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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkReebGraph.h,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation
See Copyright.txt or http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.
// .NAME vtkReebGraph - Reeb graph computation for PL scalar fields.
// .SECTION Description
// vtkReebGraph is a class that computes a Reeb graph given a PL scalar
// field (vtkDataArray) defined on a simplicial mesh.
// A Reeb graph is a concise representation of the connectivity evolution of
// the level sets of a scalar function.
// It is particularly useful in visualization (optimal seed set computation,
// fast flexible isosurface extraction, automated transfer function design,
// feature-driven visualization, etc.) and computer graphics (shape
// deformation, shape matching, shape compression, etc.).
// Reference:
// "Sur les points singuliers d'une forme de Pfaff completement integrable ou
// d'une fonction numerique",
// G. Reeb,
// Comptes-rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 222:847-849, 1946.
// vtkReebGraph implements one of the latest and most robust Reeb graph
// computation algorithms.
// Reference:
// "Robust on-line computation of Reeb graphs: simplicity and speed",
// V. Pascucci, G. Scorzelli, P.-T. Bremer, and A. Mascarenhas,
// ACM Transactions on Graphics, Proc. of SIGGRAPH 2007.
// vtkReebGraph provides methods for computing multi-resolution topological
// hierarchies through topological simplification.
// Topoligical simplification can be either driven by persistence homology
// concepts (default behavior) or by application specific metrics (see
// vtkReebGraphSimplificationMetric).
// In the latter case, designing customized simplification metric evaluation
// algorithms enables the user to control the definition of what should be
// considered as noise or signal in the topological filtering process.
// References:
// "Topological persistence and simplification",
// H. Edelsbrunner, D. Letscher, and A. Zomorodian,
// Discrete Computational Geometry, 28:511-533, 2002.
// "Extreme elevation on a 2-manifold",
// P.K. Agarwal, H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, and Y. Wang,
// ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, pp. 357-365, 2004.
// "Simplifying flexible isosurfaces using local geometric measures",
// H. Carr, J. Snoeyink, M van de Panne,
// IEEE Visualization, 497-504, 2004
// "Loop surgery for volumetric meshes: Reeb graphs reduced to contour trees",
// J. Tierny, A. Gyulassy, E. Simon, V. Pascucci,
// IEEE Trans. on Vis. and Comp. Graph. (Proc of IEEE VIS), 15:1177-1184, 2009.
// Reeb graphs can be computed from 2D data (vtkPolyData, with triangles only)
// or 3D data (vtkUnstructuredGrid, with tetrahedra only), sequentially (see
// the "Build" calls) or in streaming (see the "StreamTriangle" and
// "StreamTetrahedron" calls).
// vtkReebGraph inherits from vtkMutableDirectedGraph.
// Each vertex of a vtkReebGraph object represents a critical point of the
// scalar field where the connectivity of the related level set changes
// (creation, deletion, split or merge of connected components).
// A vtkIdTypeArray (called "Vertex Ids") is associated with the VertexData of
// a vtkReebGraph object, in order to retrieve if necessary the exact Ids of
// the corresponding vertices in the input mesh.
// The edges of a vtkReebGraph object represent the regions of the input mesh
// separated by the critical contours of the field, and where the connectivity
// of the input field does not change.
// A vtkVariantArray is associated with the EdgeDta of a vtkReebGraph object and
// each entry of this array is a vtkAbstractArray containing the Ids of the
// vertices of those regions, sorted by function value (useful for flexible
// isosurface extraction or level set signature computation, for instance).
// See Graphics/Testing/Cxx/TestReebGraph.cxx for examples of traversals and
// typical usages (customized simplification, skeletonization, contour spectra,
// etc.) of a vtkReebGraph object.
// .SECTION See Also
// vtkReebGraphSimplificationMetric
// vtkPolyDataToReebGraphFilter
// vtkUnstructuredGridToReebGraphFilter
// vtkReebGraphSimplificationFilter
// vtkReebGraphSurfaceSkeletonFilter
// vtkReebGraphVolumeSkeletonFilter
// vtkAreaContourSpectrumFilter
// vtkVolumeContourSpectrumFilter
// .SECTION Tests
// Graphics/Testing/Cxx/TestReebGraph.cxx
#ifndef __vtkReebGraph_h
#define __vtkReebGraph_h
#include "vtkMutableDirectedGraph.h"
class vtkDataArray;
class vtkDataSet;
class vtkIdList;
class vtkPolyData;
class vtkReebGraphSimplificationMetric;
class vtkUnstructuredGrid;
class VTK_FILTERING_EXPORT vtkReebGraph : public vtkMutableDirectedGraph
static vtkReebGraph *New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkReebGraph, vtkMutableDirectedGraph);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
void PrintNodeData(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Build the Reeb graph of the field 'scalarField' defined on the surface
// mesh 'mesh'.
// Returned values:
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_INCORRECT_FIELD: 'scalarField' does not have as many
// tuples as 'mesh' has vertices.
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NOT_A_SIMPLICIAL_MESH: the input mesh 'mesh' is not a
// simplicial mesh (for example, the surface mesh contains quads instead of
// triangles).
int Build(vtkPolyData *mesh, vtkDataArray *scalarField);
// Description:
// Build the Reeb graph of the field 'scalarField' defined on the volume
// mesh 'mesh'.
// Returned values:
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_INCORRECT_FIELD: 'scalarField' does not have as many
// tuples as 'mesh' has vertices.
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NOT_A_SIMPLICIAL_MESH: the input mesh 'mesh' is not a
// simplicial mesh.
int Build(vtkUnstructuredGrid *mesh, vtkDataArray *scalarField);
// Description:
// Build the Reeb graph of the field given by the Id 'scalarFieldId',
// defined on the surface mesh 'mesh'.
// Returned values:
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_INCORRECT_FIELD: 'scalarField' does not have as many
// tuples as 'mesh' as vertices.
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NOT_A_SIMPLICIAL_MESH: the input mesh 'mesh' is not a
// simplicial mesh (for example, the surface mesh contains quads instead of
// triangles).
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NO_SUCH_FIELD: the scalar field given by the Id
// 'scalarFieldId' does not exist.
int Build(vtkPolyData *mesh, vtkIdType scalarFieldId);
// Description:
// Build the Reeb graph of the field given by the Id 'scalarFieldId',
// defined on the volume mesh 'mesh'.
// Returned values:
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_INCORRECT_FIELD: 'scalarField' does not have as many
// tuples as 'mesh' as vertices.
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NOT_A_SIMPLICIAL_MESH: the input mesh 'mesh' is not a
// simplicial mesh.
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NO_SUCH_FIELD: the scalar field given by the Id
// 'scalarFieldId' does not exist.
int Build(vtkUnstructuredGrid *mesh, vtkIdType scalarFieldId);
// Description:
// Build the Reeb graph of the field given by the name 'scalarFieldName',
// defined on the surface mesh 'mesh'.
// Returned values:
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_INCORRECT_FIELD: 'scalarField' does not have as many
// tuples as 'mesh' as vertices.
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NOT_A_SIMPLICIAL_MESH: the input mesh 'mesh' is not a
// simplicial mesh (for example, the surface mesh contains quads instead of
// triangles).
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NO_SUCH_FIELD: the scalar field given by the name
// 'scalarFieldName' does not exist.
int Build(vtkPolyData *mesh, const char* scalarFieldName);
// Description:
// Build the Reeb graph of the field given by the name 'scalarFieldName',
// defined on the volume mesh 'mesh'.
// Returned values:
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_INCORRECT_FIELD: 'scalarField' does not have as many
// tuples as 'mesh' as vertices.
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NOT_A_SIMPLICIAL_MESH: the input mesh 'mesh' is not a
// simplicial mesh.
// vtkReebGraph::ERR_NO_SUCH_FIELD: the scalar field given by the name
// 'scalarFieldName' does not exist.
int Build(vtkUnstructuredGrid *mesh, const char* scalarFieldName);
// Description:
// Streaming Reeb graph computation.
// Add to the streaming computation the triangle of the vtkPolyData surface
// mesh described by
// vertex0Id, scalar0
// vertex1Id, scalar1
// vertex2Id, scalar2
// where vertex<i>Id is the Id of the vertex in the vtkPolyData structure
// and scalar<i> is the corresponding scalar field value.
// IMPORTANT: The stream _must_ be finalized with the "CloseStream" call.
int StreamTriangle( vtkIdType vertex0Id, double scalar0,
vtkIdType vertex1Id, double scalar1,
vtkIdType vertex2Id, double scalar2);
// Description:
// Streaming Reeb graph computation.
// Add to the streaming computation the tetrahedra of the vtkUnstructuredGrid
// volume mesh described by
// vertex0Id, scalar0
// vertex1Id, scalar1
// vertex2Id, scalar2
// vertex3Id, scalar3
// where vertex<i>Id is the Id of the vertex in the vtkUnstructuredGrid
// structure and scalar<i> is the corresponding scalar field value.
// IMPORTANT: The stream _must_ be finalized with the "CloseStream" call.
int StreamTetrahedron( vtkIdType vertex0Id, double scalar0,
vtkIdType vertex1Id, double scalar1,
vtkIdType vertex2Id, double scalar2,
vtkIdType vertex3Id, double scalar3);
// Description:
// Finalize internal data structures, in the case of streaming computations
// (with StreamTriangle or StreamTetrahedron).
// After this call, no more triangle or tetrahedron can be inserted via
// StreamTriangle or StreamTetrahedron.
// IMPORTANT: This method _must_ be called when the input stream is finished.
// If you need to get a snapshot of the Reeb graph during the streaming
// process (to parse or simplify it), do a DeepCopy followed by a
// CloseStream on the copy.
void CloseStream();
// Descrition:
// Implements deep copy
void DeepCopy(vtkDataObject *src);
// Description:
// Simplify the Reeb graph given a threshold 'simplificationThreshold'
// (between 0 and 1).
// This method is the core feature for Reeb graph multi-resolution hierarchy
// construction.
// Return the number of arcs that have been removed through the simplification
// process.
// 'simplificationThreshold' represents a "scale", under which each Reeb graph
// feature is considered as noise. 'simplificationThreshold' is expressed as a
// fraction of the scalar field overall span. It can vary from 0
// (no simplification) to 1 (maximal simplification).
// 'simplificationMetric' is an object in charge of evaluating the importance
// of a Reeb graph arc at each step of the simplification process.
// if 'simplificationMetric' is NULL, the default strategy (persitence of the
// scalar field) is used.
// Customized simplification metric evaluation algorithm can be designed (see
// vtkReebGraphSimplificationMetric), enabling the user to control the
// definition of what should be considered as noise or signal.
// References:
// "Topological persistence and simplification",
// H. Edelsbrunner, D. Letscher, and A. Zomorodian,
// Discrete Computational Geometry, 28:511-533, 2002.
// "Extreme elevation on a 2-manifold",
// P.K. Agarwal, H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, and Y. Wang,
// ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, pp. 357-365, 2004.
// "Simplifying flexible isosurfaces using local geometric measures",
// H. Carr, J. Snoeyink, M van de Panne,
// IEEE Visualization, 497-504, 2004
// "Loop surgery for volumetric meshes: Reeb graphs reduced to contour trees",
// J. Tierny, A. Gyulassy, E. Simon, V. Pascucci,
// IEEE Trans. on Vis. and Comp. Graph. (Proc of IEEE VIS), 15:1177-1184,2009.
int Simplify(double simplificationThreshold,
vtkReebGraphSimplificationMetric *simplificationMetric);
// Description:
// Use a pre-defined Reeb graph (post-processing).
// Use with caution!
void Set(vtkMutableDirectedGraph *g);
class Implementation;
Implementation* Storage;
vtkReebGraph(const vtkReebGraph&); // Not implemented.
void operator=(const vtkReebGraph&); // Not implemented.