/usr/share/julia/base/refpointer.jl is in julia-common 0.4.5-3.
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### General Methods for Ref{T} type
eltype{T}(x::Type{Ref{T}}) = T
convert{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x::Ref{T}) = x
# create Ref objects for general object conversion
unsafe_convert{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x) = unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, x)
### Methods for a Ref object that can store a single value of any type
type RefValue{T} <: Ref{T}
RefValue() = new()
RefValue(x) = new(x)
RefValue{T}(x::T) = RefValue{T}(x)
Ref(x::Ref) = x
Ref(x::Any) = RefValue(x)
Ref{T}(x::Ptr{T}, i::Integer=1) = x + (i-1)*Core.sizeof(T)
Ref(x, i::Integer) = (i != 1 && error("Object only has one element"); Ref(x))
call{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}) = RefValue{T}() # Ref{T}()
call{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x) = RefValue{T}(x) # Ref{T}(x)
convert{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x) = RefValue{T}(x)
function unsafe_convert{T}(P::Type{Ptr{T}}, b::RefValue{T})
if isbits(T)
return convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b))
return convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b.x))
function unsafe_convert(P::Type{Ptr{Any}}, b::RefValue{Any})
return convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b))
unsafe_convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, b::RefValue{T}) = convert(Ptr{Void}, unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, b))
### Methods for a Ref object that is backed by an array at index i
immutable RefArray{T, A<:AbstractArray, R} <: Ref{T}
roots::R # should be either ::Void or ::Any
RefArray(x,i,roots=nothing) = (@assert(eltype(A) == T); new(x,i,roots))
RefArray{T}(x::AbstractArray{T},i::Int,roots::Any) = RefArray{T,typeof(x),Any}(x, i, roots)
RefArray{T}(x::AbstractArray{T},i::Int=1,roots::Void=nothing) = RefArray{T,typeof(x),Void}(x, i, nothing)
convert{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x::AbstractArray{T}) = RefArray(x, 1)
Ref(x::AbstractArray, i::Integer=1) = RefArray(x, i)
function unsafe_convert{T}(P::Type{Ptr{T}}, b::RefArray{T})
if isbits(T)
convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i))
convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b.x[b.i]))
function unsafe_convert(P::Type{Ptr{Any}}, b::RefArray{Any})
return convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i))
unsafe_convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, b::RefArray{T}) = convert(Ptr{Void}, unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, b))
getindex(b::RefValue) = b.x
getindex(b::RefArray) = b.x[b.i]
setindex!(b::RefValue, x) = (b.x = x; b)
setindex!(b::RefArray, x) = (b.x[b.i] = x; b)