/usr/lib/ocaml/ocamlgraph/sig_pack.mli is in libocamlgraph-ocaml-dev 1.8.3-1build1.
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(* *)
(* Ocamlgraph: a generic graph library for OCaml *)
(* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 *)
(* Sylvain Conchon, Jean-Christophe Filliatre and Julien Signoles *)
(* *)
(* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *)
(* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *)
(* License version 2.1, with the special exception on linking *)
(* described in file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* *)
(* $Id: sig_pack.mli,v 1.23 2005-07-18 07:10:35 filliatr Exp $ *)
(** Immediate access to the library: contain a signature gathering an
imperative graph signature and all algorithms.
Vertices and edges are labeled with integers. *)
(** Signature gathering an imperative graph signature and all algorithms.
Vertices and edges are labeled with integers. *)
module type S = sig
(** {2 Graph structure} *)
(** abstract type of graphs *)
type t
(** Vertices *)
module V : sig
(** Vertices are [COMPARABLE] *)
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** vertices are labeled with integers *)
type label = int
val create : label -> t
val label : t -> label
type vertex = V.t
(** Edges *)
module E : sig
(** Edges are [ORDERED]. *)
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Edges are directed. *)
val src : t -> V.t
val dst : t -> V.t
(** Edges are labeled with integers. *)
type label = int
val create : V.t -> label -> V.t -> t
(** [create v1 l v2] creates an edge from [v1] to [v2] with label [l] *)
val label : t -> label
type vertex = V.t
type edge = E.t
(** is this an implementation of directed graphs? *)
val is_directed : bool
(** {2 Graph constructors and destructors} *)
val create : ?size:int -> unit -> t
(** Return an empty graph. Optionally, a size can be
given, which should be on the order of the expected number of
vertices that will be in the graph (for hash tables-based
implementations). The graph grows as needed, so [size] is
just an initial guess. *)
val clear: t -> unit
(** Remove all vertices and edges from the given graph.
@since ocamlgraph 1.4 *)
val copy : t -> t
(** [copy g] returns a copy of [g]. Vertices and edges (and eventually
marks, see module [Mark]) are duplicated. *)
val add_vertex : t -> V.t -> unit
(** [add_vertex g v] adds the vertex [v] from the graph [g].
Do nothing if [v] is already in [g]. *)
val remove_vertex : t -> V.t -> unit
(** [remove g v] removes the vertex [v] from the graph [g]
(and all the edges going from [v] in [g]).
Do nothing if [v] is not in [g]. *)
val add_edge : t -> V.t -> V.t -> unit
(** [add_edge g v1 v2] adds an edge from the vertex [v1] to the vertex [v2]
in the graph [g].
Add also [v1] (resp. [v2]) in [g] if [v1] (resp. [v2]) is not in [g].
Do nothing if this edge is already in [g]. *)
val add_edge_e : t -> E.t -> unit
(** [add_edge_e g e] adds the edge [e] in the graph [g].
Add also [E.src e] (resp. [E.dst e]) in [g] if [E.src e] (resp. [E.dst
e]) is not in [g].
Do nothing if [e] is already in [g]. *)
val remove_edge : t -> V.t -> V.t -> unit
(** [remove_edge g v1 v2] removes the edge going from [v1] to [v2] from the
graph [g].
Do nothing if this edge is not in [g].
@raise Invalid_argument if [v1] or [v2] are not in [g]. *)
val remove_edge_e : t -> E.t -> unit
(** [remove_edge_e g e] removes the edge [e] from the graph [g].
Do nothing if [e] is not in [g].
@raise Invalid_argument if [E.src e] or [E.dst e] are not in [g]. *)
(** Vertices contains integers marks, which can be set or used by some
algorithms (see for instance module [Marking] below) *)
module Mark : sig
type graph = t
type vertex = V.t
val clear : t -> unit
(** [clear g] sets all marks to 0 from all the vertives of [g]. *)
val get : V.t -> int
val set : V.t -> int -> unit
(** {2 Size functions} *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
val nb_vertex : t -> int
val nb_edges : t -> int
(** Degree of a vertex *)
val out_degree : t -> V.t -> int
(** [out_degree g v] returns the out-degree of [v] in [g].
@raise Invalid_argument if [v] is not in [g]. *)
val in_degree : t -> V.t -> int
(** [in_degree g v] returns the in-degree of [v] in [g].
@raise Invalid_argument if [v] is not in [g]. *)
(** {2 Membership functions} *)
val mem_vertex : t -> V.t -> bool
val mem_edge : t -> V.t -> V.t -> bool
val mem_edge_e : t -> E.t -> bool
val find_edge : t -> V.t -> V.t -> E.t
val find_all_edges : t -> V.t -> V.t -> E.t list
(** {2 Successors and predecessors of a vertex} *)
val succ : t -> V.t -> V.t list
(** [succ g v] returns the successors of [v] in [g].
@raise Invalid_argument if [v] is not in [g]. *)
val pred : t -> V.t -> V.t list
(** [pred g v] returns the predecessors of [v] in [g].
@raise Invalid_argument if [v] is not in [g]. *)
(** Labeled edges going from/to a vertex *)
val succ_e : t -> V.t -> E.t list
(** [succ_e g v] returns the edges going from [v] in [g].
@raise Invalid_argument if [v] is not in [g]. *)
val pred_e : t -> V.t -> E.t list
(** [pred_e g v] returns the edges going to [v] in [g].
@raise Invalid_argument if [v] is not in [g]. *)
(** {2 Graph iterators} *)
(** iter/fold on all vertices/edges of a graph *)
val iter_vertex : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_edges : (V.t -> V.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold_vertex : (V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_edges : (V.t -> V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** map iterator on vertex *)
val map_vertex : (V.t -> V.t) -> t -> t
(** iter/fold on all labeled edges of a graph *)
val iter_edges_e : (E.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold_edges_e : (E.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** {2 Vertex iterators}
Each iterator [iterator f v g] iters [f] to the successors/predecessors
of [v] in the graph [g] and raises [Invalid_argument] if [v] is not in
[g]. *)
(** iter/fold on all successors/predecessors of a vertex. *)
val iter_succ : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> V.t -> unit
val iter_pred : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> V.t -> unit
val fold_succ : (V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> V.t -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_pred : (V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> V.t -> 'a -> 'a
(** iter/fold on all edges going from/to a vertex. *)
val iter_succ_e : (E.t -> unit) -> t -> V.t -> unit
val fold_succ_e : (E.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> V.t -> 'a -> 'a
val iter_pred_e : (E.t -> unit) -> t -> V.t -> unit
val fold_pred_e : (E.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> V.t -> 'a -> 'a
(** {2 Basic operations} *)
val find_vertex : t -> int -> V.t
(** [vertex g i] returns a vertex of label [i] in [g]. The behaviour is
unspecified if [g] has several vertices with label [i].
Note: this function is inefficient (linear in the number of vertices);
you should better keep the vertices as long as you create them. *)
val transitive_closure : ?reflexive:bool -> t -> t
(** [transitive_closure ?reflexive g] returns the transitive closure
of [g] (as a new graph). Loops (i.e. edges from a vertex to itself)
are added only if [reflexive] is [true] (default is [false]). *)
val add_transitive_closure : ?reflexive:bool -> t -> t
(** [add_transitive_closure ?reflexive g] replaces [g] by its
transitive closure. Meaningless for persistent implementations
(then acts as [transitive_closure]). *)
val mirror : t -> t
(** [mirror g] returns a new graph which is the mirror image of [g]:
each edge from [u] to [v] has been replaced by an edge from [v] to [u].
For undirected graphs, it simply returns a copy of [g]. *)
val complement : t -> t
(** [complement g] builds a new graph which is the complement of [g]:
each edge present in [g] is not present in the resulting graph and
vice-versa. Edges of the returned graph are unlabeled. *)
val intersect : t -> t -> t
(** [intersect g1 g2] returns a new graph which is the intersection of [g1]
and [g2]: each vertex and edge present in [g1] *and* [g2] is present
in the resulting graph. *)
val union : t -> t -> t
(** [union g1 g2] returns a new graph which is the union of [g1] and [g2]:
each vertex and edge present in [g1] *or* [g2] is present in the
resulting graph. *)
(** {2 Traversal} *)
(** Depth-first search *)
module Dfs : sig
val iter : ?pre:(V.t -> unit) ->
?post:(V.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter pre post g] visits all nodes of [g] in depth-first search,
applying [pre] to each visited node before its successors,
and [post] after them. Each node is visited exactly once. *)
val prefix : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** applies only a prefix function *)
val postfix : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** applies only a postfix function *)
(** Same thing, but for a single connected component *)
val iter_component :
?pre:(V.t -> unit) ->
?post:(V.t -> unit) -> t -> V.t -> unit
val prefix_component : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> V.t -> unit
val postfix_component : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> V.t -> unit
val has_cycle : t -> bool
(** Breadth-first search *)
module Bfs : sig
val iter : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_component : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> V.t -> unit
(** Graph traversal with marking *)
module Marking : sig
val dfs : t -> unit
val has_cycle : t -> bool
(** {2 Graph generators} *)
(** Classic graphs *)
module Classic : sig
val divisors : int -> t
(** [divisors n] builds the graph of divisors.
Vertices are integers from [2] to [n]. [i] is connected to [j] if
and only if [i] divides [j].
@raise Invalid_argument is [n < 2]. *)
val de_bruijn : int -> t
(** [de_bruijn n] builds the de Bruijn graph of order [n].
Vertices are bit sequences of length [n] (encoded as their
interpretation as binary integers). The sequence [xw] is connected
to the sequence [wy] for any bits [x] and [y] and any bit sequence
[w] of length [n-1].
@raise Invalid_argument is [n < 1] or [n > Sys.word_size-1]. *)
val vertex_only : int -> t
(** [vertex_only n] builds a graph with [n] vertices and no edge. *)
val full : ?self:bool -> int -> t
(** [full n] builds a graph with [n] vertices and all possible edges.
The optional argument [self] indicates if loop edges should be added
(default value is [true]). *)
(** Random graphs *)
module Rand : sig
val graph : ?loops:bool -> v:int -> e:int -> unit -> t
(** [random v e] generates a random with [v] vertices and [e] edges. *)
val labeled :
(V.t -> V.t -> E.label) ->
?loops:bool -> v:int -> e:int -> unit -> t
(** [random_labeled f] is similar to [random] except that edges are
labeled using function [f] *)
(** Strongly connected components *)
module Components : sig
val scc : t -> int*(V.t -> int)
(** strongly connected components *)
val scc_array : t -> V.t list array
val scc_list : t -> V.t list list
(** {2 Classical algorithms} *)
val shortest_path : t -> V.t -> V.t -> E.t list * int
(** Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. Weights are the labels. *)
val ford_fulkerson : t -> V.t -> V.t -> (E.t -> int) * int
(** Ford Fulkerson maximum flow algorithm *)
val goldberg : t -> V.t -> V.t -> (E.t -> int) * int
(** Goldberg maximum flow algorithm *)
val bellman_ford : t -> V.t -> E.t list
(** [bellman_ford g v] finds a negative cycle from [v], and returns it,
or raises [Not_found] if there is no such cycle *)
(** Path checking *)
module PathCheck : sig
type path_checker
val create : t -> path_checker
val check_path : path_checker -> V.t -> V.t -> bool
(** Topological order *)
module Topological : sig
val fold : (V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val iter : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold_stable : (V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val iter_stable : (V.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val spanningtree : t -> E.t list
(** Kruskal algorithm *)
(** {2 Input / Output} *)
val dot_output : t -> string -> unit
(** DOT output in a file *)
val display_with_gv : t -> unit
(** Displays the given graph using the external tools "dot" and "gv"
and returns when gv's window is closed *)
val parse_gml_file : string -> t
val parse_dot_file : string -> t
val print_gml : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print_gml_file : t -> string -> unit
(* val print_graphml : Format.formatter -> t -> unit *)