/usr/lib/ocaml/batteries/batSubstring.mli is in libbatteries-ocaml-dev 2.2-1.
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type t
[Substring.t] is the type of substrings of a basestring, an efficient
representation of a piece of a string.
A substring (s,i,n) is valid if 0 <= i <= i+n <= size s,
or equivalently, 0 <= i and 0 <= n and i+n <= size s.
A valid substring (s, i, n) represents the string s[i...i+n-1].
Invariant in the implementation: Any value of type [Substring.t] is valid.
val empty : unit -> t
val to_string : t -> string
(** [string sus] is the string s[i..i+n-1] represented by sus = (s, i, n). *)
val of_string : string -> t
val make : int -> char -> t
val create : int -> t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Substring equality
@since 2.1
val of_input : BatIO.input -> t
val substring : string -> int -> int -> t
(** [substring s o l] returns a substring with base-string [s], offset
[o] and length [l]. Arguments are checked for validity
[substring s i n] creates the substring [(s, i, n)], consisting
of the substring of s with length n starting at i.
@raise Inavlid_argument if [i<0] or [n<0] or [i+n > size s]. Equivalent to
[extract s i (Some n)]. *)
val unsafe_substring : string -> int -> int -> t
(** [unsafe_substring] behaves like [substring], but does not perform
any sanity check on the position and length. *)
val extract : string -> int -> int option -> t
(** [extract s i None] creates the substring (s, i, size s-i)
consisting of the tail of s starting at i.
@raise Invalid_argument if [i<0] or [i > size s].
[extract s i (Some n)] creates the substring (s, i, n), consisting
of the substring of s with length n starting at i.
@raise Invalid_argument if [i<0] or [n<0] or [i+n > size s].
val all : string -> t
(** [all s] is the substring [(s, 0, size s)]. *)
val base : t -> string * int * int
(** [base sus] is the concrete triple [(s, i, n)], where [psus = (s, i,
n)]. *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
(** [isEmpty (s, i, n)] true if the substring is empty (that is,
[n = 0]). *)
val getc : t -> (char * t) option
(** [getc sus] returns [Some(c, rst)] where [c] is the first character and
[rst] the remainder of [sus], if [sus] is non-empty; otherwise returns
[None]. *)
val first : t -> char option
(** [first sus] returns [Some c] where [c] is the first character in
[sus], if [sus] is non-empty; otherwise returns [None]. *)
val triml : int -> t -> t
(** [triml k sus] returns sus less its leftmost k characters; or the
empty string at the end of sus if it has less than k characters.
@raise Invalid_argument if [k < 0], even in the partial application
[triml k].
val trimr : int -> t -> t
(** [trimr k sus] returns sus less its rightmost k characters; or the
empty string at the beginning of sus if it has less than k
characters. @raise Invalid_argument if [k < 0], even in the partial
application [trimr k].
val get : t -> int -> char
(** [sub sus k] returns the k'th character of the substring; that
is, s(i+k) where sus = (s, i, n). @raise Invalid_argument if
[k<0] or [k>=n]. *)
val size : t -> int
(** [size (s, i, n)] returns the size of the substring, that is, [n].
val length: t -> int
(** Equivalent to {!size}. *)
val slice : t -> int -> int option -> t
(** [slice sus i' None] returns the substring [(s, i+i', n-i')],
where [sus = (s, i, n)].
@raise Invalid_argument if [i' < 0] or [i' > n].
[slice sus i' (Some n')] returns the substring [(s, i+i', n')],
where [sus] = [(s, i, n)]. @raise Invalid_argument if [i' < 0]
or [n' < 0] or [i'+n' >= n].
val concat : t list -> string
(** [concat suss] returns a string consisting of the concatenation of
the substrings. Equivalent to [String.concat (List.map to_string
val explode : t -> char list
(** [explode sus] returns the list of characters of sus, that is,
[s(i), s(i+1), ..., s(i+n-1)] where [sus = (s, i, n)]. Equivalent
to [String.explode (to_string ss)].
val is_prefix : string -> t -> bool
(** [is_prefix s1 s2] is true if [s1] is a prefix of [s2]. That is, if
there exists a string [t] such that string [s1 ^ t = to_string s2].
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** [compare sus1 sus2] performs lexicographic comparison, using the
standard ordering Char.compare on the characters.p Equivalent to,
but more efficient than, [String.compare (to_string sus1)
(to_string sus2)]. *)
[collate cmp (sus1, sus2)] performs lexicographic comparison, using the
given ordering cmp on characters. Equivalent to, but more efficient
than, String.collate cmp (string sus1, string sus2).
val index : t -> char -> int
(** [index sus c] returns the index of the first occurence of [c] in [sus] or
@raise Not_found otherwise. *)
val index_from : t -> int -> char -> int
(** [index_from sus i c] returns the index of the first occurence of [c] in
[sus] after the index [i] or @raise Not_found otherwise. If [i] is beyond
the range of [sus], @raise Invalid_argument. It is equivalent to [i + index (triml i sus) c]. *)
val rindex : t -> char -> int
(** [rindex sus c] returns the index of the last occurence of [c] in [sus] or
@raise Not_found otherwise. *)
val rindex_from : t -> int -> char -> int
(** [index_from sus i c] returns the index of the last occurence of [c] in [sus]
before the index [i] or @raise Not_found otherwise. If [i] is beyond the
range of [sus], @raise Invalid_argument. It is equivalent to [rindex (trimr i sus) c]. *)
val contains : t -> char -> bool
(** [contains s c] tests if character [c] appears in the substring [s].
@since 2.1
val dropl : (char -> bool) -> t -> t
(** [dropl p sus] drops the longest prefix (left substring) of [sus]
all of whose characters satisfy predicate [p]. If all
characters do, it returns the empty substring [(s, i+n, 0)]
where [sus = (s, i, n)]. *)
val dropr : (char -> bool) -> t -> t
[dropr p sus] drops the longest suffix (right substring) of sus all
of whose characters satisfy predicate [p]. If all characters do, it
returns the empty substring [(s, i, 0)] where [sus = (s, i, n)].
val takel : (char -> bool) -> t -> t
[takel p sus] returns the longest prefix (left substring) of [sus]
all of whose characters satisfy predicate [p]. That is, if the
left-most character does not satisfy p, returns the empty [(s, i, 0)]
where [sus = (s, i, n)].
val taker : (char -> bool) -> t -> t
[taker p sus] returns the longest suffix (right substring) of [sus]
all of whose characters satisfy predicate [p]. That is, if the
right-most character satisfies [p], returns the empty [(s, i+n, 0)]
where [sus = (s, i, n)].
Let [p] be a predicate and xxxxfyyyyfzzzz a string where all
characters in xxxx and zzzz satisfy [p], and f a character not
satisfying [p]. Then
sus = xxxxfyyyyfzzzz sus = xxxxzzzz
dropl p sus = fyyyyfzzzz
dropr p sus = xxxxfyyyyf
takel p sus = xxxx xxxxzzzz
taker p sus = zzzz xxxxzzzz
It also holds that
[concat (takel p sus) (dropl p sus) = string sus]
[concat (dropr p sus) (taker p sus) = string sus]
val splitl : (char -> bool) -> t -> t * t
(** [splitl p sus] splits [sus] into a pair [(sus1, sus2)] of
substrings where [sus1] is the longest prefix (left substring) all
of whose characters satisfy [p], and [sus2] is the rest. That is,
[sus2] begins with the leftmost character not satisfying [p].
Disregarding sideeffects, we have: [splitl p sus = (takel p sus,
dropl p sus)].
val splitr : (char -> bool) -> t -> t * t
(** [splitr p sus] splits [sus] into a pair [(sus1, sus2)] of
substrings where [sus2] is the longest suffix (right substring) all
of whose characters satisfy [p], and [sus1] is the rest. That is,
[sus1] ends with the rightmost character not satisfying [p].
Disregarding sideeffects, we have: [splitr p sus = (dropr p sus,
taker p sus)]
val split_at : int -> t -> t * t
(** [split_at sus k] returns the pair [(sus1, sus2)] of substrings,
where [sus1] contains the first [k] characters of [sus], and
[sus2] contains the rest. @raise Invalid_argument if [k < 0] or
[k > size sus].
[position s (s',i,n)] splits the substring into a pair (pref, suff)
of substrings, where suff is the longest suffix of (s', i, n) which
has s as a prefix. More precisely, let m = size s. If there is a
least index k in i..i+n-m for which s = s'[k..k+m-1],
then the result is pref = (s', i, k-i) and suff = (s', k, n-(k-i));
otherwise the result is pref = (s', i, n) and suff = (s', i+n, 0).
val span : t -> t -> t
(** [span sus1 sus2] returns a substring spanning from the start of
[sus1] to the end of [sus2], provided this is well-defined: [sus1]
and [sus2] must have the same underlying string, and the start of
[sus1] must not be to the right of the end of [sus2]; otherwise
@raise Invalid_argument.
More precisely, if [base sus1 = (s,i,n)] and [base sus2 =
(s',i',n')] and [s = s'] and [i <= i'+n'], then [base (span sus1
sus2) = (s, i, i'+n'-i)]. This may be used to compute [span],
[union], and [intersection].
val translate : (char -> char) -> t -> string
(** [translate f sus] applies [f] to every character of [sus], from
left to right, and returns the concatenation of the results.
Equivalent to [String.of_list (List.map f (explode sus))].
val tokens : (char -> bool) -> t -> t list
(** [tokens p sus] returns the list of tokens in [sus], from left to
right, where a token is a non-empty maximal substring of [sus] not
containing any delimiter, and a delimiter is a character satisfying
val fields : (char -> bool) -> t -> t list
[fields p sus] returns the list of fields in [sus], from left to right,
where a field is a (possibly empty) maximal substring of [sus] not
containing any delimiter, and a delimiter is a character satisfying [p].
Two tokens may be separated by more than one delimiter, whereas two
fields are separated by exactly one delimiter. If the only delimiter
is the character ['|'], then
"abc||def" contains two tokens: "abc" and "def"
"abc||def" contains three fields: "abc" and "" and "def"
val fold_left : ('a -> char -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
(** [foldl f e sus] folds [f] over [sus] from left to right. That is,
evaluates [f s.[i+n-1] (f ... (f s.[i+1] (f s.[i] e)) ...)]
tail-recursively, where [sus = (s, i, n)]. Equivalent to
[List.fold_left f e (explode sus)]. *)
val fold_right : (char -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [foldr f e sus] folds [f] over [sus] from right to left. That is,
evaluates [f s.[i] (f s.[i+1] (f ... (f s.[i+n-1] e) ...))]
tail-recursively, where [sus = (s, i, n)]. Equivalent to
[List.fold_right f e (explode sus)].
val iter : (char -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter f sus] applies [f] to all characters of [sus], from left to
right. Equivalent to [List.iter f (explode sus)].
val iteri : (int -> char -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** Same as {!iter}, but the
function is applied to the index of the element as first argument
(counting from 0), and the character itself as second argument.
@since 2.1
val trim : t -> t
(** removes whitespace from left and right ends of input *)
val split_on_char : char -> t -> t list
(** [split_on_char c ss] returns substrings of input [ss] as divided
by [c] *)
val split_on_pipe : t -> t list
val split_on_dot : t -> t list
val split_on_comma : t -> t list
val split_on_slash : t -> t list
val enum : t -> char BatEnum.t
(** [enum ss] returns an enumeration of the characters represented by ss.
It does no copying so beweare of mutating the original string.
@since 2.1
val print : 'a BatIO.output -> t -> unit
(** [print oc ss] prints [ss] to the output channel [oc] *)