/usr/share/check_mk/checks-man/df is in check-mk-server 1.2.2p3-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 | title: Check used space in filesystems
agents: linux, windows, aix, solaris, vms
author: Mathias Kettner <mk@mathias-kettner.de>
license: GPL
distribution: check_mk
This check measures the usage of filesystems. The usage
is checked against a warning and a critical level, which
can be specified in numerous ways. Beware: on Linux and UNIX systems
the filesystem might reserve a certain amount for root (typical is 5%).
This checks considers that reserved space as used. This is consistant with
the percentage-column in the output of {df}. So your filesystem might
be at 100% in a situation where root still has 5% free space available.
{Trends:} This checks supports filesystem {trends}. This means that the {df} check
is able to compute the {change} of the used space over the time and can
make a forecast into the future. It can estimate the point of time where
the filesystem will be full.
In the default configuration the check will compute the trend based on the
data of the last 24 hours. Similar like the CPU load this is done with
a logarithmic average that weights the more recent time more than time
farer away. Also data beyond the 24 hours will to some small degree be
reflected in the computation. The advantage of this algorithm is a more
precise prediction and a simpler implementation, which does not need any
access to any RRDs or similar storage.
Please note, that when a filesystem is started being monitored, then
the trend of the past is unknown and will be assumed to be {zero}. That
means that it will take at least one trend range of time until the trend
approximately reflects the reality.
{Grouping:} In some situations you do not want to monitor a single
filesystem but a group of filesystems that together form a pool.
It is not relevant if some filesystems of the pool are
full but only the total usage of the pool as whole. The {df} check supports such pools
by defining groups. For each group you specify a name and a list
of globbing patterns (path patterns containing {*} and {?}). The name
is being used as the check item. All filesystems that match one of
the patterns are part of the pool.
When using inventory then you specify the groups with the ruleset
{filesystem_groups}. When configuring manual checks, you specify
the list of patterns in the check parameter {"patterns"}.
The mount point of the filesystem (UNIX) or the drive
letter in upper case followed by a colon (Windows). For groups
the item is the name of the group.
# Set default levels for all filesystems to 90/95 (simple way)
filesystem_default_levels = (90, 95)
# alternative: Set default levels via new dictionary method:
filesystem_default_levels = {
"levels" : (80, 90), # levels in percent
"magic" : 0.8, # magic factor
"magic_normsize" : 20, # normsize in GB
"levels_low" : (50, 60), # magic never lowers levels below this (percent)
"trend_range" : 48, # hours
"trend_mb" : (10, 20), # MB of change during trend_range
"trend_perc" : (1, 2), # Percent change during trend_range
"trend_timeleft" : (72, 48), # run time left in hours until full
"trend_perfdata" : False # no performance data for trends
# alternative[2]: Just change the default partially
filesystem_default_levels["magic"] = 0.8
# Disable trend performance data (beware of exsting RRDs)
filesystem_default_levels["trend_perfdata"] = False
# Override warning/critical levels for all checks where
# levels are "filesystem_default_levels"
check_parameters = [
# Hosts with tag "vms" get 85/95
( (85, 95), ["vms"], ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_" ] ),
# all /sapdata partitions will never be critical
( (101, 101), ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_/sapdata$" ] ),
# Partitions below "/var" get 80/90 with magic factor 0.5
( (80, 90, 0.5), ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_/var" ] ),
# /usr and /opt on hosts zlnx01 and zlnx02
( (98, 99), [ "zlnx01", "zlnx02" ], [ "fs_/usr$", "fs_/opt$" ] ),
# All filesystems on clusters get 80/95
( (80, 95), CLUSTERS_HOSTS, [ "fs_" ] ),
# Complex parameters in dictionary form
( {"levels":(80,90), "trend_range":48, "trend_mb":(20,40)},
[ "windows" ], ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_" ]),
# Exclude temporary backup from inventory
inventory_df_exclude_mountpoints = [ "/mnt/backup" ]
# Exclude certain filesystems from being inventorized at all
inventory_df_exclude_fs = [ "iso9660", "romfs" ]
# Define filesystem groups that should be monitored like
# one big filesystem
filesystem_groups = [
# The group Proxypool contains filesystems beginning with /var/cache
( [ ('Proxypool', '/var/cache/*') ], [], ALL_HOSTS),
# The group GOA/MUMU contains all filesystems beginning with either
# /goa or /mumu
( [ ('GOA/MUMU', '/goa*'), ('GOA/MUMU', '/mumu*')], [], ALL_HOSTS),
# The group SAP contains filesystems containing SAP or sap, but only
# on hosts with the tags "sap" and "linux":
( [('SAP', '*SAP*'), ('SAP', '*sap*')], [ 'sap', 'linux' ], ALL_HOSTS),
One or three values: The first value is the used space of the filesystem
in MB. Also the minimum (0 MB), maximum (size of the filesystem) and the warning and critical
levels in MB are provided. If you set the parameter {"trend_perfdata" : True}, then
two additional values are output: the change of the usage in MB per range
since the last check (e.g. in MB per 24 hours) and the averaged change (so called trend),
also in MB per range. Please note, that as of version 1.1.11i3, performance data for
trends is enabled per default. You can globally disable that in {main.mk}
with {filesystem_default_levels["trend_perfdata"] = False}.
Please note, that - until you use the storage type {MULTIPLE} in PNP4Nagios -
changing the parameter {"trend_perfdata"} will stop all updates to
your existing filesystem RRDs. You need either to delete or convert your RRDs
if you want to change.
df supports inventory. All filesystem the agent reports
will be inventorized except mount points listed in
{inventory_df_exclude_mountpoints} and filesystem types
listed in {inventory_df_exclude_fs}. The Windows agent
only reports fixed disks. The Linux agent reports filesystems
that have a size and are not of type smbfs, tmpfs, cifs or nfs.
When {filesystem_groups} is defined and a found filesystem
is matching one of the patterns of a group then instead of a
service of the single filesystem a check for the group is being
created. The check item is the name of that group in that
parameters (dict): This check supports two types of parameters. The
new version supports trends and is a dictionary with the following
{"levels"}: Warning and critical level of filesystem usage in percentages
of the filesystem size. The default is {(80, 90)}.
{"magic"}: The magic number, which scales the levels according to the
filesystem size. Default
is a factor of 1.0, which does no adaptation. A factor less than 1.0 raises
the levels for large filesystems and lowers them for small ones. Please
look at online documentation for more details about the magic factor.
{"magic_normsize"}: Norm size of a filesystem for the magic computation.
The default for this is {20}. It is measured in {GB}.
{"levels_low"}: When applying the magic factor the warn/crit levels
will never drop below these numbers. The is preset to {(50,60)}.
{"trend_range"}: The time range over that trends are computed. This
is in hours and preset to {24} (i.e. one day). If you set this to
{None} then trend computing is disabled and the check outputs only
one performance data value.
{"trend_mb"}: A pair of numbers specifying the maximum number of
megabytes the usage is allowed to grow within the time range if not
triggering warning/critical. If you set this to {(10,20)} then
the check will warn if the size grows by more than 10 MB per {trend_range}
hours and critical if it grows more than 20 MB. Per default no levels
are applied.
{"trend_perc"}: This is similar to trend_mb but here you specify
the allowed growth in percentages of the filesystem size. Fractional
values are allowed. This may be used in parallel with trend_mb.
{"trend_timeleft"}: A pair of numbers that specifies the minimum
hours of time left until the filesystem gets full. If you set this
to {(48,24)} then the check will warn if the estimated time until
the disk is full is 48 hours or less. It will get critical if only
24 hours are assumed to be left.
{"trend_perfdata"}: If this is set to {True}, then the check will
output two further performance data values: the current growth
and the trend.
{"patterns"}: If this is contained in the dictionary then it
must be a list of path patterns (using * and ?). Instead of a
single filesystem all filesystems matching one of the patterns
are taken into consideration and their sizes and usages are
summed up.
It is still possible to specify a pair or triple of numbers
{instead} of a dictionary:
warning (int): The percentage of used space that triggers
critical (int): The percentage of used space that triggers
magic_factor (float): Optional: Magic factor that adapts the levels
according to the size of the filesystem. Default
is a factor of 1.0, which does no adaptation. A factor
less than 1.0 raises the levels for large filesystems
and lowers them for small ones. Please look at online
documentation for more details about the magic factor.
inventory_df_exclude_fs (list of strings): Lists of filesystem types to exclude from inventory
inventory_df_exclude_mountpoints (list of strings): List of mount points to exclude from inventory
filesystem_default_levels: Default levels for filesystem detected by inventory.
This variable is preset to {{ "levels" : (80, 90), "magic_normsize" : 20,
"levels_low" : (50, 60), "trend_range" : 24 }}
filesystem_groups (ruleset): A ruleset for defining filesystem groups. The value of each
rule is a pair of (groupname, patterns), where patterns is a list of strings (path
patterns). During inventory filesystems that match one of the patterns are handled
as member of the group.