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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkOrderedTriangulator.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// .NAME vtkOrderedTriangulator - helper class to generate triangulations
// .SECTION Description
// This class is used to generate unique triangulations of points. The
// uniqueness of the triangulation is controlled by the id of the inserted
// points in combination with a Delaunay criterion. The class is designed to
// be as fast as possible (since the algorithm can be slow) and uses block
// memory allocations to support rapid triangulation generation. Also, the
// assumption behind the class is that a maximum of hundreds of points are to
// be triangulated. If you desire more robust triangulation methods use
// vtkPolygon::Triangulate(), vtkDelaunay2D, or vtkDelaunay3D.
// .SECTION Background
// This work is documented in the technical paper: W.J. Schroeder, B. Geveci,
// M. Malaterre. Compatible Triangulations of Spatial Decompositions. In
// Proceedings of Visualization 2004, IEEE Press October 2004.
// Delaunay triangulations are unique assuming a random distribution of input
// points. The 3D Delaunay criterion is as follows: the circumsphere of each
// tetrahedron contains no other points of the triangulation except for the
// four points defining the tetrahedron. In application this property is
// hard to satisfy because objects like cubes are defined by eight points all
// sharing the same circumsphere (center and radius); hence the Delaunay
// triangulation is not unique. These so-called degenerate situations are
// typically resolved by arbitrary selecting a triangulation. This code does
// something different: it resolves degenerate triangulations by modifying
// the "InCircumsphere" method to use a slightly smaller radius. Hence,
// degenerate points are always considered "out" of the circumsphere. This,
// in combination with an ordering (based on id) of the input points,
// guarantees a unique triangulation.
// There is another related characteristic of Delaunay triangulations. Given
// a N-dimensional Delaunay triangulation, points lying on a (N-1) dimensional
// plane also form a (N-1) Delaunay triangulation. This means for example,
// that if a 3D cell is defined by a set of (2D) planar faces, then the
// face triangulations are Delaunay. Combining this with the method to
// generate unique triangulations described previously, the triangulations
// on the face are guaranteed unique. This fact can be used to triangulate
// 3D objects in such a way to guarantee compatible face triangulations.
// This is a very useful fact for parallel processing, or performing
// operations like clipping that require compatible triangulations across
// 3D cell faces. (See vtkClipVolume for an example.)
// A special feature of this class is that it can generate triangulation
// templates on the fly. If template triangulation is enabled, then the
// ordered triangulator will first triangulate the cell using the slower
// ordered Delaunay approach, and then store the result as a template.
// Later, if the same cell type and cell configuration is encountered,
// then the template is reused which greatly speeds the triangulation.
// .SECTION Caveats
// Duplicate vertices will be ignored, i.e., if two points have the same
// coordinates the second one is discarded. The implications are that the
// user of this class must prevent duplicate points. Because the precision
// of this algorithm is double, it's also a good idea to merge points
// that are within some epsilon of one another.
// The triangulation is performed using the parametric coordinates of the
// inserted points. Therefore the bounds (see InitTriangulation()) should
// represent the range of the parametric coordinates of the inserted points.
// .SECTION See Also
// vtkDelaunay2D vtkDelaunay3D vtkPolygon
#ifndef __vtkOrderedTriangulator_h
#define __vtkOrderedTriangulator_h
#include "vtkObject.h"
class vtkUnstructuredGrid;
class vtkCellArray;
class vtkHeap;
class vtkIdList;
class vtkPoints;
class vtkTetra;
class vtkDataArray;
class vtkDoubleArray;
struct vtkOTMesh;
struct vtkOTTemplates;
class vtkIncrementalPointLocator;
class vtkPointData;
class vtkCellData;
// Template ID's must be 32-bits. See .cxx file for more information.
typedef unsigned short TemplateIDType;
#elif VTK_SIZEOF_INT == 4
typedef unsigned int TemplateIDType;
#elif VTK_SIZEOF_LONG == 4
typedef unsigned long TemplateIDType;
class VTK_FILTERING_EXPORT vtkOrderedTriangulator : public vtkObject
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Construct object.
static vtkOrderedTriangulator *New();
// Description:
// Initialize the triangulation process. Provide a bounding box and
// the maximum number of points to be inserted. Note that since the
// triangulation is performed using parametric coordinates (see
// InsertPoint()) the bounds should be represent the range of the
// parametric coordinates inserted.
// \post no_point_inserted: GetNumberOfPoints()==0
void InitTriangulation(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
double zmin, double zmax, int numPts);
void InitTriangulation(double bounds[6], int numPts);
// Description:
// For each point to be inserted, provide an id, a position x, parametric
// coordinate p, and whether the point is inside (type=0), outside
// (type=1), or on the boundary (type=2). You must call InitTriangulation()
// prior to invoking this method. Make sure that the number of points
// inserted does not exceed the numPts specified in
// InitTriangulation(). Also note that the "id" can be any integer and can
// be greater than numPts. It is used to create tetras (in AddTetras()) with
// the appropriate connectivity ids. The method returns an internal id that
// can be used prior to the Triangulate() method to update the type of the
// point with UpdatePointType(). (Note: the algorithm triangulated with the
// parametric coordinate p[3] and creates tetras with the global coordinate
// x[3]. The parametric coordinates and global coordinates may be the same.)
vtkIdType InsertPoint(vtkIdType id, double x[3], double p[3], int type);
vtkIdType InsertPoint(vtkIdType id, vtkIdType sortid, double x[3],
double p[3], int type);
vtkIdType InsertPoint(vtkIdType id, vtkIdType sortid, vtkIdType sortid2,
double x[3], double p[3], int type);
// Description:
// Perform the triangulation. (Complete all calls to InsertPoint() prior
// to invoking this method.) A special version is available when templates
// should be used.
void Triangulate();
void TemplateTriangulate(int cellType, int numPts, int numEdges);
// Description:
// Update the point type. This is useful when the merging of nearly
// coincident points is performed. The id is the internal id returned
// from InsertPoint(). The method should be invoked prior to the
// Triangulate method. The type is specified as inside (type=0),
// outside (type=1), or on the boundary (type=2).
// \pre valid_range: internalId>=0 && internalId<this->GetNumberOfPoints()
void UpdatePointType(vtkIdType internalId, int type);
// Description:
// Return the parametric coordinates of point `internalId'.
// It assumes that the point has already been inserted.
// The method should be invoked prior to the Triangulate method.
// \pre valid_range: internalId>=0 && internalId<this->GetNumberOfPoints()
double *GetPointPosition(vtkIdType internalId);
// Description:
// Return the global coordinates of point `internalId'.
// It assumes that the point has already been inserted.
// The method should be invoked prior to the Triangulate method.
// \pre valid_range: internalId>=0 && internalId<this->GetNumberOfPoints()
double *GetPointLocation(vtkIdType internalId);
// Description:
// Return the Id of point `internalId'. This id is the one passed in
// argument of InsertPoint.
// It assumes that the point has already been inserted.
// The method should be invoked prior to the Triangulate method.
// \pre valid_range: internalId>=0 && internalId<this->GetNumberOfPoints()
vtkIdType GetPointId(vtkIdType internalId);
// Description:
// Return the number of inserted points.
// Description:
// If this flag is set, then the ordered triangulator will create
// and use templates for the triangulation. To use templates, the
// TemplateTriangulate() method should be called when appropriate.
// (Note: the TemplateTriangulate() method works for complete
// (interior) cells without extra points due to intersection, etc.)
// Description:
// Boolean indicates whether the points have been pre-sorted. If
// pre-sorted is enabled, the points are not sorted on point id.
// By default, presorted is off. (The point id is defined in
// InsertPoint().)
// Description:
// Tells the triangulator that a second sort id is provided
// for each point and should also be considered when sorting.
// Description:
// Initialize and add the tetras and points from the triangulation to the
// unstructured grid provided. New points are created and the mesh is
// allocated. (This method differs from AddTetras() in that it inserts
// points and cells; AddTetras only adds the tetra cells.) The tetrahdera
// added are of the type specified (0=inside,1=outside,2=all). Inside
// tetrahedron are those whose points are classified "inside" or on the
// "boundary." Outside tetrahedron have at least one point classified
// "outside." The method returns the number of tetrahedrahedron of the
// type requested.
vtkIdType GetTetras(int classification, vtkUnstructuredGrid *ugrid);
// Description:
// Add the tetras to the unstructured grid provided. The unstructured
// grid is assumed to have been initialized (with Allocate()) and
// points set (with SetPoints()). The tetrahdera added are of the type
// specified (0=inside,1=outside,2=all). Inside tetrahedron are
// those whose points are classified "inside" or on the "boundary."
// Outside tetrahedron have at least one point classified "outside."
// The method returns the number of tetrahedrahedron of the type
// requested.
vtkIdType AddTetras(int classification, vtkUnstructuredGrid *ugrid);
// Description:
// Add the tetrahedra classified (0=inside,1=outside) to the connectivity
// list provided. Inside tetrahedron are those whose points are all
// classified "inside." Outside tetrahedron have at least one point
// classified "outside." The method returns the number of tetrahedron
// of the type requested.
vtkIdType AddTetras(int classification, vtkCellArray *connectivity);
// Description:
// Assuming that all the inserted points come from a cell `cellId' to
// triangulate, get the tetrahedra in outConnectivity, the points in locator
// and copy point data and cell data. Return the number of added tetras.
// \pre locator_exists: locator!=0
// \pre outConnectivity: outConnectivity!=0
// \pre inPD_exists: inPD!=0
// \pre outPD_exists: outPD!=0
// \pre inCD_exists: inCD!=0
// \pre outCD_exists: outCD!=0
vtkIdType AddTetras(int classification,
vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator,
vtkCellArray *outConnectivity,
vtkPointData *inPD,
vtkPointData *outPD,
vtkCellData *inCD,
vtkIdType cellId,
vtkCellData *outCD);
// Description:
// Add the tetrahedra classified (0=inside,1=outside) to the list
// of ids and coordinates provided. These assume that the first four points
// form a tetrahedron, the next four the next, and so on.
vtkIdType AddTetras(int classification, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkPoints *pts);
// Description:
// Add the triangle faces classified (2=boundary) to the connectivity
// list provided. The method returns the number of triangles.
vtkIdType AddTriangles(vtkCellArray *connectivity);
// Description:
// Add the triangle faces classified (2=boundary) and attached to the
// specified point id to the connectivity list provided. (The id is the
// same as that specified in InsertPoint().)
vtkIdType AddTriangles(vtkIdType id, vtkCellArray *connectivity);
// Description:
// Methods to get one tetra at a time. Start with InitTetraTraversal()
// and then invoke GetNextTetra() until the method returns 0.
void InitTetraTraversal();
// Description:
// Methods to get one tetra at a time. Start with InitTetraTraversal()
// and then invoke GetNextTetra() until the method returns 0.
// cellScalars are point-centered scalars on the original cell.
// tetScalars are point-centered scalars on the tetra: the values will be
// copied from cellScalars.
// \pre tet_exists: tet!=0
// \pre cellScalars_exists: cellScalars!=0
// \pre tetScalars_exists: tetScalars!=0
// \pre tetScalars_valid_size: tetScalars->GetNumberOfTuples()==4
int GetNextTetra(int classification, vtkTetra *tet,
vtkDataArray *cellScalars, vtkDoubleArray *tetScalars);
void Initialize();
vtkOTMesh *Mesh;
int NumberOfPoints; //number of points inserted
int MaximumNumberOfPoints; //maximum possible number of points to be inserted
double Bounds[6];
int PreSorted;
int UseTwoSortIds;
vtkHeap *Heap;
double Quanta;
int UseTemplates;
int CellType;
int NumberOfCellPoints;
int NumberOfCellEdges;
vtkHeap *TemplateHeap;
vtkOTTemplates *Templates;
int TemplateTriangulation();
void AddTemplate();
TemplateIDType ComputeTemplateIndex();
vtkOrderedTriangulator(const vtkOrderedTriangulator&); // Not implemented.
void operator=(const vtkOrderedTriangulator&); // Not implemented.