/usr/lib/help/vector-setb is in scheme9 2013.11.26-1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | R4RS 6.8 (vector-set! vector integer object) ==> unspecific
INTEGER must be a valid index of VECTOR. VECTOR-SET! stores OBJECT
in the element at the INTEGER'th position of VECTOR. The value
returned by VECTOR-SET! is unspecified.
(let ((vec (vector 0 '(2 2 2 2) "Anna")))
(vector-set! vec 1 '("Sue" "Sue"))
vec) ==> #(0 ("Sue" "Sue") "Anna")
(vector-set! '#(0 1 2) 1 "doe") ==> error ; constant vector