/usr/lib/grass64/etc/gm/runandoutput.tcl is in grass-gui 6.4.3-3.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# LIBRARY: runandoutput.tcl
# AUTHOR(S): Cedric Shock (cedricgrass AT shockfamily.net)
# PURPOSE: Interactive console for gis.m and other run commands
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2006 GRASS Development Team
# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
# for details.
#Overloaded gui.tcl behaviour:
# Overload run_cmd (proc called when run button is pushed)
proc run_cmd {dlg} {
global gronsole
global opt
set cmd [dialog_get_command $dlg]
catch {$opt($dlg,run_button) configure -state disabled}
$gronsole run $cmd {} "catch {$opt($dlg,run_button) configure -state active}"
# Bring that output window up:
raise [winfo toplevel $gronsole]
# no output or progress or buttons:
proc make_output {dlg path root} {}
proc make_progress {dlg path root} {}
proc make_buttons {dlg path root} {}
proc make_fun_buttons {dlg path} {
global opt env
set pgm_name $opt($dlg,pgm_name)
set buttonframe [frame $path.buttonframe]
button $buttonframe.run -text [G_msg "Run"] -command "run_cmd $dlg"
# In the future we'll have a button to make a layer from here:
# button $buttonframe.layer -text [G_msg "Layer"] -command "layer_cmd $dlg"
button $buttonframe.help -text [G_msg "Help"] -command "help_cmd $dlg"
button $buttonframe.close -text [G_msg "Close"] -command "close_cmd $dlg"
set opt($dlg,run_button) $buttonframe.run
# Turn off help button if the help file doesn't exist
if {! [file exists [file join "$env(GISBASE)" "docs" "html" "$pgm_name.html"]]} {
$buttonframe.help configure -state disabled
pack $buttonframe.run $buttonframe.help $buttonframe.close \
-side left -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5
pack $buttonframe -expand no -fill x -side bottom -before [lindex [pack slaves $path] 0]
# Set the starting window size if this is a toplevel window
if {[winfo toplevel $path] == $path} {
wm geometry $path "560x400"
proc run_ui {cmd} {
global dlg
global path
global devnull
set program [lindex $cmd 0]
set code ""
if {[catch {set code [exec -- "$program" --tcltk 2> $devnull]} error]} {
GmLib::errmsg $error
set path .dialog$dlg
toplevel $path
if {$code == ""} { return }
eval $code
# Push the command to the dialog
set thisdialog $dlg
dialog_set_command $dlg $cmd
# Add our ui
make_fun_buttons $dlg $path
proc run_disabled {gronsole button cmd} {
if {[catch {$button configure -state disabled} error]} {
GmLib::errmsg $error
$gronsole run $cmd {running} "catch {$button configure -state active}"
proc gronsole_history {cmdtext ci cmd} {
$cmdtext delete 1.0 end
$cmdtext insert end $cmd
proc command_window {where} {
global keycontrol
global bgcolor
global mingw
set cmdpane [frame $where.command -bg $bgcolor]
set cmdwin [ScrolledWindow $where.win -relief flat -borderwidth 1]
set gronsole [Gronsole $where.gronsole -clickcmd "gronsole_history $cmdwin.text"]
set cmdtext [text $cmdwin.text -height 2 -width 80]
$cmdwin setwidget $cmdtext
set runbutton [button $cmdpane.run -text [G_msg "Run"] -width 17 -wraplength 100 \
-default active -bd 1 -highlightbackground $bgcolor \
-command "run_disabled $gronsole $cmdpane.run \[string trim \[$cmdtext get 1.0 end\]\]"]
set run2button [button $cmdpane.run2 -text [G_msg "Run (background)"] -width 17 \
-wraplength 100 -bd 1 -highlightbackground $bgcolor \
-command "$gronsole run \[string trim \[$cmdtext get 1.0 end\]\] {} {}"]
set runuibutton [button $cmdpane.runui -text [G_msg "Run (GUI)"] -width 17 \
-wraplength 100 -bd 1 -highlightbackground $bgcolor \
-command "run_ui \[string trim \[$cmdtext get 1.0 end\]\]"]
if { $mingw } {
set termbox "DOS box"
} else {
set termbox "Xterm"
set runxterm [button $cmdpane.xterm -text [G_msg "Run (in $termbox)"] -width 17 \
-wraplength 100 -bd 1 -highlightbackground $bgcolor \
-command "$gronsole run_xterm \[string trim \[$cmdtext get 1.0 end\]\] {}"]
set outpane [frame $where.output -bg $bgcolor]
set savebutton [button $outpane.save -text [G_msg " Save "] -command "$gronsole save" \
-bd 1 -padx 10 -highlightbackground $bgcolor]
set clearbutton [button $outpane.clear -text [G_msg " Clear "] -command "$gronsole clear" \
-bd 1 -padx 10 -highlightbackground $bgcolor]
pack $runbutton $run2button $runuibutton $runxterm \
-side left -expand yes -padx 2 -pady 5
pack $savebutton $clearbutton \
-side left -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5
pack $cmdpane -fill x -side bottom
pack $cmdwin -fill x -side bottom
pack $outpane -fill x -side bottom
pack $gronsole -side top -fill both -expand yes
bind $cmdtext <$keycontrol-c> "tk_textCopy %W"
bind $cmdtext <$keycontrol-v> "tk_textPaste %W"
bind $cmdtext <$keycontrol-x> "tk_textCut %W"
return $gronsole
toplevel .gronsole
wm title .gronsole [G_msg "Output - GIS.m"]
# If we had our own window manager we could withdraw windows instead of iconifying them:
wm protocol .gronsole WM_DELETE_WINDOW "wm iconify .gronsole"
set gronsole [command_window {.gronsole}]
# Run procs for gis.m:
proc execute {cmd} {
# Use run and output
run_ui [list $cmd]
proc spawn {cmd args} {
if {[catch {eval [list exec -- $cmd] $args &} error]} {
GmLib::errmsg $error
proc spawn_panel {cmd args} {
global gronsole
$gronsole run $cmd gism {}
proc run_panel {cmd} {
global gronsole
$gronsole run_wait $cmd gism
proc run {cmd args} {
global devnull
# This and runcmd are being used to run command in the background
# These used to go to stdout and stderr
# but we don't want to pollute that console.
# eval exec -- $cmd $args >@ stdout 2>@ stderr
if {[catch {eval [list exec -- $cmd] $args >& $devnull} error]} {
GmLib::errmsg $error
proc runcmd {cmd args} {
global gronsole
set ci [$gronsole annotate $cmd [list gism running]]
eval run $cmd $args
$gronsole remove_tag $ci running
proc term_panel {cmd} {
global gronsole
$gronsole run_xterm $cmd gism
proc term {cmd args} {
global env
global mingw
if { $mingw == "1" } {
if {[catch {eval [list exec -- cmd.exe /c start $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-run.bat $cmd] $args &} error]} {
GmLib::errmsg $error
} else {
if {[catch {eval [list exec -- $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-xterm-wrapper -name xterm-grass -e $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-run.sh $cmd] $args &} error]} {
GmLib::errmsg $error
# Make sure there's an xmon before running some commands.
# Used in menus.
proc guarantee_xmon {} {
global mingw
if {$mingw == 1} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -title [G_msg "X Windows not available"] \
-message [G_msg "Functions that require X Windows are not available in Windows"]
if {![catch {open "|d.mon -L" r} input]} {
while {[gets $input line] >= 0 } {
if {[regexp -nocase {(x[0-9]+).*not running} $line dummy monitor]} {
# $monnum is the monitor number
#create list of non-running monitors
lappend xmonlist $monitor
if {[catch {close $input} error]} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -title [G_msg "Error"] \
-message [G_msg "d.mon error: problem launching xmon, $error"]
if { ![info exists xmonlist] } {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -title [G_msg "Error"] \
-message [G_msg "This module requires X11 support, but no xmons were found"]
set xmon [lindex $xmonlist 0]
spawn d.mon start=$xmon
# Annotation procs for gis.m:
proc monitor_annotation_start {mon title tags} {
global gronsole
set handle [$gronsole annotate $title $tags]
$gronsole set_click_command $handle {}
return $handle
proc monitor_annotate {handle text} {
global gronsole
$gronsole annotate_text $handle $text