/usr/include/osg/Point is in libopenscenegraph-dev 3.2.0~rc1-4.
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* This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
* (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
#ifndef OSG_POINT
#define OSG_POINT 1
#include <osg/Vec3>
#include <osg/StateAttribute>
#define GL_POINT_SMOOTH 0x0B10
namespace osg {
/** Point - encapsulates the OpenGL point smoothing and size state.*/
class OSG_EXPORT Point : public StateAttribute
public :
Point(float size);
/** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
Point(const Point& point,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY):
_maxSize(point._maxSize) {}
META_StateAttribute(osg, Point, POINT);
/** return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs.*/
virtual int compare(const StateAttribute& sa) const
// check the types are equal and then create the rhs variable
// used by the COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter macros below.
// compare each parameter in turn against the rhs.
return 0; // passed all the above comparison macros, must be equal.
virtual bool getModeUsage(StateAttribute::ModeUsage& usage) const
return true;
void setSize(float size);
inline float getSize() const { return _size; }
void setFadeThresholdSize(float fadeThresholdSize);
inline float getFadeThresholdSize() const { return _fadeThresholdSize; }
void setDistanceAttenuation(const Vec3& distanceAttenuation);
inline const Vec3& getDistanceAttenuation() const { return _distanceAttenuation; }
void setMinSize(float minSize);
inline float getMinSize() const {return _minSize;}
void setMaxSize(float maxSize);
inline float getMaxSize() const {return _maxSize;}
virtual void apply(State& state) const;
/** Encapsulates queries of extension availability, obtains extension
* function pointers, and provides convenience wrappers for
* calling extension functions. */
class OSG_EXPORT Extensions : public osg::Referenced
Extensions(unsigned int contextID);
Extensions(const Extensions& rhs);
void lowestCommonDenominator(const Extensions& rhs);
void setupGLExtensions(unsigned int contextID);
void setPointParametersSupported(bool flag) { _isPointParametersSupported=flag; }
bool isPointParametersSupported() const { return _isPointParametersSupported; }
void setPointSpriteCoordOriginSupported(bool flag) { _isPointSpriteCoordOriginSupported=flag; }
bool isPointSpriteCoordOriginSupported() const { return _isPointSpriteCoordOriginSupported; }
void glPointParameteri(GLenum pname, GLint param) const;
void glPointParameterf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) const;
void glPointParameterfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) const;
~Extensions() {}
bool _isPointParametersSupported;
bool _isPointSpriteCoordOriginSupported;
typedef void (GL_APIENTRY * GLPointParameteriProc) (GLenum pname, GLint param);
typedef void (GL_APIENTRY * GLPointParameterfProc) (GLenum pname, GLfloat param);
typedef void (GL_APIENTRY * GLPointParameterfvProc) (GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params);
GLPointParameteriProc _glPointParameteri;
GLPointParameterfProc _glPointParameterf;
GLPointParameterfvProc _glPointParameterfv;
/** Returns the Extensions object for the given context.
* If createIfNotInitalized is true and the Extensions object doesn't
* exist, getExtensions() creates it on the given context.
* Returns NULL if createIfNotInitalized is false and the Extensions
* object doesn't exist. */
static Extensions* getExtensions(unsigned int contextID,bool createIfNotInitalized);
/** setExtensions() allows users to override the extensions across graphics contexts.
* Typically used when you have different extensions supported across graphics pipes,
* but need to ensure that they all use the same low common denominator extensions. */
static void setExtensions(unsigned int contextID,Extensions* extensions);
protected :
virtual ~Point();
float _size;
float _fadeThresholdSize;
Vec3 _distanceAttenuation;
float _minSize;
float _maxSize;