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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkStreamer.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// .NAME vtkStreamer - abstract object implements integration of massless particle through vector field
// .SECTION Description
// vtkStreamer is a filter that integrates a massless particle through a vector
// field. The integration is performed using second order Runge-Kutta method.
// vtkStreamer often serves as a base class for other classes that perform
// numerical integration through a vector field (e.g., vtkStreamLine).
// Note that vtkStreamer can integrate both forward and backward in time,
// or in both directions. The length of the streamer is controlled by
// specifying an elapsed time. (The elapsed time is the time each particle
// travels.) Otherwise, the integration terminates after exiting the dataset or
// if the particle speed is reduced to a value less than the terminal speed.
// vtkStreamer integrates through any type of dataset. As a result, if the
// dataset contains 2D cells such as polygons or triangles, the integration is
// constrained to lie on the surface defined by the 2D cells.
// The starting point of streamers may be defined in three different ways.
// Starting from global x-y-z "position" allows you to start a single streamer
// at a specified x-y-z coordinate. Starting from "location" allows you to
// start at a specified cell, subId, and parametric coordinate. Finally, you
// may specify a source object to start multiple streamers. If you start
// streamers using a source object, for each point in the source that is
// inside the dataset a streamer is created.
// vtkStreamer implements the integration process in the Integrate() method.
// Because vtkStreamer does not implement the Execute() method that its
// superclass (i.e., Filter) requires, it is an abstract class. Its subclasses
// implement the execute method and use the Integrate() method, and then build
// their own representation of the integration path (i.e., lines, dashed
// lines, points, etc.).
// .SECTION See Also
// vtkStreamLine vtkDashedStreamLine vtkStreamPoints
#ifndef __vtkStreamer_h
#define __vtkStreamer_h
#include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h"
class vtkInitialValueProblemSolver;
class vtkMultiThreader;
class VTK_GRAPHICS_EXPORT vtkStreamer : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Specify the start of the streamline in the cell coordinate system. That
// is, cellId and subId (if composite cell), and parametric coordinates.
void SetStartLocation(vtkIdType cellId, int subId, double pcoords[3]);
// Description:
// Specify the start of the streamline in the cell coordinate system. That
// is, cellId and subId (if composite cell), and parametric coordinates.
void SetStartLocation(vtkIdType cellId, int subId, double r, double s,
double t);
// Description:
// Get the starting location of the streamline in the cell coordinate system.
vtkIdType GetStartLocation(int& subId, double pcoords[3]);
// Description:
// Specify the start of the streamline in the global coordinate
// system. Search must be performed to find initial cell to start
// integration from.
void SetStartPosition(double x[3]);
// Description:
// Specify the start of the streamline in the global coordinate
// system. Search must be performed to find initial cell to start
// integration from.
void SetStartPosition(double x, double y, double z);
// Description:
// Get the start position in global x-y-z coordinates.
double *GetStartPosition();
// Description:
// Specify the source object used to generate starting points.
void SetSource(vtkDataSet *source);
vtkDataSet *GetSource();
// Description:
// Specify the maximum length of the Streamer expressed in elapsed time.
// Description:
// Specify the direction in which to integrate the Streamer.
void SetIntegrationDirectionToForward()
void SetIntegrationDirectionToBackward()
void SetIntegrationDirectionToIntegrateBothDirections()
const char *GetIntegrationDirectionAsString();
// Description:
// Specify a nominal integration step size (expressed as a fraction of
// the size of each cell). This value can be larger than 1.
// Description:
// Turn on/off the creation of scalar data from velocity magnitude. If off,
// and input dataset has scalars, input dataset scalars are used.
// Description:
// Turn on/off the creation of scalar data from vorticity information.
// The scalar information is currently the orientation value "theta"
// used in rotating stream tubes. If off, and input dataset has scalars,
// then input dataset scalars are used, unless SpeedScalars is also on.
// SpeedScalars takes precedence over OrientationScalars.
vtkSetMacro(OrientationScalars, int);
vtkGetMacro(OrientationScalars, int);
vtkBooleanMacro(OrientationScalars, int);
// Description:
// Set/get terminal speed (i.e., speed is velocity magnitude). Terminal
// speed is speed at which streamer will terminate propagation.
// Description:
// Turn on/off the computation of vorticity. Vorticity is an indication of
// the rotation of the flow. In combination with vtkStreamLine and
// vtkTubeFilter can be used to create rotated tubes.
// If vorticity is turned on, in the output, the velocity vectors
// are replaced by vorticity vectors.
vtkSetMacro( NumberOfThreads, int );
vtkGetMacro( NumberOfThreads, int );
vtkSetMacro( SavePointInterval, double );
vtkGetMacro( SavePointInterval, double );
// Description:
// Set/get the integrator type to be used in the stream line
// calculation. The object passed is not actually used but
// is cloned with NewInstance by each thread/process in the
// process of integration (prototype pattern). The default is
// 2nd order Runge Kutta.
void SetIntegrator(vtkInitialValueProblemSolver *);
vtkGetObjectMacro ( Integrator, vtkInitialValueProblemSolver );
// Description:
// A positive value, as small as possible for numerical comparison.
// The initial value is 1E-12.
// Description:
// Construct object to start from position (0,0,0); integrate forward;
// terminal speed 0.0; vorticity computation off; integrations step length
// 0.2; and maximum propagation time 100.0.
// Integrate data
void Integrate(vtkDataSet *input, vtkDataSet *source);
// Controls where streamlines start from (either position or location).
int StartFrom;
// Starting from cell location
vtkIdType StartCell;
int StartSubId;
double StartPCoords[3];
// starting from global x-y-z position
double StartPosition[3];
// Special classes for manipulating data
//BTX - begin tcl exclude
class StreamPoint {
double x[3]; // position
vtkIdType cellId; // cell
int subId; // cell sub id
double p[3]; // parametric coords in cell
double v[3]; // velocity
double speed; // velocity norm
double s; // scalar value
double t; // time travelled so far
double d; // distance travelled so far
double omega; // stream vorticity, if computed
double theta; // rotation angle, if vorticity is computed
class StreamArray;
friend class StreamArray;
class StreamArray { //;prevent man page generation
if (this->Array)
delete [] this->Array;
vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints() {return this->MaxId + 1;};
StreamPoint *GetStreamPoint(vtkIdType i) {return this->Array + i;};
vtkIdType InsertNextStreamPoint()
if ( ++this->MaxId >= this->Size )
return this->MaxId; //return offset from array
StreamPoint *Resize(vtkIdType sz); //reallocates data
void Reset() {this->MaxId = -1;};
StreamPoint *Array; // pointer to data
vtkIdType MaxId; // maximum index inserted thus far
vtkIdType Size; // allocated size of data
vtkIdType Extend; // grow array by this amount
double Direction; // integration direction
//array of streamers
StreamArray *Streamers;
vtkIdType NumberOfStreamers;
// length of Streamer is generated by time, or by MaximumSteps
double MaximumPropagationTime;
// integration direction
int IntegrationDirection;
// the length (fraction of cell size) of integration steps
double IntegrationStepLength;
// boolean controls whether vorticity is computed
int Vorticity;
// terminal propagation speed
double TerminalSpeed;
// boolean controls whether data scalars or velocity magnitude are used
int SpeedScalars;
// boolean controls whether data scalars or vorticity orientation are used
int OrientationScalars;
// Prototype showing the integrator type to be set by the user.
vtkInitialValueProblemSolver* Integrator;
// A positive value, as small as possible for numerical comparison.
// The initial value is 1E-12.
double Epsilon;
// Interval with which the stream points will be stored.
// Useful in reducing the memory footprint. Since the initial
// value is small, by default, it will store all/most points.
double SavePointInterval;
static VTK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE ThreadedIntegrate( void *arg );
// Description:
// These methods were added to allow access to these variables from the
// threads.
vtkGetMacro( NumberOfStreamers, vtkIdType );
StreamArray *GetStreamers() { return this->Streamers; };
void InitializeThreadedIntegrate();
vtkMultiThreader *Threader;
int NumberOfThreads;
virtual int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info);
vtkStreamer(const vtkStreamer&); // Not implemented.
void operator=(const vtkStreamer&); // Not implemented.
// Description:
// Return the integration direction as a character string.
inline const char *vtkStreamer::GetIntegrationDirectionAsString()
if ( this->IntegrationDirection == VTK_INTEGRATE_FORWARD )
return "IntegrateForward";
else if ( this->IntegrationDirection == VTK_INTEGRATE_BACKWARD )
return "IntegrateBackward";
return "IntegrateBothDirections";