/usr/include/vtk-5.8/vtkPKdTree.h is in libvtk5-dev 5.8.0-14.1ubuntu3.
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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkPKdTree.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation
See Copyright.txt or http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.
// .NAME vtkPKdTree - Build a k-d tree decomposition of a list of points.
// .SECTION Description
// Build, in parallel, a k-d tree decomposition of one or more
// vtkDataSets distributed across processors. We assume each
// process has read in one portion of a large distributed data set.
// When done, each process has access to the k-d tree structure,
// can obtain information about which process contains
// data for each spatial region, and can depth sort the spatial
// regions.
// This class can also assign spatial regions to processors, based
// on one of several region assignment schemes. By default
// a contiguous, convex region is assigned to each process. Several
// queries return information about how many and what cells I have
// that lie in a region assigned to another process.
// .SECTION See Also
// vtkKdTree
#ifndef __vtkPKdTree_h
#define __vtkPKdTree_h
#include "vtkKdTree.h"
class vtkMultiProcessController;
class vtkCommunicator;
class vtkSubGroup;
class vtkIntArray;
class vtkKdNode;
class VTK_PARALLEL_EXPORT vtkPKdTree : public vtkKdTree
vtkTypeMacro(vtkPKdTree, vtkKdTree);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
void PrintTiming(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
void PrintTables(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
static vtkPKdTree *New();
// Description:
// Build the spatial decomposition. Call this explicitly
// after changing any parameters affecting the build of the
// tree. It must be called by all processes in the parallel
// application, or it will hang.
void BuildLocator();
// Description:
// Get the total number of cells distributed across the data
// files read by all processes. You must have called BuildLocator
// before calling this method.
vtkIdType GetTotalNumberOfCells(){return this->TotalNumCells;}
// Description:
// Create tables of counts of cells per process per region.
// These tables can be accessed with queries like
// "HasData", "GetProcessCellCountForRegion", and so on.
// You must have called BuildLocator() beforehand. This
// method must be called by all processes or it will hang.
// Returns 1 on error, 0 when no error.
int CreateProcessCellCountData();
// Description:
// A convenience function which compiles the global
// bounds of the data arrays across processes.
// These bounds can be accessed with
// "GetCellArrayGlobalRange" and "GetPointArrayGlobalRange".
// This method must be called by all processes or it will hang.
// Returns 1 on error, 0 when no error.
int CreateGlobalDataArrayBounds();
// Description:
// Set/Get the communicator object
void SetController(vtkMultiProcessController *c);
vtkGetObjectMacro(Controller, vtkMultiProcessController);
// Description:
// The PKdTree class can assign spatial regions to processors after
// building the k-d tree, using one of several partitioning criteria.
// These functions Set/Get whether this assignment is computed.
// The default is "Off", no assignment is computed. If "On", and
// no assignment scheme is specified, contiguous assignment will be
// computed. Specifying an assignment scheme (with AssignRegions*())
// automatically turns on RegionAssignment.
vtkGetMacro(RegionAssignment, int);
static const int NoRegionAssignment;
static const int ContiguousAssignment;
static const int UserDefinedAssignment;
static const int RoundRobinAssignment;
// Description:
// Assign spatial regions to processes via a user defined map.
// The user-supplied map is indexed by region ID, and provides a
// process ID for each region.
int AssignRegions(int *map, int numRegions);
// Description:
// Let the PKdTree class assign a process to each region in a
// round robin fashion. If the k-d tree has not yet been
// built, the regions will be assigned after BuildLocator executes.
int AssignRegionsRoundRobin();
// Description:
// Let the PKdTree class assign a process to each region
// by assigning contiguous sets of spatial regions to each
// process. The set of regions assigned to each process will
// always have a union that is a convex space (a box).
// If the k-d tree has not yet been built, the regions
// will be assigned after BuildLocator executes.
int AssignRegionsContiguous();
// Description:
// Returns the region assignment map where index is the region and value is
// the processes id for that region.
const int* GetRegionAssignmentMap()
{ return this->RegionAssignmentMap; }
// Description:
/// Returns the number of regions in the region assignment map.
vtkGetMacro(RegionAssignmentMapLength, int);
// Description:
// Writes the list of region IDs assigned to the specified
// process. Regions IDs start at 0 and increase by 1 from there.
// Returns the number of regions in the list.
int GetRegionAssignmentList(int procId, vtkIntArray *list);
// Description:
// The k-d tree spatial regions have been assigned to processes.
// Given a point on the boundary of one of the regions, this
// method creates a list of all processes whose region
// boundaries include that point. This may be required when
// looking for processes that have cells adjacent to the cells
// of a given process.
void GetAllProcessesBorderingOnPoint(float x, float y, float z,
vtkIntArray *list);
// Description:
// Returns the ID of the process assigned to the region.
int GetProcessAssignedToRegion(int regionId);
// Description:
// Returns 1 if the process has data for the given region,
// 0 otherwise.
int HasData(int processId, int regionId);
// Description:
// Returns the number of cells the specified process has in the
// specified region.
int GetProcessCellCountForRegion(int processId, int regionId);
// Description:
// Returns the total number of processes that have data
// falling within this spatial region.
int GetTotalProcessesInRegion(int regionId);
// Description:
// Adds the list of processes having data for the given
// region to the supplied list, returns the number of
// processes added.
int GetProcessListForRegion(int regionId, vtkIntArray *processes);
// Description:
// Writes the number of cells each process has for the region
// to the supplied list of length len. Returns the number of
// cell counts written. The order of the cell counts corresponds
// to the order of process IDs in the process list returned by
// GetProcessListForRegion.
int GetProcessesCellCountForRegion(int regionId, int *count, int len);
// Description:
// Returns the total number of spatial regions that a given
// process has data for.
int GetTotalRegionsForProcess(int processId);
// Description:
// Adds the region IDs for which this process has data to
// the supplied vtkIntArray. Retruns the number of regions.
int GetRegionListForProcess(int processId, vtkIntArray *regions);
// Description:
// Writes to the supplied integer array the number of cells this
// process has for each region. Returns the number of
// cell counts written. The order of the cell counts corresponds
// to the order of region IDs in the region list returned by
// GetRegionListForProcess.
int GetRegionsCellCountForProcess(int ProcessId, int *count, int len);
// Description:
// After regions have been assigned to processes, I may want to know
// which cells I have that are in the regions assigned to a particular
// process.
// This method takes a process ID and two vtkIdLists. It
// writes to the first list the IDs of the cells
// contained in the process' regions. (That is, their cell
// centroid is contained in the region.) To the second list it
// write the IDs of the cells which intersect the process' regions
// but whose cell centroid lies elsewhere.
// The total number of cell IDs written to both lists is returned.
// Either list pointer passed in can be NULL, and it will be ignored.
// If there are multiple data sets, you must specify which data set
// you wish cell IDs for.
// The caller should delete these two lists when done. This method
// uses the cell lists created in vtkKdTree::CreateCellLists().
// If the cell lists for the process' regions do not exist, this
// method will first build the cell lists for all regions by calling
// CreateCellLists(). You must remember to DeleteCellLists() when
// done with all calls to this method, as cell lists can require a
// great deal of memory.
vtkIdType GetCellListsForProcessRegions(int ProcessId, int set,
vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells);
vtkIdType GetCellListsForProcessRegions(int ProcessId, vtkDataSet *set,
vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells);
vtkIdType GetCellListsForProcessRegions(int ProcessId,
vtkIdList *inRegionCells,
vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells);
// Description:
// DO NOT CALL. Deprecated in VTK 5.2. Use ViewOrderAllProcessesInDirection
// or ViewOrderAllProcessesFromPosition.
VTK_LEGACY(int DepthOrderAllProcesses(double *directionOfProjection,
vtkIntArray *orderedList));
// Description:
// Return a list of all processes in order from front to back given a
// vector direction of projection. Use this to do visibility sorts
// in parallel projection mode. `orderedList' will be resized to the number
// of processes. The return value is the number of processes.
// \pre orderedList_exists: orderedList!=0
int ViewOrderAllProcessesInDirection(const double directionOfProjection[3],
vtkIntArray *orderedList);
// Description:
// Return a list of all processes in order from front to back given a
// camera position. Use this to do visibility sorts in perspective
// projection mode. `orderedList' will be resized to the number
// of processes. The return value is the number of processes.
// \pre orderedList_exists: orderedList!=0
int ViewOrderAllProcessesFromPosition(const double cameraPosition[3],
vtkIntArray *orderedList);
// Description:
// An added feature of vtkPKdTree is that it will calculate the
// the global range of field arrays across all processes. You
// call CreateGlobalDataArrayBounds() to do this calculation.
// Then the following methods return the ranges.
// Returns 1 on error, 0 otherwise.
int GetCellArrayGlobalRange(const char *name, float range[2]);
int GetPointArrayGlobalRange(const char *name, float range[2]);
int GetCellArrayGlobalRange(const char *name, double range[2]);
int GetPointArrayGlobalRange(const char *name, double range[2]);
int GetCellArrayGlobalRange(int arrayIndex, double range[2]);
int GetPointArrayGlobalRange(int arrayIndex, double range[2]);
int GetCellArrayGlobalRange(int arrayIndex, float range[2]);
int GetPointArrayGlobalRange(int arrayIndex, float range[2]);
void SingleProcessBuildLocator();
int MultiProcessBuildLocator(double *bounds);
int RegionAssignment;
vtkMultiProcessController *Controller;
vtkSubGroup *SubGroup;
static char *StrDupWithNew(const char *s);
int NumProcesses;
int MyId;
// basic tables - each region is the responsibility of one process, but
// one process may be assigned many regions
int *RegionAssignmentMap; // indexed by region ID
int RegionAssignmentMapLength;
int **ProcessAssignmentMap; // indexed by process ID
int *NumRegionsAssigned; // indexed by process ID
int UpdateRegionAssignment();
// basic tables reflecting the data that was read from disk
// by each process
char *DataLocationMap; // by process, by region
int *NumProcessesInRegion; // indexed by region ID
int **ProcessList; // indexed by region ID
int *NumRegionsInProcess; // indexed by process ID
int **RegionList; // indexed by process ID
vtkIdType **CellCountList; // indexed by region ID
double *CellDataMin; // global range for data arrays
double *CellDataMax;
double *PointDataMin;
double *PointDataMax;
char **CellDataName;
char **PointDataName;
int NumCellArrays;
int NumPointArrays;
// distribution of indices for select operation
int BuildGlobalIndexLists(vtkIdType ncells);
vtkIdType *StartVal;
vtkIdType *EndVal;
vtkIdType *NumCells;
vtkIdType TotalNumCells;
// local share of points to be partitioned, and local cache
int WhoHas(int pos);
int _whoHas(int L, int R, int pos);
float *GetLocalVal(int pos);
float *GetLocalValNext(int pos);
void SetLocalVal(int pos, float *val);
void ExchangeVals(int pos1, int pos2);
void ExchangeLocalVals(int pos1, int pos2);
float *PtArray;
float *PtArray2;
float *CurrentPtArray;
float *NextPtArray;
int PtArraySize;
int *SelectBuffer;
// Parallel build of k-d tree
int AllCheckForFailure(int rc, const char *where, const char *how);
void AllCheckParameters();
// Description:
// Return the global bounds over all processes. Returns true
// if successful and false otherwise.
bool VolumeBounds(double*);
int DivideRegion(vtkKdNode *kd, int L, int level, int tag);
int BreadthFirstDivide(double *bounds);
void enQueueNode(vtkKdNode *kd, int L, int level, int tag);
int Select(int dim, int L, int R);
void _select(int L, int R, int K, int dim);
void DoTransfer(int from, int to, int fromIndex, int toIndex, int count);
int *PartitionAboutMyValue(int L, int R, int K, int dim);
int *PartitionAboutOtherValue(int L, int R, float T, int dim);
int *PartitionSubArray(int L, int R, int K, int dim, int p1, int p2);
int CompleteTree();
void RetrieveData(vtkKdNode *kd, int *buf);
void ReduceData(vtkKdNode *kd, int *sources);
void BroadcastData(vtkKdNode *kd);
float *DataBounds(int L, int K, int R);
void GetLocalMinMax(int L, int R, int me, float *min, float *max);
static int FillOutTree(vtkKdNode *kd, int level);
static int ComputeDepth(vtkKdNode *kd);
static void PackData(vtkKdNode *kd, double *data);
static void UnpackData(vtkKdNode *kd, double *data);
static void CheckFixRegionBoundaries(vtkKdNode *tree);
// list management
int AllocateDoubleBuffer();
void FreeDoubleBuffer();
void SwitchDoubleBuffer();
int AllocateSelectBuffer();
void FreeSelectBuffer();
void InitializeGlobalIndexLists();
int AllocateAndZeroGlobalIndexLists();
void FreeGlobalIndexLists();
void InitializeRegionAssignmentLists();
int AllocateAndZeroRegionAssignmentLists();
void FreeRegionAssignmentLists();
void InitializeProcessDataLists();
int AllocateAndZeroProcessDataLists();
void FreeProcessDataLists();
void InitializeFieldArrayMinMax();
int AllocateAndZeroFieldArrayMinMax();
void FreeFieldArrayMinMax();
void ReleaseTables();
// Assigning regions to processors
void AddProcessRegions(int procId, vtkKdNode *kd);
void BuildRegionListsForProcesses();
// Gather process/region data totals
int *CollectLocalRegionProcessData();
int BuildRegionProcessTables();
int BuildFieldArrayMinMax();
void AddEntry(int *list, int len, int id);
#ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
void AddEntry(vtkIdType *list, int len, vtkIdType id);
static int BinarySearch(vtkIdType *list, int len, vtkIdType which);
static int FindNextLocalArrayIndex(const char *n, const char **names, int len, int start=0);
vtkPKdTree(const vtkPKdTree&); // Not implemented
void operator=(const vtkPKdTree&); // Not implemented