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## general machinery for irrational mathematical constants
immutable Irrational{sym} <: Real end
show{sym}(io::IO, x::Irrational{sym}) = print(io, "$sym = $(string(float(x))[1:15])...")
promote_rule{s}(::Type{Irrational{s}}, ::Type{Float32}) = Float32
promote_rule{s,t}(::Type{Irrational{s}}, ::Type{Irrational{t}}) = Float64
promote_rule{s,T<:Number}(::Type{Irrational{s}}, ::Type{T}) = promote_type(Float64,T)
convert(::Type{AbstractFloat}, x::Irrational) = Float64(x)
convert(::Type{Float16}, x::Irrational) = Float16(Float32(x))
convert{T<:Real}(::Type{Complex{T}}, x::Irrational) = convert(Complex{T}, convert(T,x))
convert{T<:Integer}(::Type{Rational{T}}, x::Irrational) = convert(Rational{T}, Float64(x))
@generated function call{T<:Union{Float32,Float64},s}(t::Type{T},c::Irrational{s},r::RoundingMode)
f = T(big(c()),r())
=={s}(::Irrational{s}, ::Irrational{s}) = true
==(::Irrational, ::Irrational) = false
# Irrationals, by definition, can't have a finite representation equal them exactly
==(x::Irrational, y::Real) = false
==(x::Real, y::Irrational) = false
# Irrational vs AbstractFloat
<(x::Irrational, y::Float64) = Float64(x,RoundUp) <= y
<(x::Float64, y::Irrational) = x <= Float64(y,RoundDown)
<(x::Irrational, y::Float32) = Float32(x,RoundUp) <= y
<(x::Float32, y::Irrational) = x <= Float32(y,RoundDown)
<(x::Irrational, y::Float16) = Float32(x,RoundUp) <= y
<(x::Float16, y::Irrational) = x <= Float32(y,RoundDown)
<(x::Irrational, y::BigFloat) = with_bigfloat_precision(precision(y)+32) do
big(x) < y
<(x::BigFloat, y::Irrational) = with_bigfloat_precision(precision(x)+32) do
x < big(y)
<=(x::Irrational,y::AbstractFloat) = x < y
<=(x::AbstractFloat,y::Irrational) = x < y
# Irrational vs Rational
@generated function <{T}(x::Irrational, y::Rational{T})
bx = big(x())
bx < 0 && T <: Unsigned && return true
rx = rationalize(T,bx,tol=0)
rx < bx ? :($rx < y) : :($rx <= y)
@generated function <{T}(x::Rational{T}, y::Irrational)
by = big(y())
by < 0 && T <: Unsigned && return false
ry = rationalize(T,by,tol=0)
ry < by ? :(x <= $ry) : :(x < $ry)
<(x::Irrational, y::Rational{BigInt}) = big(x) < y
<(x::Rational{BigInt}, y::Irrational) = x < big(y)
<=(x::Irrational,y::Rational) = x < y
<=(x::Rational,y::Irrational) = x < y
isfinite(::Irrational) = true
hash(x::Irrational, h::UInt) = 3*object_id(x) - h
-(x::Irrational) = -Float64(x)
for op in Symbol[:+, :-, :*, :/, :^]
@eval $op(x::Irrational, y::Irrational) = $op(Float64(x),Float64(y))
macro irrational(sym, val, def)
esym = esc(sym)
qsym = esc(Expr(:quote, sym))
bigconvert = isa(def,Symbol) ? quote
function Base.convert(::Type{BigFloat}, ::Irrational{$qsym})
c = BigFloat()
ccall(($(string("mpfr_const_", def)), :libmpfr),
Cint, (Ptr{BigFloat}, Int32),
return c
end : quote
Base.convert(::Type{BigFloat}, ::Irrational{$qsym}) = $(esc(def))
const $esym = Irrational{$qsym}()
Base.convert(::Type{Float64}, ::Irrational{$qsym}) = $val
Base.convert(::Type{Float32}, ::Irrational{$qsym}) = $(Float32(val))
@assert isa(big($esym), BigFloat)
@assert Float64($esym) == Float64(big($esym))
@assert Float32($esym) == Float32(big($esym))
big(x::Irrational) = convert(BigFloat,x)
## specific irriational mathematical constants
@irrational π 3.14159265358979323846 pi
@irrational e 2.71828182845904523536 exp(big(1))
@irrational γ 0.57721566490153286061 euler
@irrational catalan 0.91596559417721901505 catalan
@irrational φ 1.61803398874989484820 (1+sqrt(big(5)))/2
# aliases
const pi = π
const eu = e
const eulergamma = γ
const golden = φ
# special behaviors
# use exp for e^x or e.^x, as in
# ^(::Irrational{:e}, x::Number) = exp(x)
# .^(::Irrational{:e}, x) = exp(x)
# but need to loop over types to prevent ambiguity with generic rules for ^(::Number, x) etc.
for T in (Irrational, Rational, Integer, Number)
^(::Irrational{:e}, x::T) = exp(x)
for T in (Range, BitArray, SparseMatrixCSC, StridedArray, AbstractArray)
.^(::Irrational{:e}, x::T) = exp(x)
^(::Irrational{:e}, x::AbstractMatrix) = expm(x)
log(::Irrational{:e}) = 1 # use 1 to correctly promote expressions like log(x)/log(e)
log(::Irrational{:e}, x) = log(x)
# align along = for nice Array printing
function alignment(x::Irrational)
m = match(r"^(.*?)(=.*)$", sprint(showcompact_lim, x))
m === nothing ? (length(sprint(showcompact_lim, x)), 0) :
(length(m.captures[1]), length(m.captures[2]))