/usr/share/check_mk/modules/notify.py is in check-mk-server 1.2.2p3-1.
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# -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# +------------------------------------------------------------------+
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# | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2013 mk@mathias-kettner.de |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------+
# This file is part of Check_MK.
# The official homepage is at http://mathias-kettner.de/check_mk.
# check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
# in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
# out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
# ails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
# to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Environment macros are turned of due to Livestatus. So we
# need to go the hard (but efficient) way of using command line
# arguments. Fetching things via Livestatus would be possible
# but might introduce problems (for example race conditions).
# Specify a command that reads a mail body from stdin (an UTF-8
# encoded one) and can use any of the variables contact, email,
# hostname, servicedesc, hoststate, servicestate, output in
# the form %(variable)s
import urllib
# Default settings
notification_logdir = var_dir + "/notify"
notification_log = notification_logdir + "/notify.log"
notification_logging = 0
notification_log_template = \
notification_mail_command = u"mail -s '$SUBJECT$' '$CONTACTEMAIL$'"
notification_host_subject = u"Check_MK: $HOSTNAME$ - $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$"
notification_service_subject = u"Check_MK: $HOSTNAME$/$SERVICEDESC$ $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$"
notification_common_body = u"""Host: $HOSTNAME$
notification_host_body = u"""State: $LASTHOSTSTATE$ -> $HOSTSTATE$ ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$)
notification_service_body = u"""Service: $SERVICEDESC$
test_vars = {
'host': {
'NOTIFY_CONTACTEMAIL': 'lm@mathias-kettner.de',
'NOTIFY_DATE': '2013-01-17',
'NOTIFY_HOSTALIAS': 'localhost',
'NOTIFY_HOSTNAME': 'localhost',
'NOTIFY_HOSTOUTPUT': 'Manually set to Down by lm',
'NOTIFY_HOSTTAGS': 'cmk-agent prod lan tcp wato /wato/',
'NOTIFY_LOGDIR': '/omd/sites/event/var/check_mk/notify',
'NOTIFY_LONGDATETIME': 'Thu Jan 17 15:28:13 CET 2013',
'NOTIFY_SHORTDATETIME': '2013-01-17 15:28:13',
'NOTIFY_OMD_ROOT': '/omd/sites/event',
'NOTIFY_OMD_SITE': 'event',
'service': {
'NOTIFY_CONTACTEMAIL': 'lm@mathias-kettner.de',
'NOTIFY_DATE': '2013-01-17',
'NOTIFY_HOSTALIAS': 'localhost',
'NOTIFY_HOSTNAME': 'localhost',
'NOTIFY_HOSTOUTPUT': 'OK - rta 0.028ms, lost 0%',
'NOTIFY_HOSTPERFDATA': 'rta=0.028ms;200.000;500.000;0; pl=0%;40;80;; rtmax=0.052ms;;;; rtmin=0.021ms;;;;',
'NOTIFY_HOSTTAGS': 'cmk-agent prod lan tcp wato /wato/',
'NOTIFY_LOGDIR': '/omd/sites/event/var/check_mk/notify',
'NOTIFY_LONGDATETIME': 'Thu Jan 17 15:31:46 CET 2013',
'NOTIFY_SERVICECHECKCOMMAND': 'check_mk-cpu.loads',
'NOTIFY_SERVICEOUTPUT': 'CRIT - 15min load 1.29 at 2 CPUs (critical at 0.00)',
'NOTIFY_SERVICEPERFDATA': 'load1=1.35;0;0;0;2 load5=1.33;0;0;0;2 load15=1.29;0;0;0;2',
'NOTIFY_SHORTDATETIME': '2013-01-17 15:31:46',
'NOTIFY_OMD_ROOT': '/omd/sites/event',
'NOTIFY_OMD_SITE': 'event',
g_interactive = False
def set_fake_env(ty, context):
context.update(dict([(k[7:], v) for (k, v) in test_vars[ty].items()]))
def substitute_context(template, context):
# First replace all known variables
for varname, value in context.items():
template = template.replace('$'+varname+'$', value)
# Remove the rest of the variables and make them empty
template = re.sub("\$[A-Z]+\$", "", template)
return template
def notify_log(message):
if g_interactive or notification_logging >= 1:
formatted = (u"[%d] " % int(time.time())) + message + "\n"
if g_interactive:
file(notification_log, "a").write(formatted.encode("utf-8"))
def notify_usage():
sys.stderr.write("""Usage: check_mk --notify
check_mk --notify fake-service <plugin>
check_mk --notify fake-host <plugin>
Normally the notify module is called without arguments to send real
notification. But there are situations where this module is called with
COMMANDS to e.g. support development of notification plugins.
Available commands:
fake-service <plugin> ... Calls the given notification plugin with fake
notification data of a service notification.
fake-host <plugin> ... Calls the given notification plugin with fake
notification data of a host notification.
def get_readable_rel_date(timestamp):
change = int(timestamp)
change = 0
rel_time = time.time() - change
seconds = rel_time % 60
rem = rel_time / 60
minutes = rem % 60
hours = (rem % 1440) / 60
days = rem / 1440
return '%dd %02d:%02d:%02d' % (days, hours, minutes, seconds)
def urlencode(s):
return urllib.quote(s)
def do_notify(args):
mode = 'notify'
if args:
if len(args) != 2 or args[0] not in ['fake-service', 'fake-host']:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Invalid call to check_mk --notify.\n\n")
mode, plugin = args
global g_interactive
g_interactive = True
if not os.path.exists(notification_logdir):
# Hier müssen wir erstmal rausfinden, an wen die Notifikation gehen soll.
# Das sollte hoffentlich als Env-Variable da sein. Wenn nicht in check_mk_templates.cfg
# einbauen. Dann können wir in den Kontaktdefinitionen nachschauen. Diese sollten
# ja in main.mk/conf.d vorhanden sein. Die neue Notifikationstabelle muss auf jeden
# fall da rein. Für den Benutzer rufen also diese Tabelle auf. Wenn es die
# nicht gibt (garkein Eintrag), verfahren wir nach dem alten Verfahren und
# senden direkt eine Email. Wenn es die Tabelle aber gibt, werten wir
# Zeile für Zeile aus:
# - Bestimmen, ob die Zeile aktiv ist. Dazu ist evtl. eine Livestatus-Rückanfrage
# notwendig. Das ist nicht optimal, aber zumindest wegen der Timeperiods notwendig.
# - Wenn aktiv, dann rufen wir das Plugin dazu auf. Dieses hat sich mit einer
# Python-Funktion registriert. Wo werden diese definiert? Im precompiled-Fall
# brauchen wir das *nicht*. Man könnte die Plugins also einfach nur bei --notify
# einlesen. Zeitkritisch ist das nicht sehr, denn Notifikationen sind selten.
# Information about notification is excpected in the
# environment in variables with the prefix NOTIFY_
context = dict([
(var[7:], value.decode("utf-8"))
for (var, value)
in os.environ.items()
if var.startswith("NOTIFY_")
and not re.match('^\$[A-Z]+\$$', value)])
# Add a few further helper variables
import socket
context["MONITORING_HOST"] = socket.gethostname()
if omd_root:
context["OMD_ROOT"] = omd_root
context["OMD_SITE"] = os.getenv("OMD_SITE", "")
context["WHAT"] = context.get("SERVICEDESC") and "SERVICE" or "HOST"
context["MAIL_COMMAND"] = notification_mail_command
# Handle interactive calls
if mode == 'fake-service':
set_fake_env('service', context)
elif mode == 'fake-host':
set_fake_env('host', context)
context['HOSTURL'] = '/check_mk/view.py?view_name=hoststatus&host=%s' % urlencode(context['HOSTNAME'])
if context['WHAT'] == 'SERVICE':
context['SERVICEURL'] = '/check_mk/view.py?view_name=service&host=%s&service=%s' % \
(urlencode(context['HOSTNAME']), urlencode(context['SERVICEDESC']))
if mode in [ 'fake-service', 'fake-host' ]:
sys.exit(call_notification_script(plugin, [], context))
context['LASTHOSTSTATECHANGE_REL'] = get_readable_rel_date(context['LASTHOSTSTATECHANGE'])
if context['WHAT'] != 'HOST' and 'LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE' in context:
context['LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE_REL'] = get_readable_rel_date(context['LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE'])
if notification_logging >= 2:
notify_log("Notification context:\n"
+ "\n".join(["%s=%s" % v for v in sorted(context.items())]))
if not context:
sys.stderr.write("check_mk --notify expects context data in environment variables "
"that are prefixed with NOTIFY_\n")
# Get notification settings for the contact in question - if available.
method = "email"
contact = contacts.get(context["CONTACTNAME"])
if contact:
method = contact.get("notification_method")
method = 'email'
if type(method) == tuple and method[0] == 'flexible':
notify_flexible(contact, context, method[1])
except Exception, e:
notify_log("ERROR: %s\n%s" % (e, format_exception()))
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)
if notification_log:
sys.stderr.write("Details have been logged to %s.\n" % notification_log)
except Exception, e:
if g_interactive:
crash_dir = var_dir + "/notify"
if not os.path.exists(crash_dir):
file(crash_dir + "/crash.log", "a").write("CRASH:\n%s\n\n" % format_exception())
def notify_via_email(context):
notify_log(substitute_context(notification_log_template, context))
if "SERVICEDESC" in context:
subject_t = notification_service_subject
body_t = notification_service_body
subject_t = notification_host_subject
body_t = notification_host_body
subject = substitute_context(subject_t, context)
context["SUBJECT"] = subject
body = substitute_context(notification_common_body + body_t, context)
command = substitute_context(notification_mail_command, context)
command_utf8 = command.encode("utf-8")
if notification_logging >= 2:
notify_log("Executing command: %s" % command)
# Make sure that mail(x) is using UTF-8. More then
# setting the locale cannot be done here. We hope that
# C.UTF-8 is always available. Please check the output
# of 'locale -a' on your system if you are curious.
os.putenv("LANG", "C.UTF-8")
if notification_logging >= 2:
file(var_dir + "/notify/body.log", "w").write(body.encode("utf-8"))
os.popen(command_utf8, "w").write(body.encode("utf-8"))
def notify_flexible(contact, context, notification_table):
notify_log("Flexible notification for %s" % context["CONTACTNAME"])
for entry in notification_table:
plugin = entry["plugin"]
notify_log("Plugin: %s" % plugin)
# Check disabling
if entry.get("disabled"):
notify_log("- Skipping: it is disabled for this user")
# Check host, if configured
if entry.get("only_hosts"):
hostname = context.get("HOSTNAME")
if hostname not in entry["only_hosts"]:
notify_log(" - Skipping: host '%s' matches non of %s" % (hostname, ", ".join(entry["only_hosts"])))
# Check service, if configured
if entry.get("only_services"):
servicedesc = context.get("SERVICEDESC")
if not servicedesc:
notify_log(" - Proceed: limited to certain services, but this is a host notification")
for s in entry["only_services"]:
if re.match(s, servicedesc):
notify_log(" - Skipping: service '%s' matches non of %s" % (
servicedesc, ", ".join(entry["only_services"])))
# Check notification type
event, allowed_events = check_notification_type(context, entry["host_events"], entry["service_events"])
if event not in allowed_events:
notification_type = context.get("NOTIFICATIONTYPE","")
notify_log(" - Skipping: wrong notification type %s (%s), only %s are allowed" %
(event, notification_type, ",".join(allowed_events)) )
# Check notification number (in case of repeated notifications/escalations)
if "escalation" in entry:
from_number, to_number = entry["escalation"]
if context["WHAT"] == "HOST":
notification_number = int(context.get("HOSTNOTIFICATIONNUMBER", 1))
notification_number = int(context.get("SERVICENOTIFICATIONNUMBER", 1))
if notification_number < from_number or notification_number > to_number:
notify_log(" - Skipping: notification number %d does not lie in range %d ... %d" %
(notification_number, from_number, to_number))
if "timeperiod" in entry:
timeperiod = entry["timeperiod"]
if timeperiod and timeperiod != "24X7":
if not check_timeperiod(timeperiod):
notify_log(" - Skipping: time period %s is currently not active" % timeperiod)
if plugin is None:
call_notification_script(plugin, entry.get("parameters", []), context)
def call_notification_script(plugin, parameters, context):
# Prepare environment
os.putenv("NOTIFY_PARAMETERS", " ".join(parameters))
for nr, value in enumerate(parameters):
os.putenv("NOTIFY_PARAMETER_%d" % (nr + 1), value)
os.putenv("NOTIFY_LOGDIR", notification_logdir)
for key in [ 'WHAT', 'OMD_ROOT', 'OMD_SITE',
if key in context:
os.putenv('NOTIFY_' + key, context[key])
# Remove service macros for host notifications
if context['WHAT'] == 'HOST':
for key in context.keys():
if 'SERVICE' in key:
os.unsetenv('NOTIFY_%s' % key)
# Remove exceeding arguments from previous plugin calls
for nr in range(len(parameters)+1, 101):
name = "NOTIFY_PARAMETER_%d" % nr
if name in os.environ:
os.putenv(name, "")
# Call actual script without any arguments
if local_notifications_dir:
path = local_notifications_dir + "/" + plugin
if not os.path.exists(path):
path = notifications_dir + "/" + plugin
path = notifications_dir + "/" + plugin
if not os.path.exists(path):
notify_log("Notification plugin '%s' not found" % plugin)
notify_log(" not in %s" % notifications_dir)
if local_notifications_dir:
notify_log(" and not in %s" % local_notifications_dir)
notify_log("Executing %s" % path)
out = os.popen(path + " 2>&1 </dev/null")
for line in out:
notify_log("Output: %s" % line.rstrip())
exitcode = out.close()
if exitcode:
notify_log("Plugin exited with code %d" % (exitcode >> 8))
return exitcode
return 0
def check_notification_type(context, host_events, service_events):
notification_type = context["NOTIFICATIONTYPE"]
if context["WHAT"] == "HOST":
allowed_events = host_events
state = context["HOSTSTATE"]
events = { "UP" : 'r', "DOWN" : 'd', "UNREACHABLE" : 'u' }
allowed_events = service_events
state = context["SERVICESTATE"]
events = { "OK" : 'r', "WARNING" : 'w', "CRITICAL" : 'c', "UNKNOWN" : 'u' }
if notification_type == "RECOVERY":
event = 'r'
elif notification_type in [ "FLAPPINGSTART", "FLAPPINGSTOP", "FLAPPINGDISABLED" ]:
event = 'f'
event = 's'
elif notification_type == "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT":
event = 'x'
event = events.get(state, '?')
return event, allowed_events
def format_exception():
import traceback, StringIO, sys
txt = StringIO.StringIO()
t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
traceback.print_exception(t, v, tb, None, txt)
return txt.getvalue()