/usr/lib/ipe/7.1.4/ipelets/goodies.lua is in ipe 7.1.4-2.
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-- goodies ipelet
This file is part of the extensible drawing editor Ipe.
Copyright (C) 1993-2013 Otfried Cheong
Ipe is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
As a special exception, you have permission to link Ipe with the
CGAL library and distribute executables, as long as you follow the
requirements of the Gnu General Public License in regard to all of
the software in the executable aside from CGAL.
Ipe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Ipe; if not, you can find it at
"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html", or write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
label = "Goodies"
revertOriginal = _G.revertOriginal
about = [[
Several small functions, like precise scale and rotate, precise
boxes, marking circle centers, regular k-gons.
This ipelet is part of Ipe.
V = ipe.Vector
local function bounding_box(p)
local box = ipe.Rect()
for i,obj,sel,layer in p:objects() do
if sel then box:add(p:bbox(i)) end
return box
local function boxshape(v1, v2)
return { type="curve", closed=true;
{ type="segment"; v1, V(v1.x, v2.y) },
{ type="segment"; V(v1.x, v2.y), v2 },
{ type="segment"; v2, V(v2.x, v1.y) } }
function preciseTransform(model, num)
local p = model:page()
if not p:hasSelection() then
model.ui:explain("no selection")
if num==3 and not model.snap.with_axes then
model:warning("Cannot mirror at x-axis",
"The coordinate system has not been set")
-- check pinned
for i, obj, sel, layer in p:objects() do
if sel and obj:get("pinned") ~= "none" then
model:warning("Cannot transform objects",
"At least one of the objects is pinned")
local matrix
local label = methods[num].label
if num == 1 then -- mirror horizontal
matrix = ipe.Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
elseif num == 2 then -- Mirror vertical
matrix = ipe.Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)
elseif num == 3 then -- Mirror at x-axis
matrix = (ipe.Rotation(model.snap.orientation)
* ipe.Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)
* ipe.Rotation(-model.snap.orientation))
elseif num == 4 then -- turn 90 degrees
matrix = ipe.Matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
elseif num == 5 then -- turn 180 degrees
matrix = ipe.Matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)
elseif num == 6 then -- turn 270 degrees
matrix = ipe.Matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
elseif num == 7 then -- rotate by angle
local str = model:getString("Enter angle in degrees")
if not str or str:match("^%s*$") then return end
local degrees = tonumber(str)
if not degrees then
model:warning("Please enter angle in degrees")
matrix = ipe.Rotation(math.pi * degrees / 180.0)
label = "rotation by " .. degrees .. " degrees"
elseif num == 8 then -- stretch or scale
local str = model:getString("Enter stretch factors")
if not str or str:match("^%s*$") then return end
if str:match("^[%+%-%d%.]+$") then
local sx = tonumber(str)
label = "scale by " .. sx
matrix = ipe.Matrix(sx, 0, 0, sx, 0, 0)
local ssx, ssy = str:match("^([%+%-%d%.]+)%s+([%+%-%d%.]+)$")
if not ssx then
model:warning("Please enter numeric stretch factors",
"You can either enter a single number to scale the object"
.. " or two numbers to stretch in x and y directions.")
local sx, sy = tonumber(ssx), tonumber(ssy)
label = "stretch by " .. sx .. ", " .. sy
matrix = ipe.Matrix(sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0)
local origin
if model.snap.with_axes then
origin = model.snap.origin
local box = bounding_box(p)
origin = 0.5 * (box:bottomLeft() + box:topRight())
matrix = ipe.Translation(origin) * matrix * ipe.Translation(-origin)
local t = { label = label,
pno = model.pno,
vno = model.vno,
selection = model:selection(),
original = model:page():clone(),
matrix = matrix,
undo = revertOriginal,
t.redo = function (t, doc)
local p = doc[t.pno]
for _,i in ipairs(t.selection) do p:transform(i, t.matrix) end
function preciseBox(model)
local dpmm = 72.0 / 25.4
local str = model:getString("Enter width and height in mm")
if not str or str:match("^%s*$") then return end
local ssx, ssy = str:match("^([%+%-%d%.]+)%s+([%+%-%d%.]+)$")
if not ssx then
model:warning("Please enter selfwidth and height in mm",
"Separate the two numbers by a space.")
local sx, sy = tonumber(ssx), tonumber(ssy)
local shape = { boxshape(V(0,0), V(sx * dpmm, sy * dpmm)) }
local obj = ipe.Path(model.attributes, shape)
model:creation("create precise box", obj)
function boundingBox(model)
local box = bounding_box(model:page())
local shape = { boxshape(box:bottomLeft(), box:topRight()) }
local obj = ipe.Path(model.attributes, shape)
model:creation("create bounding box", obj)
function mediaBox(model)
local layout = model.doc:sheets():find("layout")
local shape = { boxshape(-layout.origin, -layout.origin + layout.papersize) }
local obj = ipe.Path(model.attributes, shape)
model:creation("create mediabox", obj)
function checkPrimaryIsCircle(model, arc_ok)
local p = model:page()
local prim = p:primarySelection()
if not prim then model.ui:explain("no selection") return end
local obj = p[prim]
if obj:type() == "path" then
local shape = obj:shape()
if #shape == 1 then
local s = shape[1]
if s.type == "ellipse" then
return prim, obj, s[1]:translation(), shape
if arc_ok and s.type == "curve" and #s == 1 and s[1].type == "arc" then
return prim, obj, s[1].arc:matrix():translation(), shape
if arc_ok then
model:warning("Primary selection is not an arc, a circle, or an ellipse")
model:warning("Primary selection is not a circle or an ellipse")
function markCircleCenter(model)
local prim, obj, pos, shape = checkPrimaryIsCircle(model, true)
if not prim then return end
local obj = ipe.Reference(model.attributes, model.attributes.markshape,
obj:matrix() * pos)
model:creation("mark circle center", obj)
local function incorrect_input(model)
model:warning("Cannot create parabolas",
"Primary selection is not a segment, or " ..
"other selected objects are not marks")
function parabola(model)
local p = model:page()
local prim = p:primarySelection()
if not prim then model.ui:explain("no selection") return end
local seg = p[prim]
if seg:type() ~= "path" then incorrect_input(model) return end
local shape = seg:shape()
if #shape ~= 1 or shape[1].type ~= "curve" or
#shape[1] ~= 1 or shape[1][1].type ~= "segment" then
local marks = {}
for i,obj,sel,layer in p:objects() do
if sel == 2 then
if obj:type() ~= "reference" or obj:symbol():sub(1,5) ~= "mark/" then
marks[#marks + 1] = obj:matrix() * obj:position()
if #marks == 0 then incorrect_input(model) return end
local p0 = seg:matrix() * shape[1][1][1]
local p1 = seg:matrix() * shape[1][1][2]
local tfm = ipe.Translation(p0) * ipe.Rotation((p1 - p0):angle())
local inv = tfm:inverse()
-- treat x-interval from 0 to xmax
local xmax = (p1 - p0):len()
local parabolas = { }
for i,pos in ipairs(marks) do
local mrk = inv * pos
local a = -mrk.x
local b = xmax - mrk.x
-- the following are the three control points for the unit
-- parabola between x = a and x = b
local q0 = V(a, a*a)
local q1 = V(0.5*(a + b), a*b)
local q2 = V(b, b*b)
local curve = { type="curve", closed=false; { type="quad", q0, q1, q2 } }
local obj = ipe.Path(model.attributes, { curve } )
local stretch = 2.0 * mrk.y;
local offs = V(mrk.x, mrk.y / 2.0)
local m = (tfm * ipe.Translation(offs) *
ipe.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1.0/stretch, 0, 0))
parabolas[#parabolas + 1] = obj
if #parabolas > 1 then
local obj = ipe.Group(parabolas)
model:creation("create parabolas", obj)
model:creation("create parabola", parabolas[1])
function regularKGon(model)
local prim, obj, pos, shape = checkPrimaryIsCircle(model, false)
if not prim then return end
local str = model:getString("Enter number of corners")
if not str or str:match("^%s*$)") then return end
local k = tonumber(str)
if not k then
model:warning("Enter a number between 3 and 1000!")
local m = shape[1][1]
local center = m:translation()
local v = m * V(1,0)
local radius = (v - center):len()
local curve = { type="curve", closed=true }
local alpha = 2 * math.pi / k
local v0 = center + radius * V(1,0)
for i = 1,k-1 do
local v1 = center + radius * ipe.Direction(i * alpha)
curve[#curve + 1] = { type="segment", v0, v1 }
v0 = v1
local kgon = ipe.Path(model.attributes, { curve } )
model:creation("create regular k-gon", kgon)
methods = {
{ label = "Mirror horizontal", run=preciseTransform },
{ label = "Mirror vertical", run=preciseTransform },
{ label = "Mirror at x-axis", run=preciseTransform },
{ label = "Turn 90 degrees", run=preciseTransform },
{ label = "Turn 180 degrees", run=preciseTransform },
{ label = "Turn 270 degrees", run=preciseTransform },
{ label = "Precise rotate", run=preciseTransform },
{ label = "Precise stretch", run=preciseTransform },
{ label = "Insert precise box", run=preciseBox },
{ label = "Insert bounding box", run=boundingBox },
{ label = "Insert media box", run=mediaBox },
{ label = "Mark circle center", run=markCircleCenter },
{ label = "Make parabolas", run=parabola },
{ label = "Regular k-gon", run=regularKGon },