/usr/lib/grass64/etc/gm/rules.tcl is in grass-gui 6.4.3-3.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# FILE: rules.tcl
# PURPOSE: Permits interactive rule entry for r.reclass and r.recode
# AUTHOR: Michael Barton, Arizona State University
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2007 by the GRASS Development Team
# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
# for details.
namespace eval GmRules {
variable inmap
variable outmap
variable rules
variable overwrite
global env
# G_msg.tcl should be sourced first for internationalized strings.
# select input map
proc GmRules::select_map { seltype } {
set m [GSelect $seltype title [G_msg "Select input map"] parent "."]
if { $m != "" } {
set GmRules::inmap $m
#Create main panel for interactie rules entry
proc GmRules::main { cmd } {
variable inmap
variable outmap
variable rules
variable overwrite
global env
global iconpath
global bgcolor
#initialize variables
set inmap ""
set outmap ""
set rules ""
set overwrite 0
switch $cmd {
"r.colors" {
set label1 "Create new color table using color rules"
set label2 "Raster map:"
set label3 None
set label4 "Enter color rules"
set btn_icon "element-cell.gif"
set seltype "cell"
"r.reclass" {
set label1 "Reclassify raster map using rules"
set label2 "Map to reclassify: \t"
set label3 "Reclassified map: \t"
set label4 "Enter reclassification rules"
set btn_icon "element-cell.gif"
set seltype "cell"
"r.recode" {
set label1 "Recode raster map using rules"
set label2 "Map to recode:"
set label3 "Recoded map:"
set label4 "Enter recoding rules"
set btn_icon "element-cell.gif"
set seltype "cell"
"v.reclass" {
set label1 "Reclassify vector map using SQL rules"
set label2 "Map to reclassify:"
set label3 "Reclassified map:"
set label4 "Enter reclassification rules"
set btn_icon "element-vector.gif"
set seltype "vector"
# create rules input window
set rules_win [toplevel .rulesPopup]
wm title $rules_win [ G_msg "Interactive rules entry" ]
# put it in the middle of the screen
update idletasks
set winWidth [winfo reqwidth $rules_win]
set winHeight [winfo reqheight $rules_win]
set scrnWidth [winfo screenwidth $rules_win]
set scrnHeight [winfo screenheight $rules_win]
set x [expr ($scrnWidth - $winWidth) / 2-250]
set y [expr ($scrnHeight - $winHeight) / 2]
wm geometry $rules_win +$x+$y
wm deiconify $rules_win
#create the form and buttons
# Title
set row [ frame $rules_win.heading ]
Label $row.a -text [G_msg $label1] \
-fg MediumBlue
pack $row.a -side top -padx 5 -pady 3
pack $row -side top -fill x -expand yes
# input map
set row [ frame $rules_win.input ]
Label $row.a -text [G_msg "$label2"]
Button $row.b -image [image create photo -file "$iconpath/$btn_icon"] \
-highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief raised -borderwidth 1 \
-command "GmRules::select_map $seltype"
Entry $row.c -width 30 -text "$inmap" \
-textvariable GmRules::inmap
pack $row.c $row.b $row.a -side right -padx 3 -anchor e
pack $row -side top -fill x -expand no -padx 5
if { $cmd != "r.colors" } {
# set output file for everything exept r.colors
set row [ frame $rules_win.output ]
LabelEntry $row.a -label [G_msg "$label3"] \
-textvariable GmRules::outmap -width 30
pack $row.a -side right -anchor e -padx 3
pack $row -side top -fill x -expand no -padx 5
set row [ frame $rules_win.help ]
Button $row.a -text [G_msg "Help"] \
-image [image create photo -file "$iconpath/gui-help.gif"] \
-command "spawn g.manual --q $cmd" \
-background $bgcolor \
-helptext [G_msg "Help"]
pack $row.a -side right -anchor e -padx 5
if { $cmd != "r.colors" } {
checkbutton $row.b -variable GmRules::overwrite \
-text [G_msg "Overwrite existing file"]
pack $row.b -side left -anchor w -padx 5
pack $row -side top -fill x -expand no
# create text widget for rules entry
set row [ frame $rules_win.rulestxt ]
set rules_text [text $row.a \
-wrap none -relief sunken \
-exportselection true \
-height 15 -width 50 \
-yscrollcommand "$row.b set" \
-xscrollcommand "$row.c set"]
scrollbar $row.b -relief sunken -command "$rules_text yview"
scrollbar $row.c -relief sunken -command "$rules_text xview" \
-orient horizontal
pack $row.c -side bottom -fill x -expand no
pack $row.a -side left -fill both -expand yes
pack $row.b -side left -fill y -expand no
pack $row -side top -expand yes -fill both -pady 3 -padx 5
set row [ frame $rules_win.buttons ]
Button $row.a -text [G_msg "OK"] -width 8 -bd 1 \
-command "GmRules::process_rules $cmd $rules_text 1"
Button $row.b -text [G_msg "Cancel"] -width 8 -bd 1 \
-command "destroy .rulesPopup"
Button $row.c -text [G_msg "Apply"] -width 8 -bd 1 \
-command "GmRules::process_rules $cmd $rules_text 0"
pack $row.a $row.b $row.c -side right -padx 5
pack $row -side bottom -pady 3 -padx 5 -expand 0 -fill none -anchor e
bind Text <Control-c> {tk_textCopy %W}
bind Text <Control-v> {tk_textPaste %W}
# send rules to command
proc GmRules::process_rules { cmd w quit } {
variable inmap
variable outmap
variable overwrite
global devnull
if { $inmap == ""} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon warning -parent $w \
-message [G_msg "You must select an input map"] -title [G_msg "No input map selected"]
if { $cmd != "r.colors" && $outmap == ""} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon warning -parent $w \
-message [G_msg "You must specify an output map"] -title [G_msg "No output map specified"]
# make tempfile to store rules for input into command
set rulespid [pid]
if {[catch {set rulesfile [exec g.tempfile pid=$rulespid]} error]} {
GmLib::errmsg $error [G_msg "Error creating tempfile"]
# get rules from text widget
set rules [$w get 1.0 end]
set rules [string trim $rules]
if { $cmd == "r.recode" } {
set rules "$rules\n"
# save rules to tempfile
catch {set output [open $rulesfile w ]}
puts $output $rules
if {[catch {close $output} error]} {
GmLib::errmsg $error [G_msg "Error creating rules file"]
set options {}
if { $cmd == "r.colors"} {
lappend options "map=$inmap"
} else {
lappend options "input=$inmap"
lappend options "rules=$rulesfile"
if { $cmd != "r.colors"} {
lappend options "output=$outmap"
# set overwrite flage
if { $overwrite == 1} {
lappend options "--o"
if {[catch {eval [list exec -- $cmd] $options} error]} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message [G_msg $error]
# delete rules file and close popup window when finished
if { $quit == 1 } {
file delete $rulesfile
destroy .rulesPopup