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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkRenderView.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation.
Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// .NAME vtkRenderView - A view containing a renderer.
// .SECTION Description
// vtkRenderView is a view which contains a vtkRenderer. You may add vtkActors
// directly to the renderer, or add certain vtkDataRepresentation subclasses
// to the renderer. The render view supports drag selection with the mouse to
// select cells.
// This class is also the parent class for any more specialized view which uses
// a renderer.
#ifndef __vtkRenderView_h
#define __vtkRenderView_h
#include "vtkRenderViewBase.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For SP ivars
class vtkAbstractTransform;
class vtkActor2D;
class vtkAlgorithmOutput;
class vtkArrayCalculator;
class vtkBalloonRepresentation;
class vtkDynamic2DLabelMapper;
class vtkHardwareSelector;
class vtkHoverWidget;
class vtkInteractorObserver;
class vtkLabelPlacementMapper;
class vtkPolyDataMapper2D;
class vtkSelection;
class vtkTextProperty;
class vtkTexture;
class vtkTexturedActor2D;
class vtkTransformCoordinateSystems;
class VTK_VIEWS_EXPORT vtkRenderView : public vtkRenderViewBase
static vtkRenderView* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkRenderView, vtkRenderViewBase);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// The render window interactor. Note that this requires special
// handling in order to do correctly - see the notes in the detailed
// description of vtkRenderViewBase.
virtual void SetInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor);
// Description:
// The interactor style associated with the render view.
virtual void SetInteractorStyle(vtkInteractorObserver* style);
// Description:
// Get the interactor style associated with the render view.
virtual vtkInteractorObserver* GetInteractorStyle();
// Description:
// Set the render window for this view. Note that this requires special
// handling in order to do correctly - see the notes in the detailed
// description of vtkRenderViewBase.
virtual void SetRenderWindow(vtkRenderWindow *win);
void SetInteractionMode(int mode);
vtkGetMacro(InteractionMode, int);
// Description:
// Set the interaction mode for the view. Choices are:
// vtkRenderView::INTERACTION_MODE_2D - 2D interactor
// vtkRenderView::INTERACTION_MODE_3D - 3D interactor
virtual void SetInteractionModeTo2D()
{ this->SetInteractionMode(INTERACTION_MODE_2D); }
virtual void SetInteractionModeTo3D()
{ this->SetInteractionMode(INTERACTION_MODE_3D); }
// Description:
// Updates the representations, then calls Render() on the render window
// associated with this view.
virtual void Render();
// Description:
// Applies a view theme to this view.
virtual void ApplyViewTheme(vtkViewTheme* theme);
// Description:
// Set the view's transform. All vtkRenderedRepresentations
// added to this view should use this transform.
virtual void SetTransform(vtkAbstractTransform* transform);
vtkGetObjectMacro(Transform, vtkAbstractTransform);
// Description:
// Whether the view should display hover text.
virtual void SetDisplayHoverText(bool b);
vtkGetMacro(DisplayHoverText, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DisplayHoverText, bool);
enum {
// Description:
// Sets the selection mode for the render view.
// SURFACE selection uses vtkHardwareSelector to perform a selection
// of visible cells.
// FRUSTUM selection just creates a view frustum selection, which will
// select everything in the frustum.
vtkSetClampMacro(SelectionMode, int, 0, 1);
vtkGetMacro(SelectionMode, int);
void SetSelectionModeToSurface() { this->SetSelectionMode(SURFACE); }
void SetSelectionModeToFrustum() { this->SetSelectionMode(FRUSTUM); }
// Description:
// Add labels from an input connection with an associated text
// property. The output must be a vtkLabelHierarchy (normally the
// output of vtkPointSetToLabelHierarchy).
virtual void AddLabels(vtkAlgorithmOutput* conn);
// Description:
// Remove labels from an input connection.
virtual void RemoveLabels(vtkAlgorithmOutput* conn);
// Description:
// Set the icon sheet to use for rendering icons.
virtual void SetIconTexture(vtkTexture* texture);
vtkGetObjectMacro(IconTexture, vtkTexture);
// Description:
// Set the size of each icon in the icon texture.
vtkSetVector2Macro(IconSize, int);
vtkGetVector2Macro(IconSize, int);
// Description:
// Set the display size of the icon (which may be different from the icon
// size). By default, if this value is not set, the the IconSize is used.
vtkSetVector2Macro(DisplaySize, int);
int* GetDisplaySize();
void GetDisplaySize(int &dsx, int &dsy);
// Description:
// Label placement mode.
// NO_OVERLAP uses vtkLabelPlacementMapper, which has a faster startup time and
// works with 2D or 3D labels.
// ALL displays all labels (Warning: This may cause incredibly slow render
// times on datasets with more than a few hundred labels).
virtual void SetLabelPlacementMode(int mode);
virtual int GetLabelPlacementMode();
virtual void SetLabelPlacementModeToNoOverlap()
{ this->SetLabelPlacementMode(NO_OVERLAP); }
virtual void SetLabelPlacementModeToAll()
{ this->SetLabelPlacementMode(ALL); }
// Description:
// Label render mode.
// FREETYPE uses the freetype label rendering.
// QT uses more advanced Qt-based label rendering.
virtual void SetLabelRenderMode(int mode);
virtual int GetLabelRenderMode();
virtual void SetLabelRenderModeToFreetype()
{ this->SetLabelRenderMode(FREETYPE); }
virtual void SetLabelRenderModeToQt()
{ this->SetLabelRenderMode(QT); }
// Description:
// Whether to render on every mouse move.
void SetRenderOnMouseMove(bool b);
vtkGetMacro(RenderOnMouseMove, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(RenderOnMouseMove, bool);
// Description:
// Called to process events.
// Captures StartEvent events from the renderer and calls Update().
// This may be overridden by subclasses to process additional events.
virtual void ProcessEvents(vtkObject* caller, unsigned long eventId,
void* callData);
// Description:
// Generates the selection based on the view event and the selection mode.
virtual void GenerateSelection(
void* callData, vtkSelection* selection);
// Description:
// Called by the view when the renderer is about to render.
virtual void PrepareForRendering();
// Description:
// Called in PrepareForRendering to update the hover text.
virtual void UpdateHoverText();
// Description:
// Enable or disable hovering based on DisplayHoverText ivar
// and interaction state.
virtual void UpdateHoverWidgetState();
// Description:
// Update the pick render for queries for drag selections
// or hover ballooons.
void UpdatePickRender();
int SelectionMode;
int LabelRenderMode;
bool DisplayHoverText;
bool Interacting;
bool InHoverTextRender;
bool InPickRender;
bool PickRenderNeedsUpdate;
vtkAbstractTransform* Transform;
vtkTexture* IconTexture;
int IconSize[2];
int DisplaySize[2];
int InteractionMode;
bool RenderOnMouseMove;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer> LabelRenderer;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkBalloonRepresentation> Balloon;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkLabelPlacementMapper> LabelPlacementMapper;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTexturedActor2D> LabelActor;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkHoverWidget> HoverWidget;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkHardwareSelector> Selector;
vtkRenderView(const vtkRenderView&); // Not implemented.
void operator=(const vtkRenderView&); // Not implemented.