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#W grpchain.gd GAP Library Gene Cooperman
#W and Scott Murray
#Y Copyright (C) 1996, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany
#Y (C) 1999 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland
#Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group
## Requires: transversal
## Data structures for storing general group chains. Note that this does
## *not* replace `StabChain'.
## The group attribute `ChainSubgroup(<G>)' stores the next group down
## in the chain (i.e.~the structure is recursive). `ChainSubgroup(<G>)'
## should have an attribute `Transversal' which describes a transversal
## of `ChainSubgroup(<G>)' in <G>, as in `gptransv.[gd,gi]'.
## The command `ChainSubgroup' will use the default method for computing
## chains -- currently this is random Schreier-Sims, unless the group is
## nilpotent.
## *Warning:* This algorithm is Monte-Carlo.
## `ChainSubgroup' is mutable, since it may start as the trivial subgroup,
## and then grow as elements are sifted in, and some stick.
## This allows us to do, if we want, things like:
## \){\kernttindent}SetChainSubgroup(<G>, ClosureGroup(ChainSubgroup(<G>), %
## <siftee>) );
## Whether this code is used instead of previous methods is determined by
## 4 variables which control the behaviour of the filter `IsChainTypeGroup'.
## See the file `gap.../lib/grpchain.gd' for details.
DeclareInfoClass( "InfoChain" );
## Control variables
## Use chain subgroups for matrix groups
UseMatrixChainSubgroups := false;
## Use chain subgroups for permutation groups
UsePermChainSubgroups := false;
## Use our code rather than StabChain
UseStabChainViaChainSubgroup := false;
## Cutoff for using our code rather than nice homomorphisms for mx grps
SmallSpaceCutoff := 50000;
#A ChainSubgroup( <G> )
## Computes the chain, if necessary, and returns the next subgroup in the
## chain. The current default is to use the random Schreier-Sims algorithm,
## unless the group is known to be nilpotent, in which case `MakeHomChain'
## is used.
DeclareAttribute( "ChainSubgroup", IsGroup, "mutable" );
#A Transversal( <G> )
## The transversal of the group <G> in the previous subgroup of the chain.
DeclareAttribute( "Transversal", IsGroup );
#O IsInChain( <G> )
## A group <G> is in a chain if it has either a `ChainSubgroup' or
## a `Transversal'.
DeclareFilter( "IsInChain" );
InstallTrueMethod( IsInChain, HasChainSubgroup );
InstallTrueMethod( IsInChain, HasTransversal );
#P IsFFEMatrixGroupOverLargeSpace( <G> )
## Is the underlying vector space of size less than SmallSpaceCutoff?
DeclareProperty( "IsFFEMatrixGroupOverLargeSpace", IsGroup );
InstallImmediateMethod( IsFFEMatrixGroupOverLargeSpace,
IsFFEMatrixGroup and HasDimensionOfMatrixGroup and HasFieldOfMatrixGroup, 0,
G -> Size( FieldOfMatrixGroup(G) ) ^ DimensionOfMatrixGroup( G )
>= SmallSpaceCutoff );
#P IsChainTypeGroup( <G> )
## returns `true' if the group <G> is ``chain type'', i.e. it is the kind
## of group where computations are best done with chains.
DeclareProperty( "IsChainTypeGroup", IsGroup );
InstallImmediateMethod( IsChainTypeGroup, IsPermGroup, 0,
G -> UsePermChainSubgroups ) ;
InstallImmediateMethod( IsChainTypeGroup, IsFFEMatrixGroupOverLargeSpace, 0,
G -> UseMatrixChainSubgroups );
InstallMethod( IsChainTypeGroup, "default: false if no immediate method ran",
true, [ IsGroup ], 0, ReturnFalse );
#P IsStabChainViaChainSubgroup( <G> )
## returns `true' if stabiliser chains for <G> are to be computed with our
## code rather than with `StabChain'.
DeclareProperty( "IsStabChainViaChainSubgroup", IsPermGroup );
InstallImmediateMethod( IsStabChainViaChainSubgroup, IsPermGroup, 0,
G -> UseStabChainViaChainSubgroup ) ;
#P GeneratingSetIsComplete( <G> )
## returns `true' if the generating set of the group <G> is complete. For
## example, for a stabiliser subgroup this is true if our strong generators
## have been verified.
DeclareProperty( "GeneratingSetIsComplete", IsGroup );
## General chain utilities
#O SiftOneLevel( <G>, <g> )
## Sift <g> though one level of the chain.
DeclareOperation( "SiftOneLevel",
[ IsGroup and HasChainSubgroup, IsAssociativeElement ] );
#O Sift( <G>, <g> )
## Sift <g> through the entire chain.
DeclareOperation( "Sift",
[ IsGroup, IsAssociativeElement ] );
#F SizeOfChainOfGroup( <G> )
## Uses the chain to compute the size of a group. Unlike `Size(<G>)',
## this does not set the `Size' attribute, which is useful if the chain is
## not known to be complete.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "SizeOfChainOfGroup", [IsGroup] );
#F TransversalOfChainSubgroup( <G> )
## Returns the transversal of the next group in the chain, inside <G>.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "TransversalOfChainSubgroup", [IsGroup] );
#F ChainStatistics( <G> )
## Returns a record containing useful statistics about the chain of <G>.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainStatistics", [IsGroup and HasChainSubgroup ] );
#F HasChainHomomorphicImage( <G> )
## Does <G> have a chain subgroup derived from a homomorphic image?
## This will be `false' for stabiliser, trivial, and sift function chain
## subgroups. It will be true for homomorphism and direct product chain
## subgroups.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "HasChainHomomorphicImage" );
#F ChainHomomorphicImage( <G> )
## Returns the chain homomorphic image, or `fail' if no such image exists.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainHomomorphicImage" );
## Stabiliser chain utilities
#A BaseOfGroup( <G> )
## If the group <G> has a chain consisting entirely of stabiliser subgroups,
## then this command returns the base as a list. This command does not
## compute a base, however.
DeclareAttribute( "BaseOfGroup", IsGroup and IsInChain );
#O ExtendedGroup( <G>, <g> )
## Add a new Schreier generator for <G>.
DeclareOperation( "ExtendedGroup",
[ IsGroup and IsInChain, IsAssociativeElement ] );
#F StrongGens( <G> )
## Returns a list of generating sets for each level of the chain.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "StrongGens", [ IsGroup ] );
#F ChainSubgroupByStabiliser( <G>, <basePoint>, <Action> )
## Form a chain subgroup by stabilising <basePoint> under the given action.
## The subgroup will start with no generators, and will have a transversal
## by Schreier tree.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainSubgroupByStabiliser",
[ IsGroup, IsObject, IsFunction ] );
#A OrbitGeneratorsOfGroup( <G> )
## Generators used to compute the orbit of <G>. Used by `baseim.[gd,gi]'.
DeclareAttribute( "OrbitGeneratorsOfGroup", IsGroup );
## Hom coset chain utilities
#F ChainSubgroupByHomomorphism( <hom> )
## Form a chain subgroup by the kernel of <hom>.
## The subgroup will start with no generators, and will have a <hom>
## transversal.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainSubgroupByHomomorphism", [ IsGroupHomomorphism ] );
#F ChainSubgroupByProjectionFunction( <G>, <kernelSubgp>, <imgSubgp>, %
#F <projFnc> )
## When the homomorphism of a quotient group is a projection, then
## there is an internal semidirect product, for which `TransversalElt()'
## has a direct implementation as the projection.
## <hom> will be the projection, and `<elt> -> ImageElm(<hom>, <elt>)' is
## the map.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainSubgroupByProjectionFunction",
[ IsGroup, IsGroup, IsFunction ]); # Ideally, IsProjection, if it existed.
#F QuotientGroupByChainHomomorphicImage( <quo>[, <quo2>] )
## This function deals with quotient groups of quotient groups in a chain.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "QuotientGroupByChainHomomorphicImage" );
#A ChainSubgroupQuotient( <G> )
## The quotient by the chain subgroup.
DeclareAttribute( "ChainSubgroupQuotient", IsGroup );
## Direct sum chain utilities
#F ChainSubgroupByDirectProduct( <proj>, <inj > )
## Form a chain subgroup by internal direct product.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainSubgroupByDirectProduct",
[ IsGroupHomomorphism, IsGroupHomomorphism ] );
#F ChainSubgroupByPSubgroupOfAbelian( <G>, <p> )
## <G> is an abelian group, <p> a prime involved in <G>.
## Form a direct sum chain where the subgroup is the <p>-prime part of <G>.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainSubgroupByPSubgroupOfAbelian",
[ IsGroup and IsAbelian, IsInt ] );
## Trivial subgroup chain utilities
#F ChainSubgroupByTrivialSubgroup( <G> )
## Form a chain subgroup by enumerating the group.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainSubgroupByTrivialSubgroup",
[ IsGroup ] );
## Sift function chain utilities
#F ChainSubgroupBySiftFunction( <G>, <subgroup>, <siftFnc> )
## Form a chain subgroup using a sift function.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ChainSubgroupBySiftFunction",
[ IsGroup, IsGroup, IsFunction ] );
#E grpchain.gd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here