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using .ARPACK
## eigs
.. eigs(A; nev=6, ncv=max(20,2*nev+1), which="LM", tol=0.0, maxiter=300, sigma=nothing, ritzvec=true, v0=zeros((0,))) -> (d,[v,],nconv,niter,nmult,resid)
Computes eigenvalues ``d`` of ``A`` using Lanczos or Arnoldi iterations for
real symmetric or general nonsymmetric matrices respectively.
The following keyword arguments are supported:
* ``nev``: Number of eigenvalues
* ``ncv``: Number of Krylov vectors used in the computation; should satisfy ``nev+1 <= ncv <= n`` for real symmetric problems and ``nev+2 <= ncv <= n`` for other problems, where ``n`` is the size of the input matrix ``A``. The default is ``ncv = max(20,2*nev+1)``.
Note that these restrictions limit the input matrix ``A`` to be of dimension at least 2.
* ``which``: type of eigenvalues to compute. See the note below.
========= ======================================================================================================================
``which`` type of eigenvalues
========= ======================================================================================================================
``:LM`` eigenvalues of largest magnitude (default)
``:SM`` eigenvalues of smallest magnitude
``:LR`` eigenvalues of largest real part
``:SR`` eigenvalues of smallest real part
``:LI`` eigenvalues of largest imaginary part (nonsymmetric or complex ``A`` only)
``:SI`` eigenvalues of smallest imaginary part (nonsymmetric or complex ``A`` only)
``:BE`` compute half of the eigenvalues from each end of the spectrum, biased in favor of the high end. (real symmetric ``A`` only)
========= ======================================================================================================================
* ``tol``: tolerance (:math:`tol \le 0.0` defaults to ``DLAMCH('EPS')``)
* ``maxiter``: Maximum number of iterations (default = 300)
* ``sigma``: Specifies the level shift used in inverse iteration. If ``nothing`` (default), defaults to ordinary (forward) iterations. Otherwise, find eigenvalues close to ``sigma`` using shift and invert iterations.
* ``ritzvec``: Returns the Ritz vectors ``v`` (eigenvectors) if ``true``
* ``v0``: starting vector from which to start the iterations
``eigs`` returns the ``nev`` requested eigenvalues in ``d``, the corresponding Ritz vectors ``v`` (only if ``ritzvec=true``), the number of converged eigenvalues ``nconv``, the number of iterations ``niter`` and the number of matrix vector multiplications ``nmult``, as well as the final residual vector ``resid``.
.. note:: The ``sigma`` and ``which`` keywords interact: the description of eigenvalues searched for by ``which`` do _not_ necessarily refer to the eigenvalues of ``A``, but rather the linear operator constructed by the specification of the iteration mode implied by ``sigma``.
=============== ================================== ==================================
``sigma`` iteration mode ``which`` refers to eigenvalues of
=============== ================================== ==================================
``nothing`` ordinary (forward) :math:`A`
real or complex inverse with level shift ``sigma`` :math:`(A - \sigma I )^{-1}`
=============== ================================== ==================================
eigs(A; kwargs...) = eigs(A, I; kwargs...)
eigs{T<:BlasFloat}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, ::UniformScaling; kwargs...) = _eigs(A, I; kwargs...)
eigs{T<:BlasFloat}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, B::AbstractMatrix{T}; kwargs...) = _eigs(A, B; kwargs...)
eigs(A::AbstractMatrix{BigFloat}, B::AbstractMatrix...; kwargs...) = throw(MethodError(eigs, Any[A,B,kwargs...]))
eigs(A::AbstractMatrix{BigFloat}, B::UniformScaling; kwargs...) = throw(MethodError(eigs, Any[A,B,kwargs...]))
function eigs{T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, ::UniformScaling; kwargs...)
Tnew = typeof(zero(T)/sqrt(one(T)))
eigs(convert(AbstractMatrix{Tnew}, A), I; kwargs...)
function eigs(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix; kwargs...)
T = promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B))
Tnew = typeof(zero(T)/sqrt(one(T)))
eigs(convert(AbstractMatrix{Tnew}, A), convert(AbstractMatrix{Tnew}, B); kwargs...)
.. eigs(A, B; nev=6, ncv=max(20,2*nev+1), which="LM", tol=0.0, maxiter=300, sigma=nothing, ritzvec=true, v0=zeros((0,))) -> (d,[v,],nconv,niter,nmult,resid)
Computes generalized eigenvalues ``d`` of ``A`` and ``B`` using Lanczos or Arnoldi iterations for
real symmetric or general nonsymmetric matrices respectively.
The following keyword arguments are supported:
* ``nev``: Number of eigenvalues
* ``ncv``: Number of Krylov vectors used in the computation; should satisfy ``nev+1 <= ncv <= n`` for real symmetric problems and ``nev+2 <= ncv <= n`` for other problems, where ``n`` is the size of the input matrices ``A`` and ``B``. The default is ``ncv = max(20,2*nev+1)``.
Note that these restrictions limit the input matrix ``A`` to be of dimension at least 2.
* ``which``: type of eigenvalues to compute. See the note below.
========= ======================================================================================================================
``which`` type of eigenvalues
========= ======================================================================================================================
``:LM`` eigenvalues of largest magnitude (default)
``:SM`` eigenvalues of smallest magnitude
``:LR`` eigenvalues of largest real part
``:SR`` eigenvalues of smallest real part
``:LI`` eigenvalues of largest imaginary part (nonsymmetric or complex ``A`` only)
``:SI`` eigenvalues of smallest imaginary part (nonsymmetric or complex ``A`` only)
``:BE`` compute half of the eigenvalues from each end of the spectrum, biased in favor of the high end. (real symmetric ``A`` only)
========= ======================================================================================================================
* ``tol``: tolerance (:math:`tol \le 0.0` defaults to ``DLAMCH('EPS')``)
* ``maxiter``: Maximum number of iterations (default = 300)
* ``sigma``: Specifies the level shift used in inverse iteration. If ``nothing`` (default), defaults to ordinary (forward) iterations. Otherwise, find eigenvalues close to ``sigma`` using shift and invert iterations.
* ``ritzvec``: Returns the Ritz vectors ``v`` (eigenvectors) if ``true``
* ``v0``: starting vector from which to start the iterations
``eigs`` returns the ``nev`` requested eigenvalues in ``d``, the corresponding Ritz vectors ``v`` (only if ``ritzvec=true``), the number of converged eigenvalues ``nconv``, the number of iterations ``niter`` and the number of matrix vector multiplications ``nmult``, as well as the final residual vector ``resid``.
.. note:: The ``sigma`` and ``which`` keywords interact: the description of eigenvalues searched for by ``which`` do _not_ necessarily refer to the eigenvalue problem :math:`Av = Bv\lambda`, but rather the linear operator constructed by the specification of the iteration mode implied by ``sigma``.
=============== ================================== ==================================
``sigma`` iteration mode ``which`` refers to the problem
=============== ================================== ==================================
``nothing`` ordinary (forward) :math:`Av = Bv\lambda`
real or complex inverse with level shift ``sigma`` :math:`(A - \sigma B )^{-1}B = v\nu`
=============== ================================== ==================================
eigs(A, B; kwargs...) = _eigs(A, B; kwargs...)
function _eigs(A, B;
nev::Integer=6, ncv::Integer=max(20,2*nev+1), which=:LM,
tol=0.0, maxiter::Integer=300, sigma=nothing, v0::Vector=zeros(eltype(A),(0,)),
n = chksquare(A)
T = eltype(A)
iscmplx = T <: Complex
isgeneral = B !== I
sym = issym(A) && !iscmplx
nevmax=sym ? n-1 : n-2
if nevmax <= 0
throw(ArgumentError("Input matrix A is too small. Use eigfact instead."))
if nev > nevmax
warn("Adjusting nev from $nev to $nevmax")
nev = nevmax
if nev <= 0
throw(ArgumentError("requested number of eigenvalues (nev) must be ≥ 1, got $nev"))
ncvmin = nev + (sym ? 1 : 2)
if ncv < ncvmin
warn("Adjusting ncv from $ncv to $ncvmin")
ncv = ncvmin
ncv = BlasInt(min(ncv, n))
if isgeneral && !isposdef(B)
bmat = isgeneral ? "G" : "I"
isshift = sigma !== nothing
if isa(which,AbstractString)
warn("Use symbols instead of strings for specifying which eigenvalues to compute")
if (which != :LM && which != :SM && which != :LR && which != :SR &&
which != :LI && which != :SI && which != :BE)
throw(ArgumentError("which must be :LM, :SM, :LR, :SR, :LI, :SI, or :BE, got $(repr(which))"))
if which == :BE && !sym
throw(ArgumentError("which=:BE only possible for real symmetric problem"))
isshift && which == :SM && warn("use of :SM in shift-and-invert mode is not recommended, use :LM to find eigenvalues closest to sigma")
if which==:SM && !isshift # transform into shift-and-invert method with sigma = 0
if sigma !== nothing && !iscmplx && isa(sigma,Complex)
throw(ArgumentError("complex shifts for real problems are not yet supported"))
sigma = isshift ? convert(T,sigma) : zero(T)
if !isempty(v0)
if length(v0) != n
if eltype(v0) != T
throw(ArgumentError("starting vector must have element type $T, got $(eltype(v0))"))
whichstr = "LM"
if which == :BE
whichstr = "BE"
if which == :LR
whichstr = (!sym ? "LR" : "LA")
if which == :SR
whichstr = (!sym ? "SR" : "SA")
if which == :LI
if !sym
whichstr = "LI"
throw(ArgumentError("largest imaginary is meaningless for symmetric eigenvalue problems"))
if which == :SI
if !sym
whichstr = "SI"
throw(ArgumentError("smallest imaginary is meaningless for symmetric eigenvalue problems"))
# Refer to ex-*.doc files in ARPACK/DOCUMENTS for calling sequence
matvecA(x) = A * x
if !isgeneral # Standard problem
matvecB(x) = x
if !isshift # Regular mode
mode = 1
solveSI(x) = x
else # Shift-invert mode
mode = 3
F = factorize(sigma==zero(T) ? A : A - UniformScaling(sigma))
solveSI(x) = F \ x
else # Generalized eigenproblem
matvecB(x) = B * x
if !isshift # Regular inverse mode
mode = 2
F = factorize(B)
solveSI(x) = F \ x
else # Shift-invert mode
mode = 3
F = factorize(sigma==zero(T) ? A : A-sigma*B)
solveSI(x) = F \ x
# Compute the Ritz values and Ritz vectors
(resid, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, rwork, TOL) =
ARPACK.aupd_wrapper(T, matvecA, matvecB, solveSI, n, sym, iscmplx, bmat, nev, ncv, whichstr, tol, maxiter, mode, v0)
# Postprocessing to get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
output = ARPACK.eupd_wrapper(T, n, sym, iscmplx, bmat, nev, whichstr, ritzvec, TOL,
resid, ncv, v, ldv, sigma, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, rwork)
# Issue 10495, 10701: Check that all eigenvalues are converged
nev = length(output[1])
nconv = output[ritzvec ? 3 : 2]
nev ≤ nconv || warn("not all wanted Ritz pairs converged. Requested: $nev, converged: $nconv")
return output
## svds
### Restrict operator to BlasFloat because ARPACK only supports that. Loosen restriction
### when we switch to our own implementation
type SVDOperator{T<:BlasFloat,S} <: AbstractArray{T, 2}
SVDOperator(X::AbstractMatrix) = new(X, size(X, 1), size(X, 2))
function SVDOperator{T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T})
Tnew = typeof(zero(T)/sqrt(one(T)))
Anew = convert(AbstractMatrix{Tnew}, A)
## v = [ left_singular_vector; right_singular_vector ]
*{T,S}(s::SVDOperator{T,S}, v::Vector{T}) = [s.X * v[s.m+1:end]; s.X' * v[1:s.m]]
size(s::SVDOperator) = s.m + s.n, s.m + s.n
issym(s::SVDOperator) = true
svds{T<:BlasFloat}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; kwargs...) = _svds(A; kwargs...)
svds(A::AbstractMatrix{BigFloat}; kwargs...) = throw(MethodError(svds, Any[A, kwargs...]))
function svds{T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; kwargs...)
Tnew = typeof(zero(T)/sqrt(one(T)))
svds(convert(AbstractMatrix{Tnew}, A); kwargs...)
svds(A; kwargs...) = _svds(A; kwargs...)
function _svds(X; nsv::Int = 6, ritzvec::Bool = true, tol::Float64 = 0.0, maxiter::Int = 1000)
if nsv < 1
throw(ArgumentError("number of singular values (nsv) must be ≥ 1, got $nsv"))
if nsv > minimum(size(X))
throw(ArgumentError("number of singular values (nsv) must be ≤ $(minimum(size(X))), got $nsv"))
otype = eltype(X)
ex = eigs(SVDOperator(X), I; ritzvec = ritzvec, nev = 2*nsv, tol = tol, maxiter = maxiter)
ind = [1:2:nsv*2;]
sval = abs(ex[1][ind])
#The sort is necessary to work around #10329
ritzvec || return (sort!(sval, by=real, rev=true), ex[2], ex[3], ex[4], ex[5])
# calculating singular vectors
left_sv = sqrt(2) * ex[2][ 1:size(X,1), ind ] .* sign(ex[1][ind]')
right_sv = sqrt(2) * ex[2][ size(X,1)+1:end, ind ]
return (left_sv, sval, right_sv, ex[3], ex[4], ex[5], ex[6])