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# common functionality used in the various log processors
# $Id: Common.pm 2558 2010-10-12 18:47:53Z voeckler $
package Common;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use subs qw(log); # replace Perl's math log with logging
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
# create the function prototypes for type coercion
sub log; # { }
sub unix2iso(;$); # { }
sub iso2unix($); # { }
sub find_exec($;@); # { }
sub read_submit_file($); # { }
sub default_title($;$); # { }
sub ploticus_version($); # { }
# create the export lists
our $VERSION = '0.1';
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ();
our @EXPORT = qw(log unix2iso iso2unix find_exec read_submit_file
default_title ploticus_version);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw($VERSION);
$VERSION=$1 if ( '$Revision: 2558 $' =~ /Revision:\s+([0-9.]+)/o );
$__PACKAGE__::prefix = undef;
# --- start -----------------------------------------------------
use Carp;
use POSIX qw(strftime modf);
use Time::Local qw(timegm timelocal);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
sub utc2iso(;$) {
# purpose: converts a UTC timestamp into an ISO timestamp for logging.
# paramtr: $now (opt. IN): timestamp to convert, or current time
# returns: ISO 8601 dense-formatted string representing the timestamp.
my (@now);
if ( @_ > 0 ) {
@now = reverse POSIX::modf( shift() );
$now[1] *= 1E6;
} else {
# no argument
@now = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
my @tm = localtime($now[0]);
sprintf( "%4d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d.%03d",
$tm[5]+1900, $tm[4]+1, $tm[3],
$tm[2], $tm[1], $tm[0], $now[1] / 1000 );
sub log {
# purpose: print whatever onto log stream STDERR with timestamp prefix
# This log is a kind of debug log, containing lotsa infos
# paramtr: any number of more parameters
# returns: -
my $prefix = unix2iso() . sprintf( ' %7s ', "[$$]" );
print STDERR $prefix, @_, "\n"; # yes, permit buffering
sub unix2iso (;$) {
# purpose: Convert a UTC timestamp into ISO 8601 notation
# paramtr: $stamp (opt. IN): UTC seconds; defaults to current time
# returns: a ISO 8601 compliant timestamp string
my $stamp = shift || time();
my $offset = int($stamp) - timelocal( (gmtime($stamp))[0..5] );
my @stamp = localtime($stamp);
my $result = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d",
$stamp[5]+1900, $stamp[4]+1, $stamp[3],
$stamp[2], $stamp[1], $stamp[0] );
$result .= ( ( $offset >= 0 ) ? '+' : '-' );
$offset = abs($offset);
$result .= sprintf( "%02d:%02d", $offset / 3600, ($offset % 3600) / 60 );
sub iso2unix ($) {
# purpose: Convert a ISO 8601 timestamp into UTC seconds since epoch
# paramtr: $stamp (IN): a ISO 8601 compliant time to convert
# returns: UTC seconds since epoch
local $_ = shift;
die unless /(\d{4})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{2})T(\d{2}):?(\d{2}):?(\d{2})/;
my $stamp = timegm($6,$5,$4,$3,$2-1,$1-1900);
die unless /\.(\d+)([-+])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})$/;
my ($fraction,$pm,$offset) = ("0.$1",$2,$3*3600+$4*60);
$stamp += $fraction;
$stamp += (( $pm eq '-' ) ? $offset : -$offset);
sub find_exec($;@) {
# purpose: determine location of given binary in $PATH
# paramtr: $program (IN): basename of application to look for
# @additional (opt. IN): additional paths to check (e.g. ".")
# returns: fully qualified path to binary, undef if not found
my $program = shift;
foreach ( (File::Spec->path, @_) ) {
my $fs = File::Spec->catfile( $_, $program );
return $fs if -x $fs;
sub read_submit_file($) {
# purpose: read the submit file and extracts commands as k-v-pairs
# paramtr: $subfn (IN): path to submit file
# globals: $main::debug (IN): If set, log the open read etc.
# returns: hash representation of Condor submit file, with lc commands
my $subfn = shift;
my %result = ();
log( "reading sub file $subfn" ) if $main::debug > 1;
my ($k,$v);
if ( open( SUB, "<$subfn" ) ) {
while ( <SUB> ) {
next if substr($_,0,1) eq '#';
s/[\r\n\t ]+$//;
next unless length($_);
($k,$v) = split /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2;
if ( substr($v,0,1) eq '"' or substr($v,0,1) eq "'" );
$k = lc($k) if ( $k =~ /^[a-z]/i );
$result{$k} = $v;
close SUB;
} else {
warn "Warning: open $subfn: $!, ignoring\n";
sub default_title($;$) {
# purpose: Generate a default title string for a diagram
# paramtr: $dagfn (IN): some filename to base title upon
# $start (opt. IN): a UTC seconds stamp, default DAG file mtime
# returns: title string
my $dagfn = shift;
my @stat = stat( $dagfn );
my $start = shift; # may be undef
if ( @stat == 0 ) {
# use current time if stat failed
$start = time() unless defined $start;
} else {
# use DAG file mtime
$start = $stat[9] unless defined $start;
my $result = POSIX::strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z', localtime($start) );
$result .= ' by ' . scalar( getpwuid($stat[4]) );
my @dir = split /\//, dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs($dagfn));
if ( @dir >= 2 ) {
$result .= ' [' . join('/',@dir[$#dir-1,$#dir]) . ']';
} elsif ( @dir == 1 ) {
$result .= ' [' . $dir[$#dir] . ']';
sub ploticus_version($) {
# purpose: determine the version number of your ploticus installation
# paramtr: $app (IN): Full path to ploticus
# returns: a version number as major * 1000 + minor, undef on failures
my $exe = shift;
my $result = undef;
if ( open( P, "$exe -version|" ) ) {
if ( defined ($_ = <P>) ) {
$result = ($1*1000 + $2) if /ploticus\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
close P;
# must