This package is 2.6 KB.
It is available at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/forensics-all/forensics-all_1.0_all.deb
View its full control file here:
Debian Forensics Environment - essential components (metapackage)
This package depends on:
aesfix, aeskeyfind, afflib-tools, cewl, chaosreader, dc3dd, ed2k-hash, ewf-tools, exifprobe, ext3grep, ext4magic, extundelete, forensics-colorize, galleta, gpart, grokevt, guymager, hashdeep, hashrat, mac-robber, magicrescue, memdump, metacam, missidentify, myrescue, nasty, pasco, pff-tools, pipebench, plaso, pompem, recoverdm, recoverjpeg, reglookup, rephrase, rifiuti, rifiuti2, rkhunter, rsakeyfind, safecopy, scalpel, scrounge-ntfs, shed, sleuthkit, ssdeep, tableau-parm, undbx, unhide, unhide.rb, vinetto, volatility, volatility-tools, wipe, yara
This package does not recommend any other package.
This package does not suggest any other package.
This package does not conflict with any other package.
forensics-all 1.0 is in ubuntu - xenial / universe. This package's architecture is: architectureless.
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