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## pane.tcl
## Paned Window management
## Paned Window Procs inspired by code by Stephen Uhler @ Sun.
## Thanks to John Ellson (ellson@lucent.com) for bug reports & code ideas.
## Copyright 1996 Jeffrey Hobbs.
## jhobbs@cs.uoregon.edu, http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/~jhobbs/
## source standard_disclaimer.tcl
## source beer_ware.tcl
## This file contains modifications by Jeffery P. Hansen. Modifications to
## this file only can be considered public domain.
## pane
## paned window management function
## pane configure <widget> ?<widget> ...? ?<option> <value>?
## pane <widget> ?<widget> ...? ?<option> <value>?
## Sets up the management of the named widgets as paned windows.
## -dynamic Whether to dynamically resize or to resize only
## when the user lets go of the handle
## -orient Orientation of window to determing tiling.
## Can be either horizontal (default) or vertical.
## -parent A master widget to use for the slaves.
## Defaults to the parent of the first widget.
## -handlelook Options to pass to the handle during 'frame' creation.
## -handleplace Options to pass to the handle during 'place'ment.
## Make sure you know what you're doing.
## pane forget <master> ?<slave> ...?
## If called without a slave name, it forgets all slaves and removes
## all handles, otherwise just removes the named slave(s) and redraws.
## pane info <slave>
## Returns the value of [place info <slave>].
## pane slaves <master>
## Returns the slaves currently managed by <master>.
## pane master <slave>
## Returns the master currently managing <slave>.
## pane is a limited interface to paned window management. Error
## catching is minimal. When you add more widgets to an already managed
## parent, all the fractions are recalculated. Handles have the name
## $parent.__h#, and will be created/destroyed automagically. You must
## use 'pane forget $parent' to clean up what 'pane' creates, otherwise
## critical state info about the parent pane will not be deleted. This
## could support -before/after without too much effort if the desire
## was there. Because this uses 'place', you have to take the same care
## to size the parent yourself.
## VERSION 0.92
proc pane {opt args} {
global PANE
switch -glob -- $opt {
co* { eval pane_config $args }
cg* { eval pane_cget $args }
f* {
set p [lindex $args 0]
if {[info exists PANE($p,w)]} {
if {[llength $args]==1} {
foreach w $PANE($p,w) { catch {place forget $w} }
foreach w [array names PANE $p,*] { unset PANE($w) }
if {![catch {winfo children $p} kids]} {
foreach w $kids {
if {[string match *.__h* $w]} { destroy $w }
} else {
foreach w [lrange $args 1 end] {
place forget $w
set i [lsearch -exact $PANE($p,w) $w]
set PANE($p,w) [lreplace $PANE($p,w) $i $i]
if [llength $PANE($p,w)] {
eval pane_config $PANE($p,w)
} else {
pane forget $p
} else {
i* { return [place info $args] }
s* {
if {[info exists PANE($args,w)]} {
return $PANE($args,w)
} {
return {}
m* {
foreach w [array names PANE *,w] {
if {[lsearch $PANE($w) $args] != -1} {
regexp {([^,]*),w} $w . res
return $res
return -code error \
"no master found. perhaps $args is not a pane slave?"
default { eval pane_config [list $opt] $args }
## I don't advise playing with these because they are slapped together
## and delicate. I don't recommend calling them directly either.
;proc pane_cget args {
global PANE
set value ""
set p [lindex $args 0]
if {$PANE($p,o) == "horizontal" } {
set target "-relwidth"
} else {
set target "-relheight"
switch -glob -- [lindex $args 1] {
-f* {
set value {}
foreach w $PANE($p,w) {
foreach {opt val} [place info $w] {
if { $opt == $target } {
lappend value $val
return $value
;proc pane_config args {
global PANE
array set opt {orn none par {} dyn 0 hpl {} hlk {} }
set wids {}
for {set i 0;set num [llength $args];set cargs {}} {$i<$num} {incr i} {
set arg [lindex $args $i]
if [winfo exists $arg] { lappend wids $arg; continue }
set val [lindex $args [incr i]]
switch -glob -- $arg {
-dy* { set opt(dyn) [regexp -nocase {^(1|yes|true|on)$} $val] }
-o* { set opt(orn) $val }
-p* { set opt(par) $val }
-handlep* { set opt(hpl) $val }
-handlel* { set opt(hlk) $val }
-dec* { set opt(dec) $val }
-f* { set opt(frc) $val }
default { return -code error "unknown option \"$arg\"" }
if {[string match {} $wids]} {
return -code error "no widgets specified to configure"
if {[string compare {} $opt(par)]} {
set p $opt(par)
} else {
set p [winfo parent [lindex $wids 0]]
if {[string match none $opt(orn)]} {
if {![info exists PANE($p,o)]} { set PANE($p,o) h }
} else {
set PANE($p,o) $opt(orn)
if {[string match h* $PANE($p,o)]} {
set owh height; set wh width; set xy x; set hv h
} else {
set owh width; set wh height; set xy y; set hv v
if ![info exists PANE($p,w)] { set PANE($p,w) {} }
foreach w [winfo children $p] {
if {[string match *.__h* $w]} { destroy $w }
foreach w $wids {
set i [lsearch -exact $PANE($p,w) $w]
if {$i<0} { lappend PANE($p,w) $w }
set ll [llength $PANE($p,w)]
set frac [expr {1.0/$ll}]
set pos 0.0
array set hndconf $opt(hlk)
if {![info exists hndconf(-$wh)]} {
set hndconf(-$wh) 4
set index 0
foreach w $PANE($p,w) {
if {[info exists opt(frc)]} {
set frac [lindex $opt(frc) $index]
incr index
place forget $w
place $w -in $p -rel$owh 1 -rel$xy $pos -$wh -$hndconf(-$wh) \
-rel$wh $frac -anchor nw
raise $w
set pos [expr $pos+$frac]
place $w -$wh 0
set index 0
while {[incr ll -1]} {
if {[info exists opt(frc)]} {
set frac [lindex $opt(frc) $index]
incr index
set h [eval frame [list $p.__h$ll] -bd 2 -relief sunken \
-cursor sb_${hv}_double_arrow [array get hndconf]]
eval place [list $h] -rel$owh 1 -rel$xy [expr $frac*$ll] \
-$xy -$hndconf(-$wh) -anchor nw $opt(hpl)
raise $h
bind $h <ButtonPress-1> "pane_constrain $p $h \
[lindex $PANE($p,w) [expr $ll-1]] [lindex $PANE($p,w) $ll] \
$wh $xy $opt(dyn)"
if {[info exists opt(dec)]} {
$opt(dec) $h -orient $opt(orn)
foreach hc [winfo children $h] {
bind $hc <ButtonPress-1> "pane_constrain $p $h \
[lindex $PANE($p,w) [expr $ll-1]] [lindex $PANE($p,w) $ll] \
$wh $xy $opt(dyn) $hc"
;proc pane_constrain {p h w0 w1 wh xy d args} {
global PANE
if { $args != "" } {
set hc $args
} else {
set hc $h
regexp -- "\-rel$xy (\[^ \]+)" [place info $w0] junk t0
regexp -- "\-rel$xy (\[^ \]+).*\-rel$wh (\[^ \]+)" \
[place info $w1] junk t1 t2
set offset [expr ($t1+$t2-$t0)/10.0]
set psize [winfo $wh $p]
#original constraints
# array set PANE [list XY [winfo root$xy $p] WH [winfo $wh $p].0 \
W0 $w0 W1 $w1 XY0 $t0 XY1 [expr $t1+$t2] \
C0 [expr $t0+$offset] C1 [expr $t1+$t2-$offset]]
# jph - modified constraint
array set PANE [list XY [winfo root$xy $p] WH [winfo $wh $p].0 \
W0 $w0 W1 $w1 XY0 $t0 XY1 [expr $t1+$t2] \
C0 [expr $t0+10.0/$psize] C1 [expr $t1+$t2]]
bind $hc <B1-Motion> "pane_motion %[string toup $xy] $p $h $wh $xy $d"
if !$d {
bind $hc <ButtonRelease-1> \
"pane_motion %[string toup $xy] $p $h $wh $xy 1"
;proc pane_motion {X p h wh xy d} {
global PANE
set f [expr ($X-$PANE(XY))/$PANE(WH)]
if {$f<$PANE(C0)} { set f $PANE(C0)}
if {$f>$PANE(C1)} { set f $PANE(C1)}
if $d {
place $PANE(W0) -rel$wh [expr $f-$PANE(XY0)]
place $h -rel$xy $f
place $PANE(W1) -rel$wh [expr $PANE(XY1)-$f] -rel$xy $f
} else {
place $h -rel$xy $f
## These auto-generate for the plugin
if [info exists embed_args] {
## Hey, super-pane the one toplevel we get!
pane [frame .0] [frame .1]
## Use the line below for a good non-plugin example
#toplevel .0; toplevel .1
pane [listbox .0.0] [listbox .0.1] -dynamic 1
pane [frame .1.0] [frame .1.1] -dyn 1
pane [listbox .1.0.0] [listbox .1.0.1] [listbox .1.0.2] -orient vertical
pack [label .1.1.0 -text "Text widget:"] -fill x
pack [text .1.1.1] -fill both -expand 1
set i [info procs]
foreach w {.0.0 .0.1 .1.0.0 .1.0.1 .1.0.2 .1.1.1} { eval $w insert end $i }
## EOF