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immutable LDLt{T,S<:AbstractMatrix} <: Factorization{T}
size(S::LDLt) = size(S.data)
size(S::LDLt, i::Integer) = size(S.data, i)
convert{T,S}(::Type{LDLt{T,S}}, F::LDLt) = LDLt{T,S}(convert(S, F.data))
# NOTE: the annotaion <:AbstractMatrix shouldn't be necessary, it is introduced
# to avoid an ambiguity warning (see issue #6383)
convert{T,S,U<:AbstractMatrix}(::Type{LDLt{T}}, F::LDLt{S,U}) = convert(LDLt{T,U}, F)
convert{T,S,U}(::Type{Factorization{T}}, F::LDLt{S,U}) = convert(LDLt{T,U}, F)
# SymTridiagonal
ldltfact!(::SymTridiagonal) -> LDLt
Same as `ldltfact`, but saves space by overwriting the input `A`, instead of creating a copy.
function ldltfact!{T<:Real}(S::SymTridiagonal{T})
n = size(S,1)
d = S.dv
e = S.ev
@inbounds @simd for i = 1:n-1
e[i] /= d[i]
d[i+1] -= abs2(e[i])*d[i]
return LDLt{T,SymTridiagonal{T}}(S)
ldltfact(::SymTridiagonal) -> LDLt
Compute an `LDLt` factorization of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix such that `A = L*Diagonal(d)*L'` where `L` is a unit lower triangular matrix and `d` is a vector. The main use of an `LDLt` factorization `F = ldltfact(A)` is to solve the linear system of equations `Ax = b` with `F\b`.
function ldltfact{T}(M::SymTridiagonal{T})
S = typeof(zero(T)/one(T))
return S == T ? ldltfact!(copy(M)) : ldltfact!(convert(SymTridiagonal{S}, M))
factorize(S::SymTridiagonal) = ldltfact(S)
function A_ldiv_B!{T}(S::LDLt{T,SymTridiagonal{T}}, B::AbstractVecOrMat{T})
n, nrhs = size(B, 1), size(B, 2)
if size(S,1) != n
throw(DimensionMismatch("Matrix has dimensions $(size(S)) but right hand side has first dimension $n"))
d = S.data.dv
l = S.data.ev
@inbounds begin
for i = 2:n
li1 = l[i-1]
@simd for j = 1:nrhs
B[i,j] -= li1*B[i-1,j]
dn = d[n]
@simd for j = 1:nrhs
B[n,j] /= dn
for i = n-1:-1:1
di = d[i]
li = l[i]
@simd for j = 1:nrhs
B[i,j] /= di
B[i,j] -= li*B[i+1,j]
return B
## reconstruct the original matrix, which is tridiagonal
function full(F::LDLt)
e = copy(F.data.ev)
d = copy(F.data.dv)
e .*= d[1:end-1]
d[2:end] += e .* F.data.ev
SymTridiagonal(d, e)