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# Primes generating functions
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_factorization
# http://primesieve.org
# Jonathan Sorenson, "An analysis of two prime number sieves", Computer Science Technical Report Vol. 1028, 1991
const wheel = [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6]
const wheel_primes = [7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31]
const wheel_indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7 ]
@inline wheel_index(n) = ( (d, r) = divrem(n - 1, 30); return 8d + wheel_indices[r+1] )
@inline wheel_prime(n) = ( (d, r) = ((n - 1) >>> 3, (n - 1) & 7); return 30d + wheel_primes[r+1] )
function _primesmask(limit::Int)
limit < 7 && throw(ArgumentError("limit must be at least 7, got $limit"))
n = wheel_index(limit)
m = wheel_prime(n)
sieve = ones(Bool, n)
@inbounds for i = 1:wheel_index(isqrt(limit))
if sieve[i]; p = wheel_prime(i)
q = p * p
j = (i - 1) & 7 + 1
while q ≤ m
sieve[wheel_index(q)] = false
q = q + wheel[j] * p
j = j & 7 + 1
return sieve
function _primesmask(lo::Int, hi::Int)
7 ≤ lo ≤ hi || throw(ArgumentError("the condition 7 ≤ lo ≤ hi must be met"))
lo == 7 && return _primesmask(hi)
wlo, whi = wheel_index(lo - 1), wheel_index(hi)
m = wheel_prime(whi)
sieve = ones(Bool, whi - wlo)
small_primes = primes(isqrt(hi))
@inbounds for i in 4:length(small_primes)
p = small_primes[i]
j = wheel_index(2 * div(lo - p - 1, 2p) + 1)
q = p * wheel_prime(j + 1); j = j & 7 + 1
while q ≤ m
sieve[wheel_index(q)-wlo] = false
q = q + wheel[j] * p
j = j & 7 + 1
return sieve
# Sieve of the primes up to limit represented as an array of booleans
function primesmask(limit::Int)
limit < 1 && throw(ArgumentError("limit must be at least 1, got $limit"))
sieve = falses(limit)
limit < 2 && return sieve; sieve[2] = true
limit < 3 && return sieve; sieve[3] = true
limit < 5 && return sieve; sieve[5] = true
limit < 7 && return sieve
wheel_sieve = _primesmask(limit)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(wheel_sieve)
Base.unsafe_setindex!(sieve, wheel_sieve[i], wheel_prime(i))
return sieve
primesmask(n::Integer) = n <= typemax(Int) ? primesmask(Int(n)) :
throw(ArgumentError("requested number of primes must be ≤ $(typemax(Int)), got $n"))
function primesmask(lo::Int, hi::Int)
0 < lo ≤ hi || throw(ArgumentError("the condition 0 < lo ≤ hi must be met"))
sieve = falses(hi - lo + 1)
lo ≤ 2 ≤ hi && (sieve[3-lo] = true)
lo ≤ 3 ≤ hi && (sieve[4-lo] = true)
lo ≤ 5 ≤ hi && (sieve[6-lo] = true)
hi < 7 && return sieve
wheel_sieve = _primesmask(max(7, lo), hi)
lsi = lo - 1
lwi = wheel_index(lsi)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(wheel_sieve)
Base.unsafe_setindex!(sieve, wheel_sieve[i], wheel_prime(i + lwi) - lsi)
return sieve
primesmask{T<:Integer}(lo::T, hi::T) = lo <= hi <= typemax(Int) ? primesmask(Int(lo), Int(hi)) :
throw(ArgumentError("both endpoints of the interval to sieve must be ≤ $(typemax(Int)), got $lo and $hi"))
function primes(n::Int)
list = Int[]
n < 2 && return list; push!(list, 2)
n < 3 && return list; push!(list, 3)
n < 5 && return list; push!(list, 5)
n < 7 && return list
sizehint!(list, floor(Int, n / log(n)))
sieve = _primesmask(n)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(sieve)
sieve[i] && push!(list, wheel_prime(i))
return list
function primes(lo::Int, hi::Int)
lo ≤ hi || throw(ArgumentError("the condition lo ≤ hi must be met"))
list = Int[]
lo ≤ 2 ≤ hi && push!(list, 2)
lo ≤ 3 ≤ hi && push!(list, 3)
lo ≤ 5 ≤ hi && push!(list, 5)
hi < 7 && return list
sieve = _primesmask(max(7, lo), hi)
lwi = wheel_index(lo - 1)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(sieve)
sieve[i] && push!(list, wheel_prime(i + lwi))
return list
const PRIMES = primes(2^16)
# Small precomputed primes + Miller-Rabin for primality testing:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller–Rabin_primality_test
function isprime(n::Integer)
(n < 3 || iseven(n)) && return n == 2
n <= 2^16 && return PRIMES[searchsortedlast(PRIMES,n)] == n
s = trailing_zeros(n-1)
d = (n-1) >>> s
for a in witnesses(n)
x = powermod(a,d,n)
x == 1 && continue
t = s
while x != n-1
(t-=1) <= 0 && return false
x = oftype(n, widemul(x,x) % n)
x == 1 && return false
return true
# Miller-Rabin witness choices based on:
# http://mathoverflow.net/questions/101922/smallest-collection-of-bases-for-prime-testing-of-64-bit-numbers
# http://primes.utm.edu/prove/merged.html
# http://miller-rabin.appspot.com
witnesses(n::Union{UInt8,Int8,UInt16,Int16}) = (2,3)
witnesses(n::Union{UInt32,Int32}) = n < 1373653 ? (2,3) : (2,7,61)
witnesses(n::Union{UInt64,Int64}) =
n < 1373653 ? (2,3) :
n < 4759123141 ? (2,7,61) :
n < 2152302898747 ? (2,3,5,7,11) :
n < 3474749660383 ? (2,3,5,7,11,13) :
isprime(n::UInt128) =
n <= typemax(UInt64) ? isprime(UInt64(n)) : isprime(BigInt(n))
isprime(n::Int128) = n < 2 ? false :
n <= typemax(Int64) ? isprime(Int64(n)) : isprime(BigInt(n))
# Trial division of small (< 2^16) precomputed primes +
# Pollard rho's algorithm with Richard P. Brent optimizations
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_division
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollard%27s_rho_algorithm
# http://maths-people.anu.edu.au/~brent/pub/pub051.html
function factor{T<:Integer}(n::T)
0 < n || throw(ArgumentError("number to be factored must be ≥ 0, got $n"))
h = Dict{T,Int}()
n == 1 && return h
isprime(n) && (h[n] = 1; return h)
local p::T
for p in PRIMES
if n % p == 0
h[p] = get(h,p,0)+1
n = div(n,p)
while n % p == 0
h[p] = get(h,p,0)+1
n = div(n,p)
n == 1 && return h
isprime(n) && (h[n] = 1; return h)
T <: BigInt || widemul(n-1,n-1) <= typemax(n) ? pollardfactors!(n, h) : pollardfactors!(widen(n), h)
function pollardfactors!{T<:Integer,K<:Integer}(n::T, h::Dict{K,Int})
while true
local c::T = rand(1:(n-1)), G::T = 1, r::K = 1, y::T = rand(0:(n-1)), m::K = 1900
local ys::T, q::T = 1, x::T
while c == n - 2
c = rand(1:(n-1))
while G == 1
x = y
for i in 1:r
y = (y*y)%n
y = (y+c)%n
local k::K = 0
G = 1
while k < r && G == 1
for i in 1:(m>(r-k)?(r-k):m)
ys = y
y = (y*y)%n
y = (y+c)%n
q = (q*(x>y?x-y:y-x))%n
G = gcd(q,n)
k = k + m
r = 2 * r
G == n && (G = 1)
while G == 1
ys = (ys*ys)%n
ys = (ys+c)%n
G = gcd(x>ys?x-ys:ys-x,n)
if G != n
isprime(G) ? h[G] = get(h,G,0) + 1 : pollardfactors!(G,h)
G2 = div(n,G)
isprime(G2) ? h[G2] = get(h,G2,0) + 1 : pollardfactors!(G2,h)
return h