(RETX_EQUALS_B, F, QtB))
(\){T,S}(F::Factorization{T}, B::StridedVecOrMat{S}) = F\convert(AbstractArray{T}, B)
end # module