/usr/share/pyshared/chemfp/openeye_patterns.py is in python-chemfp 1.1p1-2.
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from openeye.oechem import (
OESubSearch, OEChemGetRelease, OEChemGetVersion, OEGraphMol, OEAndAtom,
OENotAtom, OEIsAromaticAtom, OEIsCarbon, OEIsAromaticBond, OEAtomIsInRing, OEHasBondIdx,
OEFindRingAtomsAndBonds, OEDetermineAromaticRingSystems, OEDetermineComponents)
from . import openeye
from . import pattern_fingerprinter
from . import types
from . import __version__ as chemfp_version
class HydrogenMatcher(object):
def __init__(self, max_count):
self.max_count = max_count
def SingleMatch(self, mol):
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 1:
return 1
if atom.GetImplicitHCount():
return 1
return 0
def Match(self, mol, flg=True):
max_count = self.max_count
count = 0
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 1:
count += 1
count += atom.GetImplicitHCount()
if count > max_count:
return [0] * count
# OpenEye famously does not include SSSR functionality in OEChem.
# Search for "Smallest Set of Smallest Rings (SSSR) Considered Harmful"
# After much thought, I agree. But it makes this sort of code harder.
# That's why I only support up to max_count = 2. Then again, I know
# that this code does the right thing, while I'm not sure about the
# SSSR-based implementations.
class AromaticRings(object):
def __init__(self, max_count):
if max_count > 2:
raise NotImplementedError("No support for >=3 aromatic rings")
self.max_count = max_count
self._single_aromatic = OESubSearch("[aR]")
# In OpenEye SMARTS, [a;!R2] will find aromatic atoms in at least two rings
# The following finds atoms which are members of at least two aromatic rings
self._multiring_aromatic = OESubSearch("[a;!R2](:a)(:a):a")
def SingleMatch(self, mol):
# This is easy; if there's one aromatic atom then there's one
# aromatic ring.
return self._single_aromatic.SingleMatch(mol)
def Match(self, mol, flg=True):
# We're trying to find if there are two aromatic rings.
if not self._single_aromatic.SingleMatch(mol):
return ()
if self._multiring_aromatic.SingleMatch(mol):
# then obviously there are two aromatic rings
return (1,2)
# Since no aromatic atom is in two aromatic rings that means
# the aromatic ring systems are disjoint, so this gives me the
# number of ring systems
num_aromatic_systems, parts = OEDetermineAromaticRingSystems(mol)
if num_aromatic_systems >= self.max_count:
return [0]*self.max_count
assert num_aromatic_systems != 0, "there is supposed to be an aromatic ring"
if num_aromatic_systems == 1:
return (1,)
raise AssertionError("Should not get here")
_is_hetereo_aromatic = OEAndAtom(OEAndAtom(OEIsAromaticAtom(), OENotAtom(OEIsCarbon())), OEAtomIsInRing())
class HeteroAromaticRings(object):
def __init__(self, max_count):
if max_count > 2:
raise NotImplementedError("No support for >=3 hetero-aromatic rings")
self.max_count = max_count
def SingleMatch(self, mol):
for atom in mol.GetAtoms(_is_hetereo_aromatic):
return True
return False
def Match(self, mol, flg=True):
# Find all the hetero-aromatic atoms
hetero_atoms = [atom for atom in mol.GetAtoms(_is_hetereo_aromatic)]
if len(hetero_atoms) < 2:
# The caller just needs an iterable
return hetero_atoms
# There are at least two hetero-aromatic atoms.
# Are there multiple ring systems?
num_aromatic_systems, parts = OEDetermineAromaticRingSystems(mol)
assert num_aromatic_systems >= 1
# Are there hetero-atoms in different systems?
atom_components = set(parts[atom.GetIdx()] for atom in hetero_atoms)
if len(atom_components) > 1:
return (1,2)
# The answer now is "at least one". But are there two?
# All of the hetero-aromatic atoms are in the same ring system
# This is the best answer I could think of, and it only works
# with the OEChem toolkit: remove one of the bonds, re-find
# the rings, and see if there's still an aromatic hetero-atom.
hetero_atom = hetero_atoms[0]
for bond in hetero_atom.GetBonds(OEIsAromaticBond()):
newmol = OEGraphMol(mol)
newmol_bond = newmol.GetBond(OEHasBondIdx(bond.GetIdx()))
for atom in newmol.GetAtoms(_is_hetereo_aromatic):
return (1,2)
return (1,)
class NumFragments(object):
def __init__(self, max_count):
def SingleMatch(self, mol):
return mol.NumAtoms() > 0
def Match(self, mol, flg=True):
count, parts = OEDetermineComponents(mol)
# parts is a list of component numbers.
# Turn them into a set to get the unique set of component numbers
# Sets are iterable, so I don't need to do more for the API
return set(parts)
# Grrr. The substructure keys want up to 4 aromatic rings. The above
# code only works for up to 2. The API doesn't let me say "I can
# handle up to 2; please set the remainder to 0."
# XXX Well, I can change that.
def aromatic_rings(max_count):
if max_count > 2:
return pattern_fingerprinter.LimitedMatcher(2, AromaticRings(2))
return AromaticRings(max_count)
def hetero_aromatic_rings(max_count):
if max_count > 2:
return pattern_fingerprinter.LimitedMatcher(2, HeteroAromaticRings(2))
return HeteroAromaticRings(max_count)
_pattern_classes = {
"<H>": HydrogenMatcher,
"<aromatic-rings>": aromatic_rings,
"<hetero-aromatic-rings>": hetero_aromatic_rings,
"<fragments>": NumFragments,
def oechem_compile_pattern(pattern, max_count):
if pattern in _pattern_classes:
return _pattern_classes[pattern](max_count)
elif pattern.startswith("<"):
raise NotImplementedError(pattern) # No other special patterns are supported
pat = OESubSearch()
if not pat.Init(pattern):
raise pattern_fingerprinter.UnsupportedPatternError(
pattern, "Uninterpretable SMARTS pattern")
return pat
class OEChemPatternFingerprinter(pattern_fingerprinter.PatternFingerprinter):
def __init__(self, patterns):
assert patterns is not None
super(OEChemPatternFingerprinter, self).__init__(patterns, oechem_compile_pattern)
def fingerprint(self, mol):
bytes = [0] * self.num_bytes
for matcher, largest_count, count_info_tuple in self.matcher_definitions:
if matcher is NotImplemented:
#print matcher, largest_count, count_info_tuple
if largest_count == 1:
if matcher.SingleMatch(mol):
count_info = count_info_tuple[0]
bytes[count_info.byteno] |= count_info.bitmask
actual_count = sum(1 for ignore in matcher.Match(mol, True)) # unique matches
if actual_count:
for count_info in count_info_tuple:
if actual_count >= count_info.count:
bytes[count_info.byteno] |= count_info.bitmask
return "".join(map(chr, bytes))
class _CachedFingerprinters(dict):
def __missing__(self, name):
patterns = pattern_fingerprinter._load_named_patterns(name)
fingerprinter = OEChemPatternFingerprinter(patterns)
self[name] = fingerprinter
return fingerprinter
_cached_fingerprinters = _CachedFingerprinters()
SOFTWARE = "OEChem/%(release)s (%(version)s) chemfp/%(chemfp)s" % dict(
release = OEChemGetRelease(),
version = OEChemGetVersion(),
chemfp = chemfp_version)
# XXX Why are there two "Fingerprinter" classes?
# XX Shouldn't they be merged?
_base = openeye._base.clone(
software = SOFTWARE)
SubstructOpenEyeFingerprinter_v1 = _base.clone(
name = "ChemFP-Substruct-OpenEye/1",
num_bits = 881,
make_fingerprinter = lambda : _cached_fingerprinters["substruct"].fingerprint)
# def describe(self, bitno):
# return self._fingerprinter.describe(bitno)
RDMACCSOpenEyeFingerprinter_v1 = _base.clone(
name = "RDMACCS-OpenEye/1",
num_bits = 166,
make_fingerprinter = lambda : _cached_fingerprinters["rdmaccs"].fingerprint)