/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/ocaml/stream.ml is in ocaml-mingw-w64-i686 4.00.1~20130426-3ubuntu2.
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *)
(* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* The fields of type t are not mutable to preserve polymorphism of
the empty stream. This is type safe because the empty stream is never
patched. *)
type 'a t = { count : int; data : 'a data }
and 'a data =
| Scons of 'a * 'a data
| Sapp of 'a data * 'a t
| Slazy of 'a t Lazy.t
| Sgen of 'a gen
| Sbuffio of buffio
and 'a gen = { mutable curr : 'a option option; func : int -> 'a option }
and buffio =
{ ic : in_channel; buff : string; mutable len : int; mutable ind : int }
exception Failure;;
exception Error of string;;
external count : 'a t -> int = "%field0";;
external set_count : 'a t -> int -> unit = "%setfield0";;
let set_data (s : 'a t) (d : 'a data) =
Obj.set_field (Obj.repr s) 1 (Obj.repr d)
let fill_buff b =
b.len <- input b.ic b.buff 0 (String.length b.buff); b.ind <- 0
let rec get_data s d = match d with
(* Only return a "forced stream", that is either Sempty or
Scons(a,_). If d is a generator or a buffer, the item a is seen as
extracted from the generator/buffer.
Forcing also updates the "count" field of the delayed stream,
in the Sapp and Slazy cases (see slazy/lapp implementation below). *)
Sempty | Scons (_, _) -> d
| Sapp (d1, s2) ->
begin match get_data s d1 with
Scons (a, d11) -> Scons (a, Sapp (d11, s2))
| Sempty ->
set_count s s2.count;
get_data s s2.data
| _ -> assert false
| Sgen {curr = Some None; _ } -> Sempty
| Sgen ({curr = Some(Some a); _ } as g) ->
g.curr <- None; Scons(a, d)
| Sgen ({curr = None; _} as g) ->
(* Warning: anyone using g thinks that an item has been read *)
begin match g.func s.count with
None -> g.curr <- Some(None); Sempty
| Some a ->
(* One must not update g.curr here, because there Scons(a,d)
result of get_data, if the outer stream s was a Sapp, will
be used to update the outer stream to Scons(a,s): there is
already a memoization process at the outer layer. If g.curr
was updated here, the saved element would be produced twice,
once by the outer layer, once by Sgen/g.curr. *)
Scons(a, d)
| Sbuffio b ->
if b.ind >= b.len then fill_buff b;
if b.len == 0 then Sempty else
let r = Obj.magic (String.unsafe_get b.buff b.ind) in
(* Warning: anyone using g thinks that an item has been read *)
b.ind <- succ b.ind; Scons(r, d)
| Slazy f ->
let s2 = Lazy.force f in
set_count s s2.count;
get_data s s2.data
let rec peek s =
(* consult the first item of s *)
match s.data with
Sempty -> None
| Scons (a, _) -> Some a
| Sapp (_, _) ->
begin match get_data s s.data with
| Scons(a, _) as d -> set_data s d; Some a
| Sempty -> None
| _ -> assert false
| Slazy f ->
let s2 = Lazy.force f in
set_count s s2.count;
set_data s s2.data;
peek s
| Sgen {curr = Some a; _ } -> a
| Sgen ({curr = None; _ } as g) ->
let x = g.func s.count in
g.curr <- Some x; x
| Sbuffio b ->
if b.ind >= b.len then fill_buff b;
if b.len == 0 then begin set_data s Sempty; None end
else Some (Obj.magic (String.unsafe_get b.buff b.ind))
let rec junk s =
match s.data with
Scons (_, d) -> set_count s (succ s.count); set_data s d
| Sgen ({curr = Some _} as g) -> set_count s (succ s.count); g.curr <- None
| Sbuffio b -> set_count s (succ s.count); b.ind <- succ b.ind
| _ ->
match peek s with
None -> ()
| Some _ -> junk s
let rec nget n s =
if n <= 0 then [], s.data, 0
match peek s with
Some a ->
junk s;
let (al, d, k) = nget (pred n) s in a :: al, Scons (a, d), succ k
| None -> [], s.data, 0
let npeek n s =
let (al, d, len) = nget n s in set_count s (s.count - len); set_data s d; al
let next s =
match peek s with
Some a -> junk s; a
| None -> raise Failure
let empty s =
match peek s with
Some _ -> raise Failure
| None -> ()
let iter f strm =
let rec do_rec () =
match peek strm with
Some a -> junk strm; ignore(f a); do_rec ()
| None -> ()
do_rec ()
(* Stream building functions *)
let from f = {count = 0; data = Sgen {curr = None; func = f}};;
let of_list l =
{count = 0; data = List.fold_right (fun x l -> Scons (x, l)) l Sempty}
let of_string s =
from (fun c -> if c < String.length s then Some s.[c] else None)
let of_channel ic =
{count = 0;
data = Sbuffio {ic = ic; buff = String.create 4096; len = 0; ind = 0}}
(* Stream expressions builders *)
(* In the slazy and lapp case, we can't statically predict the value
of the "count" field. We put a dummy 0 value, which will be updated
when the parameter stream is forced (see update code in [get_data]
and [peek]). *)
let ising i = {count = 0; data = Scons (i, Sempty)};;
let icons i s = {count = s.count - 1; data = Scons (i, s.data)};;
let iapp i s = {count = i.count; data = Sapp (i.data, s)};;
let sempty = {count = 0; data = Sempty};;
let slazy f = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy (f()))};;
let lsing f = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy (ising (f())))};;
let lcons f s = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy (icons (f()) s))};;
let lapp f s = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(iapp (f()) s))};;
(* For debugging use *)
let rec dump f s =
print_string "{count = ";
print_int s.count;
print_string "; data = ";
dump_data f s.data;
print_string "}";
print_newline ()
and dump_data f =
Sempty -> print_string "Sempty"
| Scons (a, d) ->
print_string "Scons (";
f a;
print_string ", ";
dump_data f d;
print_string ")"
| Sapp (d1, s2) ->
print_string "Sapp (";
dump_data f d1;
print_string ", ";
dump f s2;
print_string ")"
| Slazy _ -> print_string "Slazy"
| Sgen _ -> print_string "Sgen"
| Sbuffio b -> print_string "Sbuffio"