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## floating-point functions ##
copysign(x::Float64, y::Float64) = box(Float64,copysign_float(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(Float64,y)))
copysign(x::Float32, y::Float32) = box(Float32,copysign_float(unbox(Float32,x),unbox(Float32,y)))
copysign(x::Float32, y::Real) = copysign(x, Float32(y))
copysign(x::Float64, y::Real) = copysign(x, Float64(y))
@vectorize_2arg Real copysign
flipsign(x::Float64, y::Float64) = box(Float64,xor_int(unbox(Float64,x),and_int(unbox(Float64,y),0x8000000000000000)))
flipsign(x::Float32, y::Float32) = box(Float32,xor_int(unbox(Float32,x),and_int(unbox(Float32,y),0x80000000)))
flipsign(x::Float32, y::Real) = flipsign(x, Float32(y))
flipsign(x::Float64, y::Real) = flipsign(x, Float64(y))
@vectorize_2arg Real flipsign
signbit(x::Float64) = signbit(reinterpret(Int64,x))
signbit(x::Float32) = signbit(reinterpret(Int32,x))
signbit(x::Float16) = signbit(reinterpret(Int16,x))
maxintfloat(::Type{Float64}) = 9007199254740992.
maxintfloat(::Type{Float32}) = Float32(16777216.)
maxintfloat(::Type{Float16}) = Float16(2048f0)
maxintfloat{T<:AbstractFloat}(x::T) = maxintfloat(T)
maxintfloat() = maxintfloat(Float64)
isinteger(x::AbstractFloat) = (trunc(x)==x)&isfinite(x)
num2hex(x::Float16) = hex(reinterpret(UInt16,x), 4)
num2hex(x::Float32) = hex(box(UInt32,unbox(Float32,x)),8)
num2hex(x::Float64) = hex(box(UInt64,unbox(Float64,x)),16)
function hex2num(s::AbstractString)
if length(s) <= 8
return box(Float32,unbox(UInt32,parse(UInt32,s,16)))
return box(Float64,unbox(UInt64,parse(UInt64,s,16)))
@vectorize_1arg Number abs
@vectorize_1arg Number abs2
@vectorize_1arg Number angle
@vectorize_1arg Number isnan
@vectorize_1arg Number isinf
@vectorize_1arg Number isfinite
round(x::Real, ::RoundingMode{:ToZero}) = trunc(x)
round(x::Real, ::RoundingMode{:Up}) = ceil(x)
round(x::Real, ::RoundingMode{:Down}) = floor(x)
# C-style round
function round(x::AbstractFloat, ::RoundingMode{:NearestTiesAway})
y = trunc(x)
# Java-style round
function round(x::AbstractFloat, ::RoundingMode{:NearestTiesUp})
y = floor(x)
round{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::AbstractFloat, r::RoundingMode) = trunc(T,round(x,r))
@vectorize_1arg Real trunc
@vectorize_1arg Real floor
@vectorize_1arg Real ceil
@vectorize_1arg Real round
for f in (:trunc,:floor,:ceil,:round)
@eval begin
function ($f){T,R}(::Type{T}, x::AbstractArray{R,1})
[ ($f)(T, x[i])::T for i = 1:length(x) ]
function ($f){T,R}(::Type{T}, x::AbstractArray{R,2})
[ ($f)(T, x[i,j])::T for i = 1:size(x,1), j = 1:size(x,2) ]
function ($f){T}(::Type{T}, x::AbstractArray)
reshape([ ($f)(T, x[i])::T for i in eachindex(x) ], size(x))
function ($f){R}(x::AbstractArray{R,1}, digits::Integer, base::Integer=10)
[ ($f)(x[i], digits, base) for i = 1:length(x) ]
function ($f){R}(x::AbstractArray{R,2}, digits::Integer, base::Integer=10)
[ ($f)(x[i,j], digits, base) for i = 1:size(x,1), j = 1:size(x,2) ]
function ($f)(x::AbstractArray, digits::Integer, base::Integer=10)
reshape([ ($f)(x[i], digits, base) for i in eachindex(x) ], size(x))
function round{R}(x::AbstractArray{R,1}, r::RoundingMode)
[ round(x[i], r) for i = 1:length(x) ]
function round{R}(x::AbstractArray{R,2}, r::RoundingMode)
[ round(x[i,j], r) for i = 1:size(x,1), j = 1:size(x,2) ]
function round(x::AbstractArray, r::RoundingMode)
reshape([ round(x[i], r) for i in eachindex(x) ], size(x))
function round{T,R}(::Type{T}, x::AbstractArray{R,1}, r::RoundingMode)
[ round(T, x[i], r)::T for i = 1:length(x) ]
function round{T,R}(::Type{T}, x::AbstractArray{R,2}, r::RoundingMode)
[ round(T, x[i,j], r)::T for i = 1:size(x,1), j = 1:size(x,2) ]
function round{T}(::Type{T}, x::AbstractArray, r::RoundingMode)
reshape([ round(T, x[i], r)::T for i in eachindex(x) ], size(x))
# adapted from Matlab File Exchange roundsd: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/26212
# for round, og is the power of 10 relative to the decimal point
# for signif, og is the absolute power of 10
# digits and base must be integers, x must be convertable to float
function _signif_og(x, digits, base)
if base == 10
e = floor(log10(abs(x)) - digits + 1.)
og = oftype(x, exp10(abs(e)))
elseif base == 2
e = exponent(abs(x)) - digits + 1.
og = oftype(x, exp2(abs(e)))
e = floor(log(base, abs(x)) - digits + 1.)
og = oftype(x, float(base) ^ abs(e))
return og, e
function signif(x::Real, digits::Integer, base::Integer=10)
digits < 1 && throw(DomainError())
x = float(x)
(x == 0 || !isfinite(x)) && return x
og, e = _signif_og(x, digits, base)
if e >= 0 # for numeric stability
r = round(x/og)*og
r = round(x*og)/og
!isfinite(r) ? x : r
for f in (:round, :ceil, :floor, :trunc)
@eval begin
function ($f)(x::Real, digits::Integer, base::Integer=10)
x = float(x)
og = convert(eltype(x),base)^digits
r = ($f)(x * og) / og
if !isfinite(r)
if digits > 0
return x
elseif x > 0
return $(:ceil == f ? :(convert(eltype(x), Inf)) : :(zero(x)))
elseif x < 0
return $(:floor == f ? :(-convert(eltype(x), Inf)) : :(-zero(x)))
return x
return r
# isapprox: approximate equality of numbers
function isapprox(x::Number, y::Number; rtol::Real=rtoldefault(x,y), atol::Real=0)
x == y || (isfinite(x) && isfinite(y) && abs(x-y) <= atol + rtol*max(abs(x), abs(y)))
const ≈ = isapprox
≉(x,y) = !(x ≈ y)
# default tolerance arguments
rtoldefault{T<:AbstractFloat}(::Type{T}) = sqrt(eps(T))
rtoldefault{T<:Real}(::Type{T}) = 0
rtoldefault{T<:Number,S<:Number}(x::Union{T,Type{T}}, y::Union{S,Type{S}}) = rtoldefault(promote_type(real(T),real(S)))
# fused multiply-add
fma_libm(x::Float32, y::Float32, z::Float32) =
ccall(("fmaf", libm_name), Float32, (Float32,Float32,Float32), x, y, z)
fma_libm(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64) =
ccall(("fma", libm_name), Float64, (Float64,Float64,Float64), x, y, z)
fma_llvm(x::Float32, y::Float32, z::Float32) =
fma_llvm(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64) =
# Disable LLVM's fma if it is incorrect, e.g. because LLVM falls back
# onto a broken system libm; if so, use openlibm's fma instead
# 1.0000305f0 = 1 + 1/2^15
# 1.0000000009313226 = 1 + 1/2^30
# If fma_llvm() clobbers the rounding mode, the result of 0.1 + 0.2 will be 0.3
# instead of the properly-rounded 0.30000000000000004; check after calling fma
if (ARCH != :i686 && fma_llvm(1.0000305f0, 1.0000305f0, -1.0f0) == 6.103609f-5 &&
(fma_llvm(1.0000000009313226, 1.0000000009313226, -1.0) ==
1.8626451500983188e-9) && 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004)
fma(x::Float32, y::Float32, z::Float32) = fma_llvm(x,y,z)
fma(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64) = fma_llvm(x,y,z)
fma(x::Float32, y::Float32, z::Float32) = fma_libm(x,y,z)
fma(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64) = fma_libm(x,y,z)
# This is necessary at least on 32-bit Intel Linux, since fma_llvm may
# have called glibc, and some broken glibc fma implementations don't
# properly restore the rounding mode
Rounding.set_rounding_raw(Float32, Rounding.JL_FE_TONEAREST)
Rounding.set_rounding_raw(Float64, Rounding.JL_FE_TONEAREST)