/var/lib/gnumed/server/sql/gmI18N-dynamic.sql is in gnumed-server 20.10-1.
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-- GNUmed fixed string internationalisation (SQL gettext)
-- ======================================================
-- $Source: /home/ncq/Projekte/cvs2git/vcs-mirror/gnumed/gnumed/server/sql/gmI18N-dynamic.sql,v $
-- $Id: gmI18N-dynamic.sql,v 1.5 2006-07-24 14:18:52 ncq Exp $
-- license: GPL v2 or later
-- author: Karsten.Hilbert@gmx.net
-- =============================================
-- Import this script into any GNUmed database you create.
-- This will allow for transparent translation of 'fixed'
-- strings in the database. Simply switching the language in
-- i18n_curr_lang will enable the user to see another language.
-- For details please see the Developer's Guide.
-- =============================================
-- force terminate + exit(3) on errors if non-interactive
-- =============================================
comment on table i18n.curr_lang is
'holds the currently selected per-user default
language for fixed strings in the database';
-- =============================================
comment on table i18n.keys is
'this table holds all the original strings that need
translation so give this to your language teams,
the function i18n.i18n() will take care to enter relevant
strings into this table, the table table does NOT
play any role in runtime translation activity';
-- =============================================
drop index i18n.idx_orig;
create index idx_orig on i18n.translations(orig);
comment on table i18n.translations is
'this table holds all the translated strings';
comment on column i18n.translations.lang is
'the language (corresponding to i18n.curr_lang for
a given user) that this translation belongs to';
comment on column i18n.translations.orig is
'the original, untranslated string, used as the search key.';
comment on column i18n.translations.trans is
'the translation of <orig> into <lang>';
-- =============================================
create or replace function i18n.i18n(text)
returns text
language 'plpgsql'
security definer
as '
original ALIAS FOR $1;
if not exists(select pk from i18n.keys where orig = original) then
insert into i18n.keys (orig) values (original);
end if;
return original;
comment on function i18n.i18n(text) is
'insert original strings into i18n.keys for later translation';
-- =============================================
-- FIXME: if _orig does not exist - call i18n() on it ?
-- FIXME: support upd_tx(text, text) and take language from curr_lang
create or replace function i18n.upd_tx(text, text, text)
returns boolean
language 'plpgsql'
security definer
as '
_lang alias for $1;
_orig alias for $2;
_trans alias for $3;
_tmp text;
select into _tmp ''1'' from i18n.keys where orig=_orig;
if not found then
_tmp := ''String "'' || _orig || ''" not found in i18n.keys. No use storing translation.'';
raise notice ''%'', _tmp;
-- return ''String "'' || _orig || ''" not found in i18n.keys. No use storing translation.'';
return False;
end if;
delete from i18n.translations where lang=_lang and orig=_orig;
insert into i18n.translations (lang, orig, trans) values (_lang, _orig, _trans);
-- return _orig || '' == ('' || _lang || '') ==> '' || _trans;
return True;
-- =============================================
create or replace function _(text)
returns text
language 'plpgsql'
security definer
as '
_orig ALIAS FOR $1;
trans_str text;
my_lang text;
-- get language
select into my_lang lang from i18n.curr_lang where user = CURRENT_USER;
if not found then
return _orig;
end if;
-- get translation
select into trans_str trans from i18n.translations
where lang = my_lang and orig = _orig;
if found then
return trans_str;
end if;
return _orig;
comment on function _(text) is
'will return either the translation into
i18n.curr_lang.lang for the current user
or the input,
created in public schema for easy access';
-- =============================================
create or replace function _(text, text)
returns text
language 'plpgsql'
security definer
as '
_orig alias for $1;
_lang alias for $2;
trans_str text;
-- no translation available at all ?
if not exists(select 1 from i18n.translations where orig = _orig) then
return _orig;
end if;
-- get translation
select into trans_str trans
from i18n.translations
lang = _lang
orig = _orig;
if not found then
return _orig;
end if;
return trans_str;
comment on function _(text, text) is
'will return either the translation into <text>
(2nd argument) for the current user or the input,
created in public schema for easy access';
-- =============================================
create or replace function i18n.set_curr_lang(text)
returns unknown
language 'plpgsql'
security definer
as '
_lang ALIAS FOR $1;
if exists(select pk from i18n.translations where lang = _lang) then
delete from i18n.curr_lang where user = CURRENT_USER;
insert into i18n.curr_lang (lang) values (_lang);
return true;
end if;
raise notice ''Cannot set current language to [%]. No translations available.'', _lang;
return false;
comment on function i18n.set_curr_lang(text) is
'set preferred language:
- for "current user"
- only if translations for this language are available';
-- =============================================
create or replace function i18n.force_curr_lang(text)
returns unknown
language 'plpgsql'
security definer
as '
_lang ALIAS FOR $1;
raise notice ''Forcing current language to [%] without checking for translations..'', _lang;
delete from i18n.curr_lang where user = CURRENT_USER;
insert into i18n.curr_lang(lang) values (_lang);
return 1;
comment on function i18n.force_curr_lang(text) is
'force preferred language to some language:
- for "current user"';
-- =============================================
create or replace function i18n.set_curr_lang(text, name)
returns boolean
language 'plpgsql'
security definer
as '
_lang ALIAS FOR $1;
_user ALIAS FOR $2;
if exists(select pk from i18n.translations where lang = _lang) then
delete from i18n.curr_lang where user = _user;
insert into i18n.curr_lang("user", lang) values (_user, _lang);
return true;
end if;
raise notice ''Cannot set current language to [%]. No translations available.'', _lang;
return False;
comment on function i18n.set_curr_lang(text, name) is
'set language to first argument for the user named in
the second argument if translations are available';
-- =============================================
drop view i18n.v_missing_translations;
create view i18n.v_missing_translations as
(select distinct on (lang) lang from i18n.curr_lang) as icl,
i18n.keys ik
ik.orig not in (select orig from i18n.translations)
comment on view i18n.v_missing_translations is
'lists per language which strings are lacking a translation';
-- =============================================
grant usage on schema i18n to group "gm-public";
, i18n.keys
, i18n.translations
, i18n.v_missing_translations
TO group "gm-public";
-- =============================================
-- do simple schema revision tracking
select log_script_insertion('$RCSfile: gmI18N-dynamic.sql,v $', '$Revision: 1.5 $');
-- =============================================
-- $Log: gmI18N-dynamic.sql,v $
-- Revision 1.5 2006-07-24 14:18:52 ncq
-- - add comment
-- Revision 1.4 2006/07/01 15:22:03 ncq
-- - do not hard-fail set_curr_lang()
-- Revision 1.3 2006/02/06 13:18:27 ncq
-- - quote user when column name
-- Revision 1.2 2006/01/10 08:44:22 ncq
-- - drop index does not require "on"
-- Revision 1.1 2006/01/09 13:42:29 ncq
-- - factor out dynamic stuff
-- - move into schema "i18n" (except for _())
-- Revision 1.23 2005/09/19 16:38:51 ncq
-- - adjust to removed is_core from gm_schema_revision
-- Revision 1.22 2005/07/14 21:31:42 ncq
-- - partially use improved schema revision tracking
-- Revision 1.21 2005/07/04 11:42:24 ncq
-- - fix _(text, text)
-- Revision 1.20 2005/03/31 20:08:38 ncq
-- - add i18n_upd_tx() for safe update of translations
-- Revision 1.19 2005/03/01 20:38:19 ncq
-- - varchar -> text
-- Revision 1.18 2005/02/03 20:28:25 ncq
-- - improved comments
-- - added _(text, text)
-- Revision 1.17 2005/02/01 16:52:50 ncq
-- - added force_curr_lang()
-- Revision 1.16 2004/07/17 20:57:53 ncq
-- - don't use user/_user workaround anymore as we dropped supporting
-- it (but we did NOT drop supporting readonly connections on > 7.3)
-- Revision 1.15 2003/12/29 15:40:42 uid66147
-- - added not null
-- - added v_missing_translations
-- Revision 1.14 2003/06/10 09:58:11 ncq
-- - i18n() inserts strings into i18n_keys, not _(), fix comment to that effect
-- Revision 1.13 2003/05/12 12:43:39 ncq
-- - gmI18N, gmServices and gmSchemaRevision are imported globally at the
-- database level now, don't include them in individual schema file anymore
-- Revision 1.12 2003/05/02 15:06:44 ncq
-- - fix comment
-- Revision 1.11 2003/04/23 08:36:00 michaelb
-- made i18n_curr_lang longer still (11 to 15)
-- Revision 1.9 2003/02/04 13:22:01 ncq
-- - refined set_curr_lang to only work if translations available
-- - also auto-set for both "user" and "_user"
-- Revision 1.8 2003/02/04 12:22:52 ncq
-- - valid until in create user cannot do a sub-query :-(
-- - columns "owner" should really be of type "name" if defaulting to "CURRENT_USER"
-- - new functions set_curr_lang(*)
-- Revision 1.7 2003/01/24 14:16:18 ncq
-- - don't drop functions repeatedly since that will kill views created earlier
-- Revision 1.6 2003/01/20 20:21:53 ncq
-- - keep the last useful bit from i18n.sql as documentation
-- Revision 1.5 2003/01/20 19:42:47 ncq
-- - simplified creation of translating view a lot
-- Revision 1.4 2003/01/17 00:24:33 ncq
-- - add a few access right definitions
-- Revision 1.3 2003/01/05 13:05:51 ncq
-- - schema_revision -> gm_schema_revision
-- Revision 1.2 2003/01/04 10:30:26 ncq
-- - better documentation
-- - insert default english "translation" into i18n_translations
-- Revision 1.1 2003/01/01 17:41:57 ncq
-- - improved database i18n