This file is indexed.

/usr/share/gauche-0.9/ is in gauche

This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.

The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.

;; generated automatically.  DO NOT EDIT
(define-module srfi-1 (export xcons list-tabulate circular-list not-pair? list= first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth car+cdr take-right drop-right take! drop-right! concatenate concatenate! append-reverse append-reverse! zip unzip1 unzip2 unzip3 unzip4 unzip5 count unfold pair-fold reduce unfold-right pair-fold-right reduce-right append-map append-map! map! pair-for-each map-in-order partition partition! list-index take-while drop-while take-while! span break span! break! alist-cons lset<= lset= lset-adjoin lset-union lset-union! lset-intersection lset-intersection! lset-difference lset-difference! lset-xor lset-xor! lset-diff+intersection lset-diff+intersection! null-list? cons* last member take drop take-right drop-right take! drop-right! delete delete! delete-duplicates delete-duplicates! assoc alist-copy alist-delete alist-delete! any every filter filter! remove remove! filter-map fold fold-right find find-tail split-at split-at! iota))
(select-module srfi-1)
(dynamic-load "srfi-1")