/usr/lib/format-time.scm is in scheme9 2013.11.26-1.
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; By Nils M Holm, 2009
; Placed in the Public Domain
; (format-time string time-list) ==> string | #f
; Format the time specification TIME-LIST (as returned by the
; UNIX-TIME->TIME procedure) according to the description in
; STRING. This a poor man's CommonLISP FORMAT-style procedure
; intended for making time lists more readable. It returns #F
; if TIME-LIST is not a proper time list or string is erroneous
; (i.e.: contains a wrong format descriptor). The following
; format descriptors are supported:
; ~w day of week (Mon, Tue, ...)
; ~y year
; ~:m number of month
; ~@m month name (Jan, Feb, ...)
; ~h hour
; ~m minute
; ~s second
; ~~ literal ~
; When a single digit appears between a ~ and the rest of a
; format descriptor, this digit will be interpreted as a length
; and the resulting string will be padded to this length with
; zeros.
; Example: (format-time "~w ~4y-~@m-~2d ~2h:~2m:~2s"
; '(1 2009 3 9 8 53 20))
; ==> "Tue 2009-Mar-09 08:53:20"
(load-from-library "proper-timep.scm")
(define (format-time format t)
(let ((proper-time? proper-time?)
(wdays '#("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun"))
(months '#("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
"Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"))
(zeros (make-string 10 #\0))
(in-range? (lambda (n0 nn a)
(and (not (null? a))
(char<=? n0 (car a) nn))))
(next (lambda (a)
(if (null? a) a (cdr a)))))
(and (proper-time? t)
(let loop ((f (string->list format))
(s '()))
(cond ((null? f)
(apply string-append (reverse! s)))
((char=? (car f) #\~)
(let* ((k (if (in-range? #\0 #\9 (cdr f))
(- (char->integer (cadr f))
(char->integer #\0))
(f (if (in-range? #\0 #\9 (cdr f))
(next f)
(colon (in-range? #\: #\: (cdr f)))
(f (if (in-range? #\: #\: (cdr f))
(next f)
(at (in-range? #\@ #\@ (cdr f)))
(f (if (in-range? #\@ #\@ (cdr f))
(next f)
(type (cond ((null? (cdr f)) #f)
((memv (cadr f)
'(#\w #\y #\m #\d #\h #\s #\~))
(cadr f))
(else #f)))
(f (next f)))
(and type
((fmt (case type
((#\w) (vector-ref wdays (list-ref t 0)))
((#\y) (number->string (list-ref t 1)))
((#\m) (cond
(list-ref t 2)))
(- (list-ref t 2) 1)))
(list-ref t 5)))))
((#\d) (number->string (list-ref t 3)))
((#\h) (number->string (list-ref t 4)))
((#\s) (number->string (list-ref t 6)))
(else (string type))))
(fmt (let ((n (string-length fmt)))
(if (> k n)
(substring zeros 0 (- k n))
(loop (next f)
(cons fmt s))))))
(loop (cdr f)
(cons (string (car f)) s))))))))