/usr/lib/grass64/etc/gtcltk/select.tcl is in grass-gui 6.4.3-3.
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# select.tcl
# tree/listbox control for interactive selection of GRASS GIS elements
# Author: Unknown. Possibly Jacques Bouchard, author of tcltkgrass for
# GRASS 5. Subsequent modifications by members of the GRASS Development
# team.
# Last update: January 2009
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 1999 - 2009 by the GRASS Development Team
# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
# for details.
# Frame scrolling that works:
# Scroll if the window exists AND
# the window is mapped AND
# This window's parent's descendant has the focus (keyboard or mouse pointer in)
# We use the parent because the scrollbars are in the parent, and two scrollable
# Things shouldn't have the same parent.
namespace eval GSelect_ {
variable count 1
variable dblclick
variable array selwin
variable tree
variable bind_scroll_list
set bind_scroll_list {}
proc handle_scroll {amount window} {
variable bind_scroll_list
set scrlwin ""
if {[lsearch -exact $bind_scroll_list $window] != -1} {
#window is a scrollable window
set scrlwin $window
} else {
# if window is not scrollable, find the parent that is scrollable
foreach item $bind_scroll_list {
if {[string first $item $window 0] != -1} {
set scrlwin $item
if {$scrlwin == "" } {return}
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
$scrlwin yview scroll [expr {-$amount/120}] units
} else {
$scrlwin yview scroll [expr -1*$amount] units
proc bind_scroll {frame} {
variable bind_scroll_list
lappend bind_scroll_list $frame
# We should thin out windows that don't exist anymore if we find them
set new_bind_scroll_list {}
foreach window $bind_scroll_list {
if {[winfo exists $window]} {
lappend new_bind_scroll_list $window
set bind_scroll_list $new_bind_scroll_list
bind all <MouseWheel> "handle_scroll %D %W"
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {
bind all <Button-4> "handle_scroll 1 %W"
bind all <Button-5> "handle_scroll -1 %W"
proc GSelect { element args } {
# startup procedure
set sel [eval [linsert $args 0 GSelect_::create $element]]
return $sel
proc GSelect_::create { element args } {
# main procedure for creating and managing selection window, which a tree
# within a scrolling window.
global env id
variable selwin
variable count
variable tree
incr count
set id $count
set selwin($id,self) selwin
set title [G_msg "Select item"]
set selwin($id,selected) {}
if {[lsearch -exact $args "title"] > -1} {
append title " - [lindex $args [expr [lsearch -exact $args title]+1]]"
# Leave selection on top of caller window till it's closed
set parentwin "."
if {[lsearch -exact $args "parent"] > -1} {
set parentwin [lindex $args [expr [lsearch -exact $args "parent"]+1]]
if { [string length $parentwin] > 1 } {
set selwin($id,self) [regsub -all {[[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]} ".selwin[string range $parentwin 1 [string length $parentwin]]" ""]
} elseif {[lsearch -exact $args "title"] > -1} { set selwin($id,self) [regsub -all {[[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]} ".selwin$title" ""] }
set selwin($id,self) ".$selwin($id,self)"
set selftop "$selwin($id,self)top"
# Do not create another select window, if one already exists.
if {[winfo exists $selwin($id,self)]} {
raise $selwin($id,self)
focus $selwin($id,self)
toplevel $selwin($id,self) -width 300 -height 400
set sw [ScrolledWindow $selwin($id,self).sw -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 ]
wm title $selwin($id,self) $title
wm transient $selwin($id,self) $parentwin
set tree [Tree $sw.tree \
-relief flat -borderwidth 0 -width 15 -highlightthickness 0\
-redraw 1 -dropenabled 1 -dragenabled 1 \
-opencmd "GSelect_::moddir 1 $sw.tree" \
-closecmd "GSelect_::moddir 0 $sw.tree"]
$sw setwidget $tree
bind_scroll $tree
regexp -- {(.+)x(.+)([+-].+)([+-].+)} [wm geometry .] g w h x y
#set w [expr int(2*$w/3)]
set w 300
set h 400
wm geometry $selwin($id,self) ${w}x$h$x$y
$tree bindText <ButtonPress-1> "GSelect_::select $id $tree"
$tree bindImage <ButtonPress-1> "GSelect_::select $id $tree"
$tree bindText <Double-ButtonPress-1> "GSelect_::selectclose $id $tree"
$tree bindImage <Double-ButtonPress-1> "GSelect_::selectclose $id $tree"
if {[lsearch $args "multiple"] >= 0} {
$tree bindText <Control-ButtonPress-1> "GSelect_::select_toggle $id $tree"
} else {
$tree bindText <Control-ButtonPress-1> "GSelect_::select $id $tree"
set location_path [file normalize [file join "$env(GISDBASE)" "$env(LOCATION_NAME)"]]
set current_mapset [file normalize "$env(MAPSET)"]
set sympath [file normalize [file join "$env(GISBASE)" "etc" "symbol"]]
# main selection subroutine
if {$element != "symbol"} {
foreach dir [exec g.mapsets -p] {
set windfile [file normalize [file join "$location_path" "$dir" "WIND"]]
if { ! [ file exists $windfile ] } { continue }
if { $dir == [file tail "$current_mapset"] } {
$tree insert end root ms_$dir -text $dir -data $dir -open 1 \
-image [Bitmap::get openfold] -drawcross auto
} else {
$tree insert end root ms_$dir -text $dir -data $dir -open 0 \
-image [Bitmap::get folder] -drawcross auto
set path [file normalize [file join "$location_path" "$dir" "$element"]]
foreach fp [ lsort -dictionary [glob -nocomplain -directory $path *] ] {
set file [file tail $fp]
$tree insert end ms_$dir $file@$dir -text $file -data $file \
-image [Bitmap::get file] -drawcross never
# vector symbol selection subroutine
if {$element == "symbol"} {
$tree insert end root ms_$sympath -text SYMBOLS -data $sympath -open 1 \
-image [Bitmap::get openfold] -drawcross auto
foreach ic_dir [ lsort -dictionary [glob -nocomplain -directory $sympath *] ] {
set dir_tail [file tail $ic_dir]
$tree insert end ms_$sympath ms_$dir_tail -text $dir_tail -data $dir_tail \
-image [Bitmap::get folder] -drawcross auto
foreach ic_file [ lsort -dictionary [glob -nocomplain -directory [file join "$sympath" "$dir_tail"] *] ] {
set file [file tail $ic_file]
$tree insert end ms_$dir_tail [file join "$dir_tail" "$file"] -text $file -data $file \
-image [Bitmap::get file] -drawcross never
$tree configure -redraw 1
# buttons
button $selwin($id,self).ok -text [G_msg "Ok"] -command "destroy $selwin($id,self)"
button $selwin($id,self).cancel -text [G_msg "Cancel"] -command "GSelect_::terminate $id"
# ScrollView
toplevel $selftop -relief raised -borderwidth 2
wm protocol $selftop WM_DELETE_WINDOW {
# don't kill me
wm overrideredirect $selftop 1
wm withdraw $selftop
wm transient $selftop $selwin($id,self)
ScrollView $selftop.sv -window $tree -fill black
pack $sw -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack $tree -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack $selwin($id,self).ok $selwin($id,self).cancel -side left -expand yes
pack $selftop.sv -fill both -expand yes
wm protocol $selwin($id,self) WM_DELETE_WINDOW "GSelect_::terminate $id"
tkwait window $selwin($id,self)
destroy $selftop
# return selected elements -- separated by commas if there are > 1 elements
if { $selwin($id,selected) != "" } {
set ret ""
set len [llength $selwin($id,selected)]
foreach elem $selwin($id,selected) {
append ret $elem
if {[lsearch $selwin($id,selected) $elem] != -1 && \
[lsearch $selwin($id,selected) $elem] < [expr $len-1]} {
append ret ","
return $ret
return ""
proc GSelect_::select { id tree node } {
# Single selection (default). Clicking an item will select it and
# deselect any other item selected
variable selwin
set parent [$tree parent $node]
if { $parent == "root" } { return }
$tree selection set $node
set selwin($id,selected) $node
proc GSelect_::select_toggle { id tree node} {
# Multiple selections. Ctrl-1 will toggle an item as selected or not selected
# and add it to a list of selected items
variable selwin
set parent [$tree parent $node]
if { $parent == "root" } { return }
if {[lsearch -exact [$tree selection get] $node] >= 0} {
$tree selection remove $node
set nodeindex [lsearch $selwin($id,selected) $node]
if {$nodeindex != -1} {
set selwin($id,selected) [lreplace $selwin($id,selected) $nodeindex $nodeindex]
} else {
$tree selection add $node
lappend selwin($id,selected) $node
#$tree selection add $node
# set selwin($id,selected) [string trim $selwin($id,selected) ,]
proc GSelect_::selectclose { id tree node } {
# return selection and close window (OK button)
variable selwin
GSelect_::select $id $tree $node
destroy $selwin($id,self)
proc GSelect_::terminate { id } {
# close window without returning selection (cancel)
variable selwin
set selwin($id,selected) {}
destroy $selwin($id,self)
proc GSelect_::moddir { idx tree node } {
if { $idx && [$tree itemcget $node -drawcross] == "always" } {
getdir $tree $node [$tree itemcget $node -data]
if { [llength [$tree nodes $node]] } {
$tree itemconfigure $node -image [Bitmap::get openfold]
} else {
$tree itemconfigure $node -image [Bitmap::get folder]
} else {
$tree itemconfigure $node -image [Bitmap::get [lindex {folder openfold} $idx]]